Rubbing eyes and irritable

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sassafrakitty, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. sassafrakitty

    sassafrakitty Well-Known Member

    So, Talon has been just irritable and rubbing his eys ALL THE TIME, tired or not tired for about a month now. He was my happy giggly laughing all the time baby. now he just wants to be held all the time and he's sleeping a lot more. Do you think it's a stage or should I be concerned. Ok, I guess I'm already concerned, so the question should be, am I a paraoid mom?
  2. sassafrakitty

    sassafrakitty Well-Known Member

    So, Talon has been just irritable and rubbing his eys ALL THE TIME, tired or not tired for about a month now. He was my happy giggly laughing all the time baby. now he just wants to be held all the time and he's sleeping a lot more. Do you think it's a stage or should I be concerned. Ok, I guess I'm already concerned, so the question should be, am I a paraoid mom?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Do you think he's sick? Are his eyes red or goopy? If not, I am sure he's really busy, moving a lot, maybe he's just more tired these days? Is he still eating and drinking the same? [​IMG]
  4. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    My guess would be that he's kiddos would go through spurts were all they would do is sleep.


    Mommy to Parker and Lily 10 mos. old
  5. ABeeCDandE!

    ABeeCDandE! Well-Known Member

    My guess would be that he's kiddos would go through spurts were all they would do is sleep.

    Hmmm, that sounds nice. I don't believe you. [​IMG]
  6. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Another option for you- eye rubbing could be allergies. They also cause irritability.
  7. mommyeandm

    mommyeandm Well-Known Member

    It might be allergies like pp said...I know when mine act up all I want to do is sleep and they do make me irritable. GL!
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