Reflux again?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MerMommy, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    My twins are 22 mos and had reflux their first year. THey were on prevacid then, and I had a lot of trouble getting them to drink their bottles. Now, Max has been vomiting random mornings. Mostly curdled milk. He is only 22 lbs (and Jack is about 23lbs, and always has a red bum). The doc thinks it's reflux again and wants to try less milk and possibly zantac. Oh - they also have asthma and they always have stuffy noses.

    If you have a toddler with reflux, please give me some info. I would probably go straight back to prevacid since it stops the acid. Right? What should I do about milk? Foods I offer (they are so picky as it is).

    I don't want to overreact or get too stressed out (since I already am about so many things right now). I do want their weights to improve though.
  2. Nonni2two

    Nonni2two Well-Known Member

    Sorry that you are going through all this again. I understand that it is very frustrating and you want to help your children. My granddaughters (almost 23 mos) both had severe acid reflux. One seems to have out grown hers and is off medication but the other continues to take Zantac without any signs of being able to wean off. Both girls are always stuffy and coughy too. I also suffer from acid reflux and asthma and have since I was a child. Of course back then they didn't have a name or good medication for acid reflux. The pedi has said no more than 8 to 12 ounces of milk per day. Rest of liquid intake is water only. Avoid greasy foods. We avoid big meals but offer larger breakfast and lunch and keep dinner light. Then throughout the day offer little snacks. The idea is to graze throughout the day so as not to over burden the stomach and valves with large quantities at once. You may have to do trial and error tests on different foods to see which aggravate the condition. We have found that we need to limit acidic fruits especially at night.

    A link has been established between asthma and acid reflux. You can google the two terms but here is one good article

    Good luck and try to stay positive. Your boys are adorable and they seem to thriving. I have followed your posts from the beginning since your children are so close in age to my granddaughters. You are a great mother!
  3. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MerMommy @ Jan 19 2008, 12:56 PM) [snapback]579446[/snapback]
    My twins are 22 mos and had reflux their first year. THey were on prevacid then, and I had a lot of trouble getting them to drink their bottles. Now, Max has been vomiting random mornings. Mostly curdled milk. He is only 22 lbs (and Jack is about 23lbs, and always has a red bum). The doc thinks it's reflux again and wants to try less milk and possibly zantac. Oh - they also have asthma and they always have stuffy noses.

    If you have a toddler with reflux, please give me some info. I would probably go straight back to prevacid since it stops the acid. Right? What should I do about milk? Foods I offer (they are so picky as it is).

    I don't want to overreact or get too stressed out (since I already am about so many things right now). I do want their weights to improve though.

    When I first read your post, instead of reflux, my initial reaction was maybe a potential milk allergy. Between the vomiting, red bums, asthma and persistent stuffy noses, all are signs of an allergy. And I know that often we think allergy and think the immediate life threatening type but there are many levels in between. I tried to find an easy list on the allergy and Immunology website,here is a food allergy fact sheet, this was the best I could find quickly. It doesn't specifically talk about milk, but is more of a general overview.

    It may be worth just checking with a pediatric allergist to see if they do have a milk allergy.

    Good luck!
  4. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    You poor dear. My first impression was similar to angela's. Had you thought about milk intolerance? Sometimes it can come on after a bad bout of diarrhea - which causes the gut lining to become inflamed and less able to deal with milk proteins. I have a friend who's son is lactose intolerant (quite rare in young children) and had very similar symptoms to your boys': at best he had a red bottom, but frequently it was pretty bad nappy rash, he'd sometimes be sick, usually had a runny nose and he's skinny. He also has a soy intolerance (commonly occuring with milk intolerances). It makes feeding him a bit of a nightmare, BUT the difference cutting those out of his diet has made is wonderful.
    I so so hope that you find an answer soon.
  5. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MerMommy @ Jan 19 2008, 04:56 AM) [snapback]579446[/snapback]
    My twins are 22 mos and had reflux their first year. THey were on prevacid then, and I had a lot of trouble getting them to drink their bottles. Now, Max has been vomiting random mornings. Mostly curdled milk. He is only 22 lbs (and Jack is about 23lbs, and always has a red bum). The doc thinks it's reflux again and wants to try less milk and possibly zantac. Oh - they also have asthma and they always have stuffy noses.

    If you have a toddler with reflux, please give me some info. I would probably go straight back to prevacid since it stops the acid. Right? What should I do about milk? Foods I offer (they are so picky as it is).

    I don't want to overreact or get too stressed out (since I already am about so many things right now). I do want their weights to improve though.

    Hey, Meredith...long time no see. I'm sorry things are still a struggle. My boys are the same age as yours and have similar weights (23 & 24), also had reflux their first year, but we stopped (zantac) at about 12m.

    Can you elaborate on the 'red bum' thing? Is that somehow related to reflux?

    FWIW, my boys actually liked taking the has a pepperminty smell to it. I felt that it took a few weeks to see results, but once it kicked in I only had issues when their weight gain merited a new dosage.
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I agree that it sounds like an allergy.
  7. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    Hi. The red bum is a dark red area around the anus (sorry!). Like his poops are acidic.
    How can a milk allergy come up now?
    Jack was throwing up last night. So now they have both done it.

