Resuts from the Urologist.....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twin mommy of boys, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. twin mommy of boys

    twin mommy of boys Well-Known Member

    we went to the urologist on friday We had to be in kalamzoo at 1:00 pm ... well, The reason we had to go because one of my twins has had a problem with peein when he pees he pee goes to the left [​IMG] and the way our bathroom is set up the stool is right next to the bathtub with alittle in between well. i was bushin my teeth one day and just happened to notice that he was peein almost into the bath tub i said you have to aim for the toilet he said ok and went about his bussiness.. well i also noticed everytime i went to go to the bathroom that their was pee on the toliet seat and as well on the floor.. Well i asked his ped about it and he said he wanted him seen by a urologist in k-zoo so i said ok so they(ped) made an apt.. and we had to wait four months to get seen .. well yeasterday was his apt. and the Dr. ( urologist) came in and looked at his pee pee.. And keep in mind he is a three year old and knows that no one is supposed to look at his pee pee.. so he was very scared! The doctor was very nice explaned EVERYTHING to me Drew me pictures on what the pee hole should look like.. well after he was done looking at alex .. i pulled up alexs pants and gave him this science magazine to look at to try to keep him off what the doctor and i was talkin about.. so alex was fine for the time to talk to the doctor..... Well the doc and i started talking and like i said the doc drew me some pics on what the pee hole is too look like and what alexs looked like.. well the more of the story .. Alex IS GOING to need that surgury .. Because it hurts alex to pee.. the doctor explained it to me like a cold sore on the lips and when you yawn how it burns.. well that is how alex feels when he pees.. The doctor wanted to get this takin care of asap so they are going to call me on monday and let me know when we go in for this to get fixed...... So i thought i would let you all know since i had a post on this before we went to the doc! I will have a update when the apt is on monday ! They said it should be in within the next week or so!
  2. *Lori*

    *Lori* Well-Known Member

    Wow, I am sorry you are going through this. I know this must be scary for your little guy. I am glad you caught on and thank God it is nothing more serious. I guess if one of my little guys was gonna have something big happen to him I would prefer it to be a big in this way. KWIM. Best of luck and I hope this is all it is.
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Oh I am so sorry. I know I hurt inside when my babies get a boo-boo. Poor baby! It sounds as if the surgery is best but that is so stressful and scary!! SO sorry!

    Sending big hugs [​IMG] [​IMG] for you and your little boy!!
  4. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I have a friend who's son just had that surgery. He's 12 months, though. I will encourage her to log on here & scoop you. (He's a twin)
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy. I'm glad that they are going to be able to fix it for him. Please keep us updated. [​IMG]
  6. chattwins

    chattwins Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry to hear that he will have to have surgery. That is always more terrifying for the Mommy than for the child.

    When my four year old son goes he always pees to the left too. I have kinda wondered about it, but never said anything to the pediatrician. Now I wonder if I should. He is old enough to tell me if it hurts and he has never mentioned it before.
  7. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    All will be well, James recover from his penis surgery like nothing happened and now you can't even tell there was ever anything done. Though the surgery was nerve wracking, but they let me go into the OR to help him stay calm as they put him out. The surgery only lasted about 30 mins.

    PM me if you have any other questions!
  8. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    Because it hurts alex to pee.. the doctor explained it to me like a cold sore on the lips and when you yawn how it burns.. well that is how alex feels when he pees..

    Awww, poor guy! [​IMG]

    [​IMG] for you both! Good thing you're observant.
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