Ripping Sensation around Ribs

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by erinrshmalo, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. erinrshmalo

    erinrshmalo Active Member


    I, too, have been a lurking member for quite some time and this is my first post to the forum.

    I am 29 weeks pregnant with b/g twins, and in an incredible amount of severe discomfort--in fact, it's more pain than discomfort. I am a smaller-framed person (I am 5'5" and was about 122 lbs pre-pregnancy) and have such severe pain between where my uterus now is and my ribs. I feel as if my muscles are ripping away from my ribs--the pain is so intense that it brings me to tears. I have mentioned this to my OB who says it's just part of pregnancy, and initially suggested it wasn't pregnancy related. I went to my GP who said my OB was nuts--it absolutely has to do with pregnancy (carrying two babies) and being smaller framed. My OB just tells me to rest, and I'm not sure if I'm just not being direct enough.

    Has anyone else experienced this? And, if so, what did you do to alleviate your pain? The pain has become so severe that I am no longer working and can't spend much time even sitting up during the day. Is my OB just being unsupportive? Should I be asking for pain medication? Tylenol doesn't even touch this for me.

    Thanks so much for your thoughts :)

  2. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I had that for about a month and it was extremely painful. It felt almost like nails scraping my ribs or something like that??!! Especially when sleeping, I remember waking up and just screaming b/c it was such a sharp shooting pain. I wonder now if it was my belly expanding b/c I haven't had it for about a week or so.
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had that, it probably started around the same time frame you are at, and my perinatologist said it IS in fact your muscle's seperating from your ribs. It's excrutiating pain.

    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do. It's from your expanding uterus and growing babies. My dd was wedged in my ribs and causing it to happen.

    Rest rest rest. I tried using heat and cold packs, and it would help moderately but nothing really helped. It did go away pretty quick after I had the babies, within a couple of days I would say, but until then, it really was horrible.

    I'm sorry, I wish I had a better answer, but do know that you are far from alone! :hug:
  4. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    My babies are stretched out with feet right under my ribs and giving me a real hard time! It's painful and the only time I'm comfortable is if I'm laying down. I'm 5'3...and I guess there's just no where else for the babies to go :(
  5. erinrshmalo

    erinrshmalo Active Member

    Thanks everyone. It's comforting knowing I'm not the only one experiencing it!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi and welcome to Twinstuff! :welcome:
  7. erinrshmalo

    erinrshmalo Active Member

    QUOTE(summerfun @ Jun 15 2009, 09:43 AM) [snapback]1354691[/snapback]
    Hi and welcome to Twinstuff! :welcome:

    Thank you! :D
  8. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    So sorry you're feeling so awful! :hug: While not pregnant I have had bruised cartilidge in between my ribs and that hurts! Probably something similar or like pp's said muscles pulling away from the ribs. I don't know what kind of pain meds would be allowed during pregnancy though except for tylenol but it can't hurt to ask.

    It does sound like your OB is being somewhat unsupportive, he probably hears about all sorts of aches and pains about ribs that he thinks that's all yours is. I hate it when they just lump everything all together and say it's normal, you're fine, deal with it. Ha you try that buster! ;) LOL! Maybe try your OB again, if not go back to your GP. He sounds like he understands and can sympathize much better! Good luck mama! Take care!
  9. erinrshmalo

    erinrshmalo Active Member

    QUOTE(chellebelle @ Jun 15 2009, 09:55 AM) [snapback]1354716[/snapback]
    So sorry you're feeling so awful! :hug: While not pregnant I have had bruised cartilidge in between my ribs and that hurts! Probably something similar or like pp's said muscles pulling away from the ribs. I don't know what kind of pain meds would be allowed during pregnancy though except for tylenol but it can't hurt to ask.

    It does sound like your OB is being somewhat unsupportive, he probably hears about all sorts of aches and pains about ribs that he thinks that's all yours is. I hate it when they just lump everything all together and say it's normal, you're fine, deal with it. Ha you try that buster! ;) LOL! Maybe try your OB again, if not go back to your GP. He sounds like he understands and can sympathize much better! Good luck mama! Take care!

    It is a bit frustrating, especially because being overly hormonal I "FEEL" that I'm just being lumped into the many pregnant women who are experiencing aches and pains. I want to scream "How can you be so insensitive!" but then realize that part of that desire is just the hormones ;) I'm really not a fan of meds and do my best not to even take Tylenol, but this pain is much more than I can really deal with. I'll certainly try alternating heat and ice...perhaps that will help.

    Thanks so much to everyone for their support!
  10. aklambert

    aklambert Active Member

    QUOTE(E-girl @ Jun 15 2009, 10:12 AM) [snapback]1354761[/snapback]
    It is a bit frustrating, especially because being overly hormonal I "FEEL" that I'm just being lumped into the many pregnant women who are experiencing aches and pains. I want to scream "How can you be so insensitive!" but then realize that part of that desire is just the hormones ;) I'm really not a fan of meds and do my best not to even take Tylenol, but this pain is much more than I can really deal with. I'll certainly try alternating heat and ice...perhaps that will help.

    Thanks so much to everyone for their support!

    I absolutely have and somewhat continue to have the same experience. It felt like the muscles around my ribcage were ripping away and it was extremely painful. I had it fairly early (probably the beginning of the 2nd trimester) and about the same time you are experiencing it. My doctor also brushed it off as ordinary pregnancy pains, especially with twins. I'm right at 32 weeks this week and, while I still have it from time to time, it has definitely gotten better. The less I am on my feet or sitting straigh at a computer, the better it is. I think it is the worst when the babies are in a growth spurt. I never found anything that helped either but you do get to the point where you either get used to it or it somewhat dissipates. Good luck to you and definitely take it easy! Sorry I can't give any concrete answers but I can definitely relate!
  11. opalbarb

    opalbarb Well-Known Member

    Ask your doc if you can use Icy Hot on your rib area - my doc cleared it for my back and it has really helped. Realistically, it produces a burning/stinging sensation which doesn't exactly feel good, but for an hour or so you can't feel the sharp pain which is a huge relief! For some reason I would feel wierd putting it on my belly or ribs closer to the babies so that's why I would check with the doctor first.
  12. erinrshmalo

    erinrshmalo Active Member

    Thank you all for the support and suggestions!
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