Refusing to Sit Up

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cmbrower, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. cmbrower

    cmbrower Well-Known Member

    I put this post up on the first year board and didn't get many responses. I wondered if any of you with older kiddos had a similar experience as the post below:

    My little Violet is rolling around like a mad-woman and threating to crawl any minute. She also sits up to play or lays down willingly.

    Lillian, her identical twin sister (who I thought would crawl first), is resisting sitting up to play very much and she rolls around a little, but not much. When she goes from a sitting position to a laying position she tightens up her body and almost throws herself back on to the ground. She usually then starts crying. She will only sit up and play for a few minutes even when I am paying attention to her, sitting right in front of her to play. They used to sit up and play for up to a half hour without any problems. I don't know if this is a phase or something I should be worried about. Anyone else has similar experiences?

    I have also called the dr since posting and she said it is probably just a phase or behavioral thing. She also asked if she fell and hit her head at all. I didn't see her fall at all and she hasn't had any bruises or anything, but now it makes me think maybe she has some kind of head injury or something. It just bothers me seeing her sister sit so nice and play and she refuses to sit. She even puts on a fit when me put her in the Bumbo. (I hate all this worrying. I wish I could just stop it and relax.)

    What do you think?
  2. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    You know, I think your dr. handled this a little too cavalier-ly (is that a word?)... maybe a 2nd opinion is warranted or a request for an early intervention referral for a PT eval. That behavior is just a little odd. I think mine started at about 6 months sitting up on their own consistently, but I know there's a big age range, but still, mother's instinct is strong, and I think there should be no reason not to check it out further. Good luck! And let us know what happens...
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ditto PP -- 7 months adjusted is not all that late for being able to sit, but if she used to sit and now doesn't want to, I think that's a reason to have her checked out. Plus, from what you're describing, it sounds like something about sitting is actually hurting her. I would take her to the doctor and have her thoroughly checked out, including checking for some kind of abdominal problem or intestinal issue. (Has she been pooping & peeing OK?)

    :hug99: , I hope it turns out to be no big deal, but don't let your doctor blow you off.
  4. BasketCase

    BasketCase Member

    I agree with there could be an belly ache. My DS would always try to stretch out and not sit up. He had terrible stomach pains. We gave him so little tummies; it did seem to help.
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Follow up with the doc.

    Does she normally sit up? Or is she JUST mastering this milestone? If she's JUST starting, she might just not have the muscle strength yet. Keep on the doc!! Take her in or see someone else!
  6. fourznuff

    fourznuff Well-Known Member

    Maybe the Dr. asked about if she had fallen and hit her head because if it happened she may now be frightened to sit, not that there is an injury. I'm sure everything is fine but follow your instincts and take her in if it is worrying you.

  7. cmbrower

    cmbrower Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses so far. She has been sitting up well for about two months. She doesn't seem to be in any pain and has no trouble standing while holding on to my fingers. She has been refusing to sit up since Monday. It just seems so weird. I think I am going to go ahead and contact EI just to be safe and maybe I will even try some little can't hurt.
  8. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fourznuff @ Jul 5 2007, 11:34 PM) [snapback]318713[/snapback]
    Maybe the Dr. asked about if she had fallen and hit her head because if it happened she may now be frightened to sit, not that there is an injury. I'm sure everything is fine but follow your instincts and take her in if it is worrying you.


    I agree. I dont think the doctor meant to scare you but rather she fell, hit her head and it hurt and she doesnt want it to happen again so she is scared to sit up right now.

    Alivea did something similiar when she first started sitting up. I knew she could sit up and she would for just a short while and then she would stiffen her legs up and wouldnt bend her knees so it was impossible for her to sit. It was almost like she wanted to either stand or lay down but absolutey did not want to sit. She got over in very soon afterwards and hasnt looked back since. Personally I wouldnt worry about it just yet. If she isnt acting weird with anything else, she is still eating well, sleeping well, etc. I would say it is just a phase that will have to pass.
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