RSV, pneumonia, hospital, oh my (v. long)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by EmmaKay, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. EmmaKay

    EmmaKay Well-Known Member

    Mods- could you pls crosspost to the BF Forum? Thanks!

    It's been a tough few weeks. The weekend before last--right after their first week in daycare--the boys started coming down with the sniffles. By Tuesday last week, they were so sick that DH took them into the doc...and came home with a nebulizer. I had a bad feeling RSV was rearing its ugly head, and when DH took them in for followup the next day, turned out I was right--both had RSV, and needed to be admitted to the hospital for respiratory distress. And so the nightmare began--two sick boys, two frantic first-time parents...

    ...they had both stopped wanting to eat on Wednesday, so I'd been pumping fulltime ever since at the hospital, even as I was starting to feel really, really crappy. At first I just assumed I had caught RSV, but as my temp started soaring to 102 and 103 the nurses finally convinced me to go down to Emergency and get admitted. They admitted me on Sunday morning with a temp of 104.7 and a nasty case of pneumonia. [​IMG] I was still trying to pump every three hours during the day at this point, but had cut out night pumping 'cause I felt so, so awful and tired.

    Finally got myself released on Tuesday morning, the boys started improving and got off their oxygen and IVs, and we all came home yesterday afternoon. We're doing fine, if all tired, and the boys' appetite hasn't fully returned. I'm still trying to pump when I can (they've little interest in bf so far), but right now have to give priority to healing and resting. In other words, I'm just trying to maintain having a milk supply at all, and will try to worry about upping it when I'm feeling better/stronger.

    To the Bf forum ladies: I could really use some encouragement--at this point, it would be all too easy just to let the little supply I have left dwindle, especially since the boys aren't very interested. I don't have the strength for a marathon right now, but am willing to keep up the daytime pumping till I feel better. I don't want to stop nursing--I love nursing--but I don't know if I have the energy to give to work it back to normal. [​IMG]
  2. EmmaKay

    EmmaKay Well-Known Member

    Mods- could you pls crosspost to the BF Forum? Thanks!

    It's been a tough few weeks. The weekend before last--right after their first week in daycare--the boys started coming down with the sniffles. By Tuesday last week, they were so sick that DH took them into the doc...and came home with a nebulizer. I had a bad feeling RSV was rearing its ugly head, and when DH took them in for followup the next day, turned out I was right--both had RSV, and needed to be admitted to the hospital for respiratory distress. And so the nightmare began--two sick boys, two frantic first-time parents...

    ...they had both stopped wanting to eat on Wednesday, so I'd been pumping fulltime ever since at the hospital, even as I was starting to feel really, really crappy. At first I just assumed I had caught RSV, but as my temp started soaring to 102 and 103 the nurses finally convinced me to go down to Emergency and get admitted. They admitted me on Sunday morning with a temp of 104.7 and a nasty case of pneumonia. [​IMG] I was still trying to pump every three hours during the day at this point, but had cut out night pumping 'cause I felt so, so awful and tired.

    Finally got myself released on Tuesday morning, the boys started improving and got off their oxygen and IVs, and we all came home yesterday afternoon. We're doing fine, if all tired, and the boys' appetite hasn't fully returned. I'm still trying to pump when I can (they've little interest in bf so far), but right now have to give priority to healing and resting. In other words, I'm just trying to maintain having a milk supply at all, and will try to worry about upping it when I'm feeling better/stronger.

    To the Bf forum ladies: I could really use some encouragement--at this point, it would be all too easy just to let the little supply I have left dwindle, especially since the boys aren't very interested. I don't have the strength for a marathon right now, but am willing to keep up the daytime pumping till I feel better. I don't want to stop nursing--I love nursing--but I don't know if I have the energy to give to work it back to normal. [​IMG]
  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    oh you poor thing... [​IMG]
    I don't have much advice on the BF, but I am so sorry that you all have been sooo sick. Work on getting better and Ronan & Declan too.
  4. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness! [​IMG] I hope everybody recovers quickly! Keep us updated as much as you can, but please rest and take care of yourself, Ronin and Declan as much as you can! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. jessben81

    jessben81 Well-Known Member

    First of all, big hugs to you! [​IMG] That is so awful that you and your babies were all sick, and ended up in the hospital no less! At least you are all home and getting better, right? [​IMG]
    I only pumped for my boys for 2 months, but, I can offer a suggestion for you: Mother's Milk Tea helped me alot when I was trying to keep up/increase my supply when the boys were in the NICU for 3weeks after they were born. Please remember to take care of yourself and the boys first and worry about the pumping after. And keep reminding yourself that as they get better the babies will be interested in BFing again. It will just take some time.
    Hope you are all 100% better soon!
    Jessica [​IMG]
  6. Ruth Anne

    Ruth Anne Well-Known Member

    Oh, sweetie! I am sorr y they got sick and you did too! I am glad you are all home, and here is your encouragement....

    They need every drop of your milk they can get now, and I knwo it would be easy to let your supply dwindle, but you are their first line of defense against everything that is going around, and breastfeeding can make a huge difference for as long as you do it. They aren't getting much most likely now because they don't need much, but as soon as they start nursing more you will make more, and getting your rest is a big part of this. If you take care of you and drink and eat as much as you can, and let them nurse as often as they will while you close your eyes and relax a bit, then it will help all of you. [​IMG]

    If they nurse for two minutes they get two minutes of antibodies and some nutrition, and you are a perfect source of all they need to tak in right now to stay healthy even if it doesn't seem as if they are getting much or are very interested at the moment. I suggest you just do the best you can for now, and keep that pumping up as often as you are able. They will pick up interest soon, and when they do just let them do the supply building for you. As long as they are having plenty of wet diapers they are getting enough, and it sounds as if you are doing exactly what you need to do for now...try to get yourself well and rested and let them nurse when they will. Two hungry babies will help your supply recover, as will you getting rest and fluids.

    Breastfeeding really does make a difference to your health and theirs in the short and long run, and if you really do want to continue it would be best for all of you healthwise long term. As long as you keep some supply going meanwhile you should be able to build back up, and I really hope you all feel better soon. If you did decide to stop nursing they would do fine I am sure, but since it doesn't sound like what you really want, I suggest keeping as much supply going as you can and making such an important decision when you feel better. When you are more rested and can think clearly about what you want to do then reevaluate, but since this is much harder to restart than to continue I suggest keeping up what you are doing until you feel better. You are an awesome to keep pumping any while you feel so bad, and I know your sweeties have benefitted from every drop of your milk they have ever gotten no matter what you decide to do! Let us know how it is going and feel better soon! [​IMG]
  7. babies@2

    babies@2 Well-Known Member

    Wow! God bless you for working so hard for your little ones! I agree with Ruth Anne to continue to try to maintain your supply. Every little bit counts that you offer them! I hope you all have a speedy recovery!
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    [​IMG]Hope you all feel better soon...and I applaud your strength to try and keep must be so difficult when you are so sick! [​IMG]
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