refusing potty. refusing pull up changes.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by irisflower, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    I don't want my guys traumatized on getting changed, but geeze!

    At preschool most of the other kids are potty trained. We are on the younger side
    and the school will help me with them.
    However once we started in Sept one of mine refused the potty. okay. and then refused
    to have their staff change him!
    Now the other one lost interest in the potty. We were this close to being totally big boy pants with him! And yesterday he started refusing potty and pull up changes at school too.


    Did I tell you the first one was upset in Oct that he ran out of the house out the back door to the backyard refusing a pull up change when he was sogged? He doesn't seem to mind stinking of pee or having his pant drenched either. And he won't let the babysitter change him either?

    Right now I try and change them while they are distracted or count to 5 and at 5 they must be ready or get counted towards a time out.

    Any other ideas???
    I really wish we could just skip pull up compliance and go directly to the perfect dream of totally daytime potty trained.

  2. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    First off, in my limited experience, we have had a number of "regressions" where my lo's have been "potty trained" but then have gone back to peeing or pooping in underwear. They get distracted and "forget" or they are too busy to go to the potty. I think it is somewhat normal. Have you considered letting them go without any underwear and pullups? You could try it over a weekend and see how that works. I am also going to suggest that it sounds like an independence assertion. Your lo's totally understand it is their body and they want control of it. GL and please provide an update.
  3. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    It might be time for a professional PT program. I know if I tried to train on my own we would've never gotten as far as we did in such a short time. We started the 3-day PT program just after their 3rd birthday (its a brutal 3 days which actually took closer to 5-6 with one DD). Maybe with a few long weekends coming up over the holidays you can give it a shot. Within the week one DD was totally potty trained day and night and the other fully pee trained but wears a pull-up at night (after two weeks of trying). After 6 months she is waking up dry 4 days a week. However, she is okay with going #2 in her underware...I'm told by many that too is a control issue between her and the world so I'm patient with that, hopefully by high-school she will have figured it out!!
  4. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member


    Over Labor Day we were doing the no underwear, no diapers, no pants thing. They did alright eventually getting to the potty but then they had issues pulling up and down their pants.
    Sounds like I need to do a 3 day again.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I would highly suggest doing the 3day thing again too! and then you have to keep up the encouragement... we had some regression w/my dd when my ds starting doing is bms in the toilet... we were praising him so much, that she wasn't getting as much praise for her normal staying dry... she started to regress at the dinner table, and would pee in the booster seat. UGH!

    anyway, I'd say the 3day program is the way to go, best money I spent! going straight to underwear. good luck! you can do this!!
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