Refusing to take a bath

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ilovemonkeys, May 19, 2010.

  1. ilovemonkeys

    ilovemonkeys Well-Known Member

    I am hoping this was just a fluke tonight and won't become a pattern. Both of our kids love to get in the tub. We sing this little bathtime song and they walk to the bathroom like little ducks and can't wait to get in the tub. But tonight my DD refused to get in. She pitched a fit and was trying to climb out as soon as we put her in there. The water temp was fine and her brother was playing in there like usual. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so, what do you do because she obviously needs a bath eventually or she will stink. :unsure:
  2. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    One of mine went through this. It lasted a couple of weeks. I didn't not do anything different, just bathed him as quick as possible. It eventually passed. I have no clue why it happened??? Hope this passes for u too!
  3. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP. I think it is a phase. It could be any reason why they don't want to go in. They want to climb in by themselves; they want a bath without the other one; the toy they want is being played with by their sibling; they were interrupted in what they were previously doing and don't want a bath right now; etc. Literally, anything. When they get this way, I usually let them go for a few minutes, with a warning that I will put them in the bathtub in a couple of minutes. When a couple of minutes rolls around, I tell them in a "happy voice" that it is bathtime now, scoop him or her up with a minumum of fuss and put them in the tub. Usually, they calm down once they are in. If not, like the PP, I give the crying one a quick wash, take him or her out and get them dressed quickly.
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    We are in the middle of this phase with my DD! It came out of nowhere and seems to be pretty common around this age...we are just riding it out. I have found that I can sometimes outsmart her by playing with DS in the tub or giving them new bath toys (just some LittlePeople they haven't seen in awhile). When I need to wash her hair, it takes another set of hands (DH) to get it accomplished. But, two nights ago, what really seemed to work was just carrying on as if nothing was different. I called them into the bathroom while I was filling the tub. DS comes trotting in and DD just starts whining in the living room. I just proceeded to get DS undressed and in the tub. Sure enough, she came in a few minutes later, took off her clothes and diaper and then tried to climb in the tub. There was absolutely no resistance! I don't know if it is because we are at the end of the stage or if my technique really worked :)

    (Earlier that night, I had been enjoying a glass of wine with dinner when it dawned on me...she is just like me. If you tell me I HAVE to do something, then I immediately DO NOT want to do it. If it is my idea, then I am totally game! Not sure what this says about me, but it worked to get my DD in the tub that night :))
  5. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    One of my DD's did the same thing and it lasted a few weeks. I was so upset I started asking the nanny if she was giving her baths during the day and was very suspicious. We also got a new bath mat the very day she freaked out. I just couldn't understand it, my DD was so afraid and was frantic and screaming to get out.
    We just kept putting her in and bought new toys; we also let her stand the entire bath time which seemed to help. It eventually stopped one day. She does tend to be the scaredy-cat of the two…
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