Rolling in the crib

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Josie2003, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Josie2003

    Josie2003 Member

    So I have 6.5 month old boy/girl twins. Both of them figured out how to roll both ways at about 5 months, but once they did it, they seemed to be content laying on their backs still or on their side. The past week, DS has been a rolling machine. He rolls onto his stomach in his crib and will get himself right up against the side. He will cry until you turn him over and then once you do turn him over, he'll continue to cry. I have gone in in the morning and he has rolled himself onto his back so I know he knows how to do it. Last night, I must've been up four or five times and ended up bringing him into bed with me out of desperation. The worst part is that DS and DD have to share a room so I don't feel like I can let him cry to work it out because he ends up waking up his sister and that is no bueno at 3am. Nevermind that my husband is gone until the end of next month and I have no family close by.

    I let him play during the day as much as he wants on his stomach to try and get it out of his system, but it doesn't seem to be working. Please tell me it gets better..and soon? How long will it last? I'm assuming he's working up to crawl or pulling himself up - something is coming, but I'm exhausted.

    Thanks in advance for any advice/words of wisdom :ibiggrin:
  2. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    One of my twins was like that too.. I ended up just leaving her to work it out for herself and she just got used to being on her tummy. In the end I didn't care if she woke her sister up, I just wasn't going to put up with it any more after the first night of her waking up about four times. And you know what? Her sister slept through her crying!

    PS: Welcome to TS!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There's a very good chance, after just a few nights, that your little girl will be able to sleep through his cries ;)

    However, in the mean time, does he consistently roll one way? Like, more to the right or more to the left? If so, put him up against the opposite side of the crib (or, if he's still short enough, against the end of the crib), so he has plenty of room to roll at night without getting stuck against the side as easily.
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    why do I hear Adele in my head LOL....anyway - they will wind up sleeping through each other - mine did and they shared a room till they were 3!
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yeah, my two shared a crib, then shared a room until they were almost 4, and they totally slept through each other crying.
  6. Josie2003

    Josie2003 Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions ladies.

    I also noticed that his first tooth is coming in. I could feel a sharp edge this morning before I put him down for his nap. I had forgotten to write down the proper Tylenol dosage at his 6 month check up so I had a call into the pedi to get that. But, in the meantime, it took over an hour to get him settled and finally asleep. I went in to check on him and he would put his thumb in his mouth and his head down while he was on his stomach, but then he would immediately pop back up and start crying again. I couldn't take the crying much longer so I ended up eventually flipped him over, calmed him down and he fell asleep for an hour and a half.

    I got the call back from the pedi's office and gave him the Tylenol when he woke up and he went down for his second nap without any problems. I'm guessing that the teething must be part of the problem.
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Those terrible teeth. Big meanies.
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yeah teething disrupts sleep like nothing else! :hug:
  9. Josie2003

    Josie2003 Member

    I think teething is definitely the culprit. I've been giving him the Tylenol and he's been sleeping like a dream - back to his normal self! Whew.

    And I think he may have figured out the rolling in the crib. I took the suggestion of putting him down against the side so he has room to roll and it seems to have helped. This morning I went in to get him and was on his stomach playing with his teething ring and he rolled right over! Yay! It was pretty funny yesterday though because I saw DD roll onto her stomach and then she rolled right over to her back. She needs to teach her big brother a thing or two! :D
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  10. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Wet/frozen washcloth to chew on helped my guys with teething. I hope the tooth pops out soon. As soon as they break the skin they start to feel better. I hope his sleep returns to normal soon!
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