Revolting against the nanny suddenly?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 5280babies, May 21, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I am doing a 6 month contract job three days a week from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Thought it would be a good start to practicing getting back to work. It has been 3 weeks and turns out one of the best things I have done. I am re-energized and when I have my girls all day we go out and do things! YAY! Things were going fine with the nanny I hired, but the last two days my one LO Jude has been inconsolable. Now, she has been teething bad lately - those top two big ones are halfway in and she is cutting three others. That being said, when I get home at 3:30 I don't have any problems with her from then until 7:00 pm bedtime. Do you think she is just acting out a bit with the nanny? Poor nanny looked sooooo exhausted today - I just want to plead with them to take it easy on her...heh heh. Anyone experience something similar and does it just have to run its course?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not experienced this (we don't have a nanny) but I do know that my kids moods are very cranky when they have a few teeth coming in (1 or 2 at a time was not much of a problem...but more then out!). It could just be a combo of teething and expressing a preference for Mommy right now over the nanny. I think it is something that she will work through :hug:
  3. mnm000

    mnm000 Well-Known Member

    Our boys have been with the same nanny for the past 2 mos, 2 days a week, and up until about a week ago, they did great. We had 3 rough days where he didn't want me to leave, was cranky for her, and it seems like it was teething related. Because, Thursday he had a tooth pop through and he was much better when I left.

    Hope it's just a phase, and it ends soon!
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    It is most probably just a phase. It could be related to the teathing or it could just be the stage she's at right now. All of mine have done this at some point to some degree, even at the worst they would calm down within 5 minutes of their parent leaving the house. How does your nanny say she is for the rest of the day?
    I think there really is not much you can do except for not drag out your goodbye, just give her a kiss and hug and then leave. Drawing it out by giving extra attention or trying to calm her down can lead to her thinking that screaming=you staying and make it worse in the long run.

    I hope it's a short lived phase and stops with the arrival of her teeth!
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    They do great when I leave - in fact, they reach for the nanny when she comes in...LOL. What she described was inconsolable crying throughout the day when she would set her down to make lunch, etc. She just wanted to be on her lap all day. Maybe it is teething.
  6. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Oh, OK. I still think it is a phase, hard to know if it's related to the teathing or not. I think when they are in that kind of mood sometimes you just have to let them cry.
    What I did/do when mine constantly want to be held is try and mix it up; sometimes I will pick them up/hold them (when I'm not busy and the other one is fine), sometimes I will sit down on the floor with them and read stories/get them interested in a toy (if they're both clamouring for attention or one has been monopolising my time), sometimes I will just give them a kiss and quick hug and say "I can't carry you now, I have to _____" (when I'm busy with other things that have to get done).
    I've also found that if I'm doing something like preparing food and they're being clingy they can be happier sitting in their highchairs with a toy watching me, rather than being down on the floor. Letting them 'help' with the chore you're getting done (eg handing you the clothes from the wash basket to put in the machine) can also be a good way to distract from the I-want-to-be-picked-up tantrums, even if it does mean the task takes longer overall.

    Good luck!
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My nanny has been with us for just over 1 year, and she has these same problems some days. Sometimes it's teething, sometimes it's because they're sick, and sometimes they're just super-fussy for no reason whatsoever! :pardon: She is a very seasoned nanny and mother of 3 so she takes it in stride. On clingy/crying days she usually spends most of the day on the floor with them, holding and reading.

    I'm sure this will pass soon! :)
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