Rude People

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by aligmamma, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. aligmamma

    aligmamma Well-Known Member

    I was checking out in Target today and was talking to another mom of twins. The cashier overheard us say we had twins and she said "oh bless your hearts!" I said "well, thank you they are a blessing!" Then I couldn't believe what she said next!!! She said "oh, no i mean I feel sorry for you!" I told her I was thrilled to have my babies and I felt very blessed and she said "no, you are cursed!" I was so shocked that she said that! I told her I love my children very much and would never call them a curse! .... I'm still speechless!
  2. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    First :woah: Second :aggressive:
  3. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    My reply?

    "You are so right! I AM cursed. I ALWAYS seem to pick the wrong dang checkout lane."


    Some people just need to go back to the rocks they crawled out from under and leave the rest of us alone. :nea:
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  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, that's just downright rude!! :shok:
  5. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    WOW :catfight: Dh and I were just talking about this today, seriously we are so tired of people ugh!

    I love the wrong checkout lane comment hahaha!

    Today a woman said to me that having twins was just like having a baby and a toddler...yeah you caught me you're right lady :rolleyes:
  6. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    i'm surprised at all the jealousy. those people really want twins and just won't admit it.
  7. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Got your reciept? Why don't you call the manager today and give them the cashier number and the comment that was made. Let them know you found it very offensive. Sounds like this girl needs to work on her customer service skills and if she is saying stuff like this to random strangers, she's going to give target a bad name. It won't get her fired but it will send her a message that it is not okay to say these things to people.
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  8. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    I have a neighborhood full of people like this. So many of them have gone thru IVF on our street, 5 of us, and there does seem to be some jealousy about twins. In fact some friendships have been very strained. Not because of twins but because I got pregnant first. It is very sad to see. Anyways, it seems they want twins but then when there are not twins they start hurling insults. Like they wouldnt want twins, and how much work it is, and they're glad they arent going through this. It always amazes me!!! I just tell them that there is no better feeling than having TWO beautiful babies to look at all day. Or, God only gives you what you can handle!
    It has gotten so stressful around our neighborhood with one person in particular that I would like to move!
  9. jbritt325

    jbritt325 Well-Known Member

    I agree!!! What a #*@$!!
  10. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I love that response and am going to add that to my list.

    I'm sick of hearing dumb at the store when I bring the boys in. I do a Sunday routine of going to the local store, getting baby needs, sunday papers, mom's shopping, then going to visit grandparents.
    I think if I hear another stupid remark I'm having a T-shirt made for boys and I with all the responses printed on them!
  11. perfekticon

    perfekticon Member

    You know I hear stupid stuff said all the time when people see that you have twins. I think the reason for this is most people really don't know what to say when they see someone with twins. I had an older lady ask me if they were twins and I politely said yes. Then she asked me if they were identical I said one one is a boy and the other was a girl (because the blue and pink carriers didn't give it away). Then she asked how do can you tell them apart. So I said well one has a penis the other one doesn't and walked away. Now do I think I could call this person's work and demand that she be talked to or fired. NO!! Leslie that seems to be a little too far. Take things in stride. Maybe I am a little laid back but to complain about this is stupid. I bet you are the same type of person that thinks if...wait I am not going to say any more I don't want to get into trouble.
  12. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I really hope that you arent telling ladies suffering with infertility that "God only gives you what you can handle." I would totally be upset about that too.

    And I would totally call the store and report the incident. That is beyond rude IMO.
  13. perfekticon

    perfekticon Member

    If you call the store I guarantee that they will say to the clerk hey watch what you say. The clerk's response will be okay and that will be it. Trust me I use to work in Customer Service. The manager would not see it as a big deal. One person's happiness is another person's sadness. Maybe this clerk has seen people she has know raise twins and they complain all the time about it and hasn't seen anyone with twins talk good. You can't judge one person's opinion when you know nothing about the person you are judging.
  14. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I agree, that comment was out of line. I would be irked too. Though perhaps the cashier just thought she was being funny and is one of those people who think they can joke with just anybody? Obviously, most people would NOT think that comment was funny though. But I also wouldn't call the store to complain either. I think the cashier is probably just clueless and was not intentionally trying to be rude. When employees are intentionally rude to me though, well then I might just call the store. Or make a pissy comment to the cashier on my way out, LOL.
  15. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I usually just laugh and walk away but in that case I probably would have jumped over the counter and strangled her REAL GOOD.

    That is just idiotic.

    What a fricking moron.

    I don't care WHAT it was she was talking about; whether it was the shirt you were wearing, your husband, or your twins- you NEVER, EVER say you feel "sorry" for someone else. It's not PC.

    It would have been a tough one for me. Cops may have been called. LOL.
  16. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    OMG :BDH: How rude of her!!!! Any child is a blessing.....1 or 10 of them!!!! The nerve of some people!
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