Round two of PT-no good!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marijanad, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies, so I took everyone's great advice and took a break from PT for about two good weeks with one of my DD. They are 27 months corrected. So when we restarted she seemed to do okay, and almost always pooped on the potty. HOWEVER, she can't seem to get two things: getting to the potty before she pees her undies, and listening to me when I remind her to go, or remind her to tell me. Basically, she would only be alerted to go to the bathroom if she had already wet her pants. I was changing her several times a day, you should see the resulting laundry pile! My other DD is totally disinterested in it all, can't even get her to sit clothed on the potty.
    Plus, I have little energy and am expecting our third in 5 weeks.
    So I have put her back in pullups or diapers or whatever I have on hand, and she seems to be all regressed now and pooped in her diaper and has a yucky rash now.
    Why do I feel so defeated???!!!
    I have put major pressure on myself to get this done prior to #3 arriving, because I thought at least 2 bums that need changing are better then 3, plus the girls are supposed to start
    a private preschool in September and they have to be trained for it.

    I need someone to tell me it will be fine! Should I just try again in the summer when baby is settled in and the girls can run around in undies???
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    #1-Don't put pressure on yourself. I know it's hard not to, especially with deadlines approaching (like the start of school in Sept) but the bottom line is they will do it when they are ready :hug: You have a lot going on right now with a new baby right around the corner, so take any unneeded pressure off of yourself
    #2-I think trying again in the summer would be a great idea, especially when the family is in the groove with the addition of a new baby. You being more relaxed about it will help your DD's be more relaxed about it.

    I'll say the same thing to you that my mother told me when I was in the throes of PT-ing my two: No child that she knew went to kindergarten in their diapers. They will be PT-ed.
    Hang tough, Momma! :hug:
    1 person likes this.
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP, take the pressure offer yourself. From what you are describing, they may not be physically ready. My son trained himself at just over 2, but couldn't really express the need to go until he was almost 3. My daughter on the other hand, had no ability to control the urine until just after 3. While she trained almost a year later, she was completely out of diapers for day/nap/night within a day and never really had accidents. It will happen; watch for the signs that they are ready.

    Best of luck!
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I agree take the pressure off of yourself. No matter how much pressure you put on yourself, they won't train until they are ready. I would also wait until the summer maybe keep working with them while you are at home but no pressure. I have not ever had much luck with totally accident free potty training until closer to 3.
  5. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Thanks to you all. Of course, when they're ready they're ready. I'll keep talking about it and reinforcing it with them. Come September if it's a problem, I'll deal with it then. I think I'm in crazed auto pilot mode trying to plan for this new baby!
    Thanks so much fellow hardworking Mamas.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Add me to the "ditto" list. I desperately wanted my older dd pt'd before I had the twins. I tried so hard when she was 2, but she just wasn't getting it. She was 2.5 when the twins were born. She was 3.5 before she was pt'd, but when we did it, she got it immediately, very few accidents. I changed 3 butts for a full year, so I feel your pain :)

    As others said, when they are ready, they are ready, and pushing the now, and putting pressure and deadlines on it, won't change that fact :) It's so hard, I completely understand, but you just have to take a deep breath, realize you *will* survive having 3 in diapers, and that it won't last forever :hug:
  7. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone, especially Danibell! Survival stories are always so helpful :)
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