Rotovirus vaccine question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by geaemama, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    Has anyone else agreed to this vaccine. We had the babies shots on Friday. We only give the shots for diseases/illnesses they could catch in the first year.

    Well, since both my older children had rotovirus I agreed to this oral vaccine. Since then, Allison (our usually stoic baby) is so uncomfortable, gassy, and just crys all the time. It is like she is having GI pain. Normally, Allison never spits up but ever since friday she has spit up every feeding. Plus she is only taking about an 1 1/2 oz per feeding instead of her normal 3-4oz per feeding. Ellie is a little more gassy, but not like Allison. Plus, with Allison usually being so content and now she is not I am a little worried. Anyone else have this vaccine and notice this?

  2. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    Hey ladies,

    Has anyone else agreed to this vaccine. We had the babies shots on Friday. We only give the shots for diseases/illnesses they could catch in the first year.

    Well, since both my older children had rotovirus I agreed to this oral vaccine. Since then, Allison (our usually stoic baby) is so uncomfortable, gassy, and just crys all the time. It is like she is having GI pain. Normally, Allison never spits up but ever since friday she has spit up every feeding. Plus she is only taking about an 1 1/2 oz per feeding instead of her normal 3-4oz per feeding. Ellie is a little more gassy, but not like Allison. Plus, with Allison usually being so content and now she is not I am a little worried. Anyone else have this vaccine and notice this?

  3. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    We just had our shots last Thursday for the boys. They were fussy that day but they are back to normal now. I hope she gets back to herself soon.
  4. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    OUr girls had mild fevers for a couple of days and fussed a bit, we were instructed to give them liquid Paracetemol and they were fine. Hope yours settle soon too!
  5. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    One of the side affects for the rotovirus vaccine is an upset stomach. My girls were so uncomfortable after they got theirs that i chose not to let them have the next round 2 months later.
  6. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I'm still on the fence about this one and they get their first shots tomorrow! I'm concerned about them getting this vaccine since it is so new. What happens if they get the virus?
  7. courts1028

    courts1028 Well-Known Member

    We got the vaccine the only thing that I noticed was they had messy diapers and boy did they STINK. But that was a good thing because I think both of then had a little constipation.

    mommy to Noah, Garrett and Gracyn
  8. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    How many rounds are there? My insurance doesn't cover it and I am starting to wonder if they need since I am a SAHM.
  9. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

  10. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    My dd got the oral rotovirus vaccine last month along with her other vaccines. She did spit up right after they gave it to her. Later that night and the next morning she did vomit and she was very fussy.
  11. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    I didn't get it for mine and now I am glad I didn't. We are 3 months delayed on shots as well, if it weren't for my DH, my kids wouldn't have any. My daughter got a 103 temp last time the night of the shots - I am holding off again at our next appointment. I am sorry to hear your babies got sick from the vaccine and I hope they are feeling better soon.
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