refusing all together: food and milk

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I wish somebody tell me what is going son suddenly refuses to eat/drink. He doesn't let anything close to his mouth. He got stomach bug last week. But even so, he still drank 28-30oz milk and pedialyte when sick. He is totally back to normal now. We had 9 months check up last tuesday. Doc said he's fine and we had shots. Then he started refusing food milk yesterday. He drank lile 11oz ate 3oz sweet potato. Today he drank 11oz and ate a bit of sweet potato. he doesn't allow dream feed anymore.I'm so worried he gets dehydrated.

    Oh today I came home, completely exhausted. I tried to give him bottle. He refused it strongly. After 1 hour trying, I got angry and sent him to bed. After 30 mins, I heard nothing through the baby monitor. I thought he's asleep. So I went upstair with the bottle. He was awake quitely. As soon as he saw me. He sat up, pull up on his crib wanted me to pick him up. I showed him the bottle and said' Nolan if you don't drink it, I won't take you out of your crib' he laid back down turned his back to me. He was so calm, not evewn cried. I kept calling his name. He sat up looked at me. Then he saw bottle, then laid back down.oh my god, I gave up!!!I'm sure he is not in pain. He is playing and talking next to me now. I gave him teeth gel and tylenol.still didn't help. I'm any of you mamas going through the same thing? I'm sick abd about to drop dead and reaaly run out of engery to deal with this little guy ahhhhh

    Oh my husband could make him drink some juice from a opened cup. Now he is just like an sugar overdosed monkey keeps hugging me and laughing. Man!!!
  2. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I would call the pedi to find out what minimum fluid intake they want to see each day. And let him drink whatever liquids he is willing to.
  3. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Is he having wet diapers?? If he hasn't wet a diaper in over 4 hours he is becoming dehydrated and you need to call the ped. I would probably call anyway.

    have you tried a sippy cup? Or a straw? My DD went thru that a few weeks ago. I know it will drive you INSANE with worry and frustration.

    It is probably just a phase and hopefully will ped says if baby refuses bottle for 20 min, to just give up and try later.

    Any fever? Ear infection? Congestion? My DD won't eat when she is congested.

    Poor little guy, hope he starts eating for you soon!
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    He doesn't have fever, isn't congested either. 3 days ago, doc said his ears were fine.he is not sick, but totally healthy now. I can tell when something bothers him though.he got wet diapers but they weren't heavy as usual...

    I called doc office today. She said he might be fine. But he was so sick last week and lost weight already. I'm worried and going to take him in today.

    He drank a bit of juice again this morning. And he is so super hyper omg!! He is husband said maybe he's tired of milk and likes juice now' how possible!
    Around xmas, things started getting so easy! Suddenly they started drinking 30oz of milk.I was so happy. My husband and I said ok now its easier. And just in 1.5 weeks, thing has been upside down this momment, I have to say I can't wait they turn 18 so I can kick them out lol. We will pay all college expenses, please get out lol!
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Doc said He got sored throat. I feel so bad. I gave it to him. I didn't know about it and was so mean to him. I even made him drink, sent him to bed and refused to pick him up...I feel so horrible now.he is not even mad at me. After we came home. He was playing in the play room. I came sat down next to him.I told him I was so sorry. He smiled to me and gave me a hug. I'd be mad at me if I was him. He likes juice. I just bought lot of juice and pedialyte. I don't mind he be a sugar overdosed monkey for couple days
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Aww, if his throat is sore give him a popsicle. I usually make ones that are half water, half juice just to tone down the sugar a bit, but they really like the cool ice on their throat and it gets some fluid in them. Poor bub, hope he's feeling better soon.
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Great idea. I just gave him popsicles I bought from the store. I will make them tonight and give it to him tomorrow. Thanks!
  8. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    poor baby boy...It's ok momma don't feel guilty. We all get frustrated sometimes. So, is it strep throat?

    poor baby boy...It's ok momma don't feel guilty. We all get frustrated sometimes. So, is it strep throat?

    poor baby boy...It's ok momma don't feel guilty. We all get frustrated sometimes. So, is it strep throat?
  9. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. Most of the time if they just start refusing there is a very good reason that we can't see. My girls have went 2-3 days without getting almost anything down besides liquid due to sore throats. Poor babe and poor you. Hopefully it will just be a little while longer before he can eat again comfortably. You might try a smoothie to get some added nutrients in him if you are worried, but when he is ready he will probably eat a ton. :)
  10. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Oh honey, give yourself a break. You're sick, you work full-time and you are exhausted. Just give him lots of extra hugs. :grouphug: And once he feels better, I bet her regains the weight quickly.
  11. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    No its not strep throat. We had the test done at doc office. It came back negative. Thanks god! I got sored throat. And its horrible. I couldn't stand it. So I really understand what he's going through...he is actually feeling much better. He's not fussy anymore, can eat some solids and drink a bit more. Yesterday I could get 25oz of milk and juice in him. He even let's me dream feed him again. Thanks god!

    Thank you ladies! I feel so much better now as he is feeling better..I guess the hard part is when you feel something is not right, but you cant tell/be sure what it is.
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