    They are getting tested for all sorts of things tomorrow, unfortunately - including celiac, crohns, an IGE, and something else. Hopefully they are fine!

    If it's a milk allergy - do you cut out milk or all dairy (like mac n cheese, yogurt, cheese)??
  8. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I have a DD on Previcaid at 27 months...we tried no meds for a few months around 2, but she too started to throw up again and lost weight. She is still my 'lighter' twin and was bout 23 lbs at 2 (25 or so now).

    Though, the vomiting and diarehea sound like allergy type stuff....allergies can develop later as the kiddos get older too. If it IS an allergy, no dairy- try soy milk or lactose free ( if the allergin or an intolerance...lactose causes gas, diareaha, and bloating in intolerant people- my sister is intolerant as a child and 'outgrew' it).

    Hope things get better!
  9. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MerMommy @ Jan 20 2008, 06:02 AM) [snapback]580668[/snapback]
    Hi. The red bum is a dark red area around the anus (sorry!). Like his poops are acidic.

    I assumed this is what you meant. We have chronic problems with diaper rash. I assumed that we were over the reflux after weaning off the Zantac successfully. We just use a lot of diaper cream.

    I hope you are able to get some answers soon.
  10. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member


    A dairy protein intolerance cannot be diagnosed with allergy tests .. but as a pp said, intolerance can rear its ugly head after a diarrhea bout. A large percentage of pre 1yr old reflux is actually caused by protein intolerances (dairy and soy) -- so it's not outrageous to believe that this could be an issue.

    Intolerances cause abdominal issues (gas, diarrhea, etc.) allergies cause hives and other issues. Parenting Magazine this month has a good description of both int eh food allergy article.

    Good luck figuring it out .. but your kids really don't need to drink milk at all... you can give them Yogurt or soy yogurt to get calcium. yogurt is cultured so its proteins are pre-processed.

    Teri D
  11. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Hi, as you remember both my girls had reflux and Zegerid had helped. Syd is still on it. I met with an alternative holistic Dr this week and she's got her on a plan to wean her from meds. Basically in Syd's case, her digestive track hasn't matured properly (she had pyloric stenosis too). We are starting on probiotics and some other natural alternative treatments, including acupuncture. Also, she is having some special blood and stool tests performed. including checking for food sensitivities like gluten, milk, etc.

    good luck.
  12. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    Safari - great to hear from you and see the pic. I get acupuncture and can answer any questions you may have about it.
  13. annieuetz

    annieuetz Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(momalicious @ Jan 20 2008, 05:09 PM) [snapback]581321[/snapback]

    A dairy protein intolerance cannot be diagnosed with allergy tests .. but as a pp said, intolerance can rear its ugly head after a diarrhea bout. A large percentage of pre 1yr old reflux is actually caused by protein intolerances (dairy and soy) -- so it's not outrageous to believe that this could be an issue.

    Intolerances cause abdominal issues (gas, diarrhea, etc.) allergies cause hives and other issues. Parenting Magazine this month has a good description of both int eh food allergy article.

    Good luck figuring it out .. but your kids really don't need to drink milk at all... you can give them Yogurt or soy yogurt to get calcium. yogurt is cultured so its proteins are pre-processed.

    Teri D

    My girls are very allergic to dairy which was proven through a RAST test along with allergies to wheat, eggs, bananas, beef, and squash. An allergy doesn't always show as hives/other issues. My girls' symptoms are gas, diarrhea, stomach pains, etc. They also have a soy intolerance. After reading the original post my first thought was this is a milk allergy. One of the ways we tell the girls have had something they shouldn't is a red anus. When they were on soy formula, that whole area was completely raw and it didn't heal until we got them off the formula. Now it just gets red if the eat a little amount and will get raw if they ate a large amount of their allergens. I would recommend seeing a pediatric allergist, getting a RAST test and the book "Is This Your Child?" by Dr. Doris Rapp. If it is a milk allergy than you need to cut out all dairy...not just milk. You need to read labels very carefully because things you wouldn't expect contain dairy (casein) like breads, hotdogs, deli meats, tuna, etc. My girls quit gaining weight at 18 months (they were 17 pounds). Since we have eliminated every allergen from their diet they have started gaining weight, immediately quit whining and clinging to me, and have slept through the night. It was amazing.
  14. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Thx. I've had acupuncture before too. It helped me get pregnant actually. Is the acupuncture helping your stress? What else is going on with you? Sounds like alot. I've been dealing w/ my ongoing chronic illness plus vertigo and dizziness. Now DH's job has gotten crazier than ever. We put the girls in small home daycare 2 x per week. In the fall, they'll probably go to preschool 3 x per week. I desperately need that time to go to Dr's appt, rest, recover, etc.

    I can't believe our kids are almost 2! Keep me posted on the boys' progress.

    FYI the suppliments she gave Syd are:
    Klaire Labs Therbiotic Complete 1/8 tsp daily
    Klaire Labs Vital Zymes complete 2 x per day
    Gentle Warrior's Tummy Tamer 3 x per day
  15. girlzmom2b

    girlzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Did you know we are the only species on the planet that drinks another species milk?
    It is true, humans do not NEED cow's milk.

    Have you tried rice milk? I just bought it last week. Vanilla flavored. My girls love it, and so do I! It's sold in the regular supermarkets.

    Good luck...
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