*roll Call* Updates!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MNTwinSquared, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Ok, let's see who has made it over to the new boards! Give me an update please & tell me what your favorite thing about the new board is!!!

  2. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    I like the personal photos - cool to be able to associate a face with the name. I'm still getting used to everything, but ovral it's easy to get around.
  3. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Just made it over today, just got back from vacation in sunny FL :D , back to Denver with snow :eek:

    Still learning about the new site, so no favorite things yet!

    I am still nursing at almost 10 months, they still nurse 6-10 times a day, but I do offer the breast ALOT. We are doing solids twice daily currently and their appetites towards solids/finger foods seems to really be picking up. I tandem nurse 99% of the time.
    I still LOVE nursing and cannot see stopping when we reach the infamous 1yr!!!

    Molly and Zach
  4. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    I came over the day the switch was made. I love the fast reply button. Plus the board is just neat looking now...
  5. Jello717

    Jello717 Well-Known Member

    I made it. I don't think it's a whole lot different than the old board though, which I think is a good thing :)
  6. Mrs.B

    Mrs.B Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies! The new site is pretty snazzy... Very and fancy, I love the little flags, I was hoping to put one for me but couldn't figure that out :huh:
  7. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    I made it over...I'm not that great with change so I've been avoiding coming over here! I haven't checked it out much so no favorite thing yet.

    Nursing about 3x a day. Ethan is just getting over being VERY sick. He actually picked up salmonella from somewhere!!!!! :icon_eek: I think it was from the childwatch room at the YMCA because we were there the day before. My other two didn't get it at all, THANK GOD!! That's why we're unsure of where he could have gotten it, they all eat the same foods. I talked to the health dept. and they told me I must do a good job with hand washing and sanitizing to avoid the other two kids from getting it. I'm a nut about it now. I'm so thankful to still be nursing him because that's all he wanted. It kept him very hydrated & nourished with all the diarrhea. I can't wait until they stop putting everything in their mouths!!! And, needless to say, we will not be going back to the YMCA any time soon. Just in case!

    Now to figure out how to post this....
  8. Faith_Pasc

    Faith_Pasc Well-Known Member

    Hey, everyone! I made it over. I have to spend more time here because it reminds me a little too much of some other places where I did not feel comfortable. I'll be OK, though. :)

    We are STILL nursing, at almost 19 months. I cannot believe it. It has helped us get through a lot of teething and other discomforts. For the most part, it's just before bed and if they wake during the night (that has to stop but it is just so much easier and Momma needs to get some sleep). Sometimes we nurse once during the day but it really depends.

    Jackie, how are you guys doing?

  9. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Yep I am here too. We are just days shy of our 1year goal. Mommy is done though and we are going to start to wean soon. I love the arcade on this site.
  10. titania

    titania Well-Known Member

    i'm here too! i like the way the site is laid out, so i can scroll down and have all the forums right there in front of me. very easy to navigate. i miss all the smilies though. i think we had more before. or at least different ones.

    things are going great here. the boys are 17.5 months old and still nursing like newborns! :laughing: well, maybe not *quite* that much, but they sure do love it! and i do too, for the most part. i have my moments where i just don't want to be touched, but most of the time its good.i am so proud. my boys have that 'breastfed baby glow'! :a_smil09: i love it.
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'm here too! I like that you can add emoticons to your posts.

    We're nearing the 19-month mark and the boys are nursing 4-6 times a day. I'm offering at wakeup, naps, and bedtime and nursing any other time they ask. Trent is almost always the one who asks but Trevor is happy to join him. It's just so convenient to soothe them when they don't feel well or have gotten a bump or scrape. I never would have guessed I'd nurse twins into toddlerhood or that I'd feel so strongly about it.
  12. runnergirl

    runnergirl Well-Known Member

    I'm here! Love the look of the new boards and its all pretty easy to navigate.

    We are still BF exclusively and loving every moment of it!
  13. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    with help, we just made it over ... we're staying with my parents in england for the month which means i have less time to check in and couldn't pick a favourite thing about the site yet.

    the girls are nursing 4-5 times a day (wake-ups and going to bed) and i have no plans to wean them (or otherwise), i think we're just going with what works for them for now. they were both fairly sick a few weeks back and the only thing that they wanted to do was nurse. all better now, but still loving nursing.
  14. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    I'm here! Babies are still 100% BF, and still waiting for them to go to that 5 hour stretch :rolleyes:

    Jennifer :)
  15. Ruth Anne

    Ruth Anne Well-Known Member

    I am here. The girls are 3 years one months now and they usually nurse about 4 times a day...sometimes 3. The last few days they have both had tummy bugs (not severe, but enough to make them miserable and whiny) that I am soooo glad we could nurse through (although nursing several times a day is tiring with big kids just like with little kids). We have no weaning plans until they are ready. :)
  16. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I still know we are missing some! I hope everyone finds us!

    We are still nursing 3-4 times a day! Tonight Clayton did NOT want to stop. He wasn't actively nursing, but he knew that as soon as he let go he'd have to go to bed! So, he clung on for dear life! :wub:

    As you can see, I am in the process of changing my screen name back to who I was originally. I was JicJac. So, don't be surprised come May that I'll just be JicJac with no MNTwinSquared after it! Hope you don't mind the change! Then I promise I won't be changing it again!
  17. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    I am here too! I like the new site. It will take a while to get used to.

    We are still going strong at a year almost....one week to go! The girls show no signs of letting up. I don't think we will be giving it up anytime soon. They are nursing 4x during the day and Taylor acts like a newborn at night getting up every 2-3 hours. When am I ever going to get some sleep?
  18. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    I made it over!! I was able to transition over the Monday after the change.

    We are BFing 4x/day - wake up, naps & bedtime. I'm slowing weaning them and hope to be done around 15 months.

    Nice to see all y'all on the "other side" :D .
  19. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I'm here, still nursing and its going fabulous. We are at the six month mark and eating small amounts of solids. I have no more goals and will nurse as long or as short s they want now.
  20. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    Made it over a day or so after the change. Still going strong at almost two and a half months. They are starting to give me a little longer between feedings (DD gave me two nights of almost 7 hours and DS gave me about 4-5 hours those nights!) however, we're starting to get more spit up and fussiness...maybe some reflux issues, maybe not, we'll see if things improve soon. Thanks for all the support you ladies have given me so far. No goals of quitting...hoping to nurse as long as they want :wub: :icon_biggrin:
  21. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    I'm here (barely!). My favorite thing about the new site are the new smilies. Have you seen this one? :crazy: Hilarious!

    We are no longer nursing. :cray: We weaned about a month ago. The boys really didn't mind dropping the last feed. We still have snuggle time every morning - we read books together and cuddle first thing after waking and they love it.

    Ruth Anne, glad to see you made it over. Haven't seen you in a while and it's great to have you around!

  22. leahplus2

    leahplus2 Well-Known Member

    I just made it over....I've kinda missed TS. Good to see everyone.
  23. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]Yes I finally made it over here! I haven't been posting as much though, I guess I need to get used to this place. I do like the easy way of changing fonts and adding colors to my posts. I am lost tho without all of the moderator's pictures on top. I feel like I'm missing my friends when I don't see your happy faces. I know I just have to click that one link "Click here to learn more about the Breastfeeding Twins forum and moderators!" I guess I just miss automatically seeing it.

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