Rollerskates and Smiley Faces

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AlphaBeta, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    1) My kids are asking for rollerskates. I'm not sure where they've seen them, but they want them. They will be 3 in April. They mastered the tricycle long ago, and are pretty steady on their feet, almost exclusively going up the stairs with one foot per tread. But I'm just not sure they are ready for rollerskates, even basic slow starter ones. I remember getting a plastic pair that went over my sneakers when I was maybe 5. But I'm also not convinced that the kids couldn't learn to use them now with time and coaching, just like with their trikes. What do you think? ETA: Helmets and knee pads are mandatory, before you even have to ask!

    2) DD has started drawing smiley faces. She makes a lopsided circle, puts two dots for eyes, and a lopsided, sometimes upside down smile. It's very recognizeable. I'm just floored. I brag on her a lot, and DS has started doing a great job of coloring in the lines, very seriously with his head on his arms and his tongue sticking out (comes from his Mama!). What age did your kids start drawing recognizeable objects?

    Thanks for the input.
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    First the roller skates: I picked up a pair at a garage sale a few years back. My kids all start to wear them around age 2. But they have the rule of only on the carpet until they are 4 (yes, we do them IN the house). That way they are learning, they can make them roll, but slowly and when they fall it doesn't really hurt much.

    Drawing, I think it totally depends on the child. My oldest was drawing very recognizable things and coloring well before 2, my 3 yr old who's almost 4 can barely close a circle. They both are doing great, keep on encouraging them!
  3. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    Rollerskates on carpet, good idea! Thanks. Maybe I can do that for a V-day gift then :)
  4. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Mine have the rollerskates that go over their shoes. There are 3 settings on them, when you put them on setting 1, its almost like walking, so I'm sure yours could handle them. The YMCA here has a free tot skate in the mornings, so we tried them there first, before the girls were 2. I was surprised that they could wear them. Madison, especially, does pretty well. I do hold their hands a lot still if they aren't on carpet. I figure it will be a while though before we move to setting 2 where the wheels actually work more, but that its good coordination practice for them.

    Yea on the drawing!! Mine say they're making circles, but they end up more like spirals. :D
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Cool! I never thought of roller skates for the kids! I have no idea!!!

    That is awesome your kids are drawing and that they enjoy it! My kids LOVE to draw as well and have been drawing happy faces for quite awhile. Here is a face on a body with arms, legs, hands, feet, etc. that Hannah drew this past summer. She started drawing faces right before she turned 2, and adding bodies a couple months later. One day she came up to me and I was asking her about the detail on her photo, she told me the dots below the ears were armpits! Ben could draw a face at 2 1/2 and is now adding bodies too. They can draw rainbows, flowers, people, and lions (don't ask me why or how these things came about). DS can also draw an awesome snake with a face, eye, and tongue.
  6. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    Marcy - What's the brand of skates that you got with the 3 settings? I've looked online, Target, TRUS, and Walmart, and all I see in their size range are the over the sneaker adjustable skates. Dora, Diego, and Spiderman, which will work for us, but doesn't seem to have speed levels. TIA!
  7. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    We have friends that got their girls roller skates for Christmas, and they really seem to like them. mine got roller blades for their 4th birthday. Right now they just roller blade by themselves on the carpet (hold my hand if theu go on the Pergo floor). They started ice skating last year, so my DH wanted to get them roller blades instead of roller skated (I thought roller skated would be better).
  8. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    N Idea on the rollerskates, but I think your dd's drawings are awesome.
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We are doing roller skates for Easter (age 2 1/2). They have some through Fisher Price that are ages 2+SKATES that have wheels that can lock. (the girls have used them in OT)- they have Barbie/and red/blue. We will get arm/leg pads - we have helmets from our tricycles. They may not get them right away, but it will be a great thing for spring/summer!!

    One of my DDs has been doing smileys since 25 months or soSMILEY FACE- they started as vague circles with stuff in them and now have detailed ears/eyes/nose/nostrils/teeth etc she has added bodies last month with hands & feet. She draws a'rocket', snakes, fish, and a few other things as well.She can write her name and few other odd My other DD started smileys last month and they really are starting to look like faces now- she has a different style than her sister! They all have spikey hair, dot,eyes and huge noses!!

    I think both things totally depend on the strenghts of your child.

    My two may have a hard time with roller skates since they have gross motor delays, BUT the OT reccomended them now that they can jump & go up stairs. It may take them both a long time to get used to them, but that is OK. Yet, both my girls have super fine motor skills and control...probably since they don't 'run' around as much as other kids thier age!! So the drawing/coloring etc comes a lot faster than it would if they were climbing and hopping around!!!

    Enjoy it and the worst that happens is you put the skates away for a few months until they are older!!

  10. AlphaBeta

    AlphaBeta Well-Known Member

    We got the kids some Little Tikes Inline Trainers, the wheels start out in a "tricycle" pattern with one in front and 2 in back side by side, then it can be moved to an inline configuration when they master the skate movement. Toddler shoe sizes 10-12. They were ecstatic! We put them on last night and let them roll on the carpet and helped them roll on the hard woods, they did a lot better than I would have expected. Nothing more than left foot, right foot so far, but they can stay upright and cross the carpet unaided, and I'm so impressed.

    My DH was aghast when I told him what I wanted to get for the kids. He was really sure that I'd lost my marbles. But he was so proud of our kiddos yesterday! It's so easy to underestimate what our kids are capable of, to shield them from every imaginable harm, but sometimes you just have to let them go for it, and it's so hard to do, but wow, look at them go! I'll post a pic when I get them downloaded to the computer.

    Thanks for all the advice!
  11. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KCMichigan @ Feb 14 2008, 06:12 AM) [snapback]621269[/snapback]
    We are doing roller skates for Easter (age 2 1/2). They have some through Fisher Price that are ages 2+SKATES that have wheels that can lock. (the girls have used them in OT)- they have Barbie/and red/blue. We will get arm/leg pads - we have helmets from our tricycles. They may not get them right away, but it will be a great thing for spring/summer!!

    These are the ones we have!

    KC - your girls pictures amaze me!! Mine aren't anywhere close to that. I probably don't work with them enough on drawing though.
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