
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by belinda07, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    Well, I am pretty much at the end of my tether.

    I am as sleep deprived as I was in the first 3 months - only it's worse because I know the little scamps CAN STTN, just won't. They have been sick on and off and both have sep anxiety issues during the day. I have not had a full nights sleep in I dont know how long and frankly with the teething and whatever, I don't know how I will survive ONE MORE DAY.
    I just feel like nothing I do is enough, and every time I think I have nothing left to give - they want more. I have started crying again -like I did in the beginning. I didn't know it would get better - then WORSE AGAIN.

    Good news is, I am about to go on holidays for a week and the twins are staying with their grandparents.
    It is only 2 days away but I have to pack everyones stuff (never had to do that for the kids before) and organise everything and I have no energy left to do it. Kohbi goes to bed at 6-7pm and then wakes up at 11pm and I cant get him back to sleep no matter what I do until about 2am. And if I am not careful he will scream the house down and wake everyone else. Lacey will wake between 5 and 6 am, so i have a 3 hr stretch to sleep in.
    I have tried to take a nap during the day but because DS keeps waking at night he is not interested in sleeping when DD is - so i pretty much have one baby awake the whole time. that and DH or should I just say H, has been working 7 days to save for the holiday, so I have had NO help at all, except the hour he gets home before they go to bed.

    If this doesn't make sense it's because my brain needs sleep.
    Thanks for reading I needed to get that out to someone who would understand.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I am so sorry that you are so sleep deprived and stressed. I hope you get some much needed rest away from the kiddos for a couple of days to rejuvenate. You deserve it!!
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i hope that while at their grandparents, they will go back to STTN so when you get home, everything will be back to normal
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Big hugs to you. It is the cruelest joke to go from STTN to not. I am sorry it is rough right now. It WILL get better though. The only thing I know for sure is that things will always change. A holiday will be great! Do you let the babies cio a little when they fuss at night?
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I hope you all get some much needed sleep, soon. ANd I hope you have a wonderful time on holiday. Maybe when you return, your little ones will be back to STTN? I'm hoping so! :hug99:
  6. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    :hug99: :hug99: I am so sorry. I hope they go back to sleeping for you real soon!!

  7. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Unless there is something really wrong, I usually chalk it up to teething, give them some tylenol, lay them back down, turn on their music and leave. If they cry they cry. Nighttime is for sleeping and I waited 8mo for them to sttn and I think at this point I too deserve to sttn.

    Hopefully a few days apart will help!! Sounds like you deserve it!!! :hug99:
  8. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Cohlee _ I love your attitude! If they are up, its probably teething, give tylenol and go back to bed everyone!
  9. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Hey, we've just been there done that with our 9 month old DD this week. :hug99:

    Sooooo frustrating. And I almost lost it a few times. I was so tired and so tired of being up all night, and she was just screaming and there was nothing we could do to fix it.

    I felt terrible when I realized that it was just her first tooth coming in.

    Could it be teething?

    Also, asking around, it sounds like 9 months is when so many of the developmental things happen that sometimes babies sleep less just because they're processing so much--crawling, pulling up, etc., etc.
  10. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I read somewhere that this is also the age where they learn object permanence. They will cry and cry because they know you are outside the door (not literally but they know you are out there somewhere) and will come in and get them. We went through this and it was a tough phase. DD was waking 5-6 times a night. I tried my best to go in and soothe her and I just kept that same routine for a week or two and finally she got it that I am there but she is not coming out of her room. I let her cry and cry until she would get too upset and then go and soothe her and each night I did it for less and less time and let her cio more and more. It was tough, I was tired and frustrated but it finally went away. We still have a few nights like that everyonce in a while and again, I just go in there for a minute and leave. She is still awake and has learned she will lay down and go back to sleep on her own without a peep.

    Hugs to you, hopefully the 2 days break will help give you some extra energy when you come back! HTH
  11. JenniferZ

    JenniferZ Well-Known Member

    I went thru it right about that time, for 3 weeks. I thought teething, but they still haven't gotten any teeth since then. I think it's because they were learning to crawl and pull up. And I read somewhere, and someone on here confirmed, that when they start doing that, they don't want to sleep, all they want to do is practice. Are they learning to do those things?? Once they mastered the crawling and pulling up, they went back to sleeping 11-12 hours (knock on wood-3 times!)
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