Resisting Naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RJ2006, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 10 months old, but I wanted to get a view point from some of the second year mom's as you've mostly likely had a better chance of experiencing this...

    My girls are resisting the afternoon nap. I'm not sure what is going on. They've always just gone down so easily with out fussing. The morning naps is getting pushed back from about 9 to 930 and they are sleeping until about 1030ish. I've bumped the afternoon nap from 1 to 115/130, but they are still resisting it. The other day they didn't nap at all for the afternoon nap, which has never happened. Today one of them wimpered/cried for 45 mins before finally falling alseep at about 2.

    I have followed HSHHC and read that they won't be ready for 1 nap until atleast 12 months. I'm wondering if they just don't need the extra hour of sleep in the morning? Lately they've been going to bed around 645 and waking at 7ish, some times I've had to go in and wake them at 720 in order to protect the first nap...

    Ideas on what is going on? Did any one else have to drop the first nap a bit sooner than they would have expected?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i would try pushing the afternoon nap & bedtime a bit later first, before i tried dropping to 1 nap at that age. they may just be ready for a longer awake period. for a while, before we transitioned to 1 nap, the girls were only averaging about 11 hours of night time sleep, rather than 12. then, when we transitioned to 1 nap, we went with a much earlier bedtime for the first while & they averaged about 13 hours of sleep a night. ah, confounded sleep! just when you've got it figured out... :pardon: GL!
  3. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    Nap times at that age were all over the place in our house. I ended up just deciding that I'd let them sleep when they were tired and had to make peace with the fact that sometimes they wouldn't nap together or when I thought they needed it. Since I didn't need to keep them on a schedule I didn't bother with it until they turned 18/19 months. Then I started working on a regular bed time. It's worked for our family but I know it might not work for everyone... The thing I liked best about the way I handled it was that sometimes I would get some valuable one-on-one time with one while the other slept. It also helped my DD work on her self soothing because she was really ready for nap time when I put her down for the nap. DS is still struggling with self soothing at 20 months. We've always tried to go more for a flexible routine than a schedule and it's worked here for the time being. We'll move on to a schedule when we're getting ready for school.
  4. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    Our general schedule is very similar to yours, but the 2nd nap is a little later around 2:30, sometimes even 3:00 which works well. I do ensure they are up no later than 4-4:30, so as not to compromise bedtime. Is it an option to push the 2nd nap a little later to see if it works? When you stick to a 1-1:15 schedule for the 2nd nap, are your LOs showing signs they're tired?
  5. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    My kids were on a clockwork like routine with naps until about 13 months when we went down to 1 nap a day after lunch. I went a full week with them not napping at all. I think it was just a phase because they are back to taking regular naps now.

    I hope you guys get some rest soon! That no napping thing makes for very long days indeed!
  6. cboland

    cboland Member

    Well unfortunately for me I was one of those unlucky ones whose LO's decided to go to 1 nap at just 11mths of age. At 10.5mths they started fighting their pm nap and after 2wks of struggling to get them down or no pm nap at all I gave in and put them on 1 nap. Before the nap struggle happened their schedule was:
    Wake 6:30am
    Nap 9:30-11am
    Nap 2:30-4pm
    Bed 7:30pm
    I tried 2nd nap at 3pm and they still fought it and if they did finally sleep it meant they didn't fall asleep closer to 3:30 and slept to 5pm and then bedtime would have been 8:30pm which I wasn't in favor off at the time. Now if I had my time back I probably would have tried the 2 naps longer. Anyway after going to 1 nap though at 11mths their nighttime sleep got quite longer. Here was their schedule at 11mths(1 nap)This schedule stayed the same for a few mths:
    Wake 7am
    Nap 11-12:30
    Bed 6pm
    Now at 22.5mths:
    Wake 7:30/8am
    Nap DD 1-3pm (ave 1hr 45mins)DS 1-4pm (ave 2hrs 15mins)
    Bed 8/8:30pm
    Gl :D
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    We pushed the second nap and bedtime progressively later and later... when bedtime got after 9pm is when we switched to one nap (14 months). So I'd put them down at 2pm instead and push up bedtime by 30 minutes.
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