repairing holes in crib tent?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Smartycat, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Smartycat

    Smartycat Well-Known Member

    I have the Cozy II crib tents and love them. We just bought them a few months ago. Problem is, John has started to make a little hole in the mesh. It was tiny and now it's about an inch wide. Just one good rip and you know where we are headed. I've already returned a tent because it had a hole when we set it up. I'd like to try repairing it even though the directions say not to (you know they just want you to buy another and at $79 bucks every few months I just can't do it). as anybody out there successfully repaired a crib tent?

  2. mac

    mac Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen,
    Both my boys made holes in their tents and I would just sew the hole with a thicker thread. Unfortunately our tents are no more but the sewing worked for a while. I would suggest doing it now before the hole gets any bigger.
    Good Luck!!!
  3. 2twinboys

    2twinboys Well-Known Member

    I hope I don't sound ultra-paranoid but when researching crib tents on the internet I came across some frightening stories about torn crib tents becoming a strangulation hazard as some active toddlers tried to climb out through the torn places and nearly choked to death.

    I have never used them, so don't have any experience with them, but just wanted to urge you to use great care in sewing/repairing them!
  4. mommyM&K

    mommyM&K Well-Known Member

    one of ours has been ripped about an each near the sipper for 9 months. It hasn't got worse. We have given her charge in zipping and unzipping the tent each day which I THINK gives her some autonomy and made her less interested in the whole mesh. Prior to that she tugged on it a lot. Basically, I let her zip it and then take the loop on the end of the zipper and hook it to the pole on the outside of the crib so she can't pry it open from the inside. My twins are girls so they may be less rambuntious when it comes to those things. I had not heard of any of the safety things but I guess it certainly is a theoretical risk. My advice to new parents is to start the crib tent out early so they always think it is part of the crib and maybe don't question it??? Our girls were about 2 when we put them on because they crawled out and had a party in their room for about 3 days when I had it and had DH run out to get the tents.
  5. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    Dh just sewed up a hole in Katies about 2 weeks ago. It started right above the zipper, the whole zipper piece itself was coming away from the mesh, about a week after we got it is when started. I never got around to taking it back.
    I just found out one whole bottom side of hers is ripped open, I only found this out because when I woke up she was between mesh and bed [​IMG] It is torn where the mesh meets the bottom piece. So it looks like we may end up having to take the whole enclosed part off and just leave the tent part [​IMG] Only my daughter could accomplish such
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