rhyming games

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Dec 8, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Someone mentioned rhyming games to help babies get talking. Can anyone tell me what they are? I really want to get my girls talking and it sounds like fun but what is it?
  2. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    The rhyming games that we play are just silly, to try to get Cole to say anything. For instance, if he is pointing to the cat, I will ask him if it's the hat, or a bat, and just use silly, those are obviously not the real items, kind of a voice. We really just try to encourage him to talk by making things fun, with no pressure.
  3. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Sounds ike a Dr. Seus dialogue :D I'll be trying it with my girls.
  4. coconutdancing

    coconutdancing Well-Known Member

    Best thing with trying to get your little ones to speak, repetition and clarity.

    Reading short story's with identifying pics, don't forget to point out objects in books even if story doesn't mention the objects.

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