Reflux meds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sheras2, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    Leo has reflux and started taking Zantac when he was about 10 weeks old. It helped for a while but it started getting bad again. They increased the dosage last week but still no improvement so they are switching us to Prevacid. The nurse said it is stronger than the Zantac. Anybody have experience with this? Did the Prevacid make a big difference? I hate it that my baby is in pain and so uncomfortable after feedings.
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Zantac did almost nothing for us - we tried various doses, once a day vs. twice a day, etc. Prevacid really did the trick, though! Our insurance plan is no longer covering it, but we were just able to take the boys off it. I hear it can be expensive if you have to pay out of pocket, but I think as bad as our boys had reflux, we would have paid for it no matter what!
  3. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I have seen lots of babies do really well with Prevacid. I believe tha zantac controls acid but Prevacid actually decreases acid production.

    Good luck
  4. tdhillon

    tdhillon Well-Known Member

    Prevacid helped my DS tremendously. Generally it comes in a soluble tablet so ask your pharmacy if they have a syringe with a wide nozzle that way you can dissolve the tablet in it and with one squirt give the meds. I wish I had discovered it sooner. Also like others we had to get our pedi to send in a special request to have it covered by our insurance. Our DS is still on it, we have been trying to ween him off of it, but after a few days it starts kicking it up again. He is taking half a tablet every other day, but we started with half a tablet twice a day, so I guess some improvement.
  5. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Zantac cancels the acid in stomach. Prevacid actually decreases acid.our babies were on zantac until 4 months, then switched to prilosec. Nothing helped. Than we switched to prevacid. First month, we paid for it 150 (1/2 tablet a day) insurance didn't pay. But swecond month, insurance baby girl became a different baby; happy active no crying. But then she stopped eating her solid food.our pedi said its becuase her stomach didn't have enough acid to proccess food. So we just took her off prevacid like 1.5weeks. She is doing great still and starts eating solid again. So we will see.

    But yes prevacid will definitely help your baby! Hope he feels better soon
  6. pawliepaws

    pawliepaws Active Member

    We tried Zantac but it didn't help so our doctor switched the girls to Prevacid and it seems to be doing a much better job. I sure hope our insurance will continue to cover it!
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