reduced movement in one di:di twin at 26 weeks

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by annahs, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone, yesterday and today I've noticed that my twin A is moving less than usual. He's more towards the front and typically gives me a bunch of good wallops throughout the day, but I've only felt him a few times over the past 24 hours. His sister's movements are usually more subtle, but I've been able to feel her dancing around all day. I even resorted to having a cup of tea to try and wake him up :), but no luck. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and everything was fine, both were very active. I'm starting to worry that I'm completely paranoid, but I thought I'd see if anyone else had experienced something similar.

  2. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    As always express concerns to your doc, but I wouldn't worry. There are times when they are moving, little subtle bumps and such that you may miss as they begin to get tighter in there. You may be moving when Baby A is and miss it, or movements may be inward if baby has turned. Just be mindful if movement stops, and of course report to the doc :acute:
  3. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    Hmm... I'm only 18.5 weeks so I can't comment on whether or not that's normal for your dates... but I would say that if you firmly believe in your heart that something is "off" or wrong, then I would get it checked. Better safe than sorry, right?
  4. doreydo

    doreydo Active Member

    I agree with lizz. We tend to know our bodies.
  5. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    This is a call your doc immediately or go to the hospital type situation. Ir is probably no big deal but reduced movement can be serious and needs to be evaluated immediately--like get in the car and go now; waiting til tomorrow is not ok. A will probably wake up the minute the nurses start to monitor you ;). But better safe than sorry.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    i would check in with the ob but i never had alot of movement with my b twin. It was due to her placement in the womb
  7. Adding 2 more!

    Adding 2 more! Well-Known Member

    I agree...if you are concerned it is better to go in for a check!
  8. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    I also agree to call the Dr to be on the safe side. They can usually get you in for a quick u/s or check heartbeats. I know when I had bpp (biophysical profiles) that the babies were moving a lot more than what I could feel. I would also try drinking a lot of water and laying on your side to make them move to give you reassurance.
  9. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good advice all around... it's very important to call and get checked if you feel like something is off. It's annoying, because more times than not everything is fine, but you won't rest until you know for sure. :hug:
  10. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    I was exactly 26 weeks when I had this same problem, even over the phone the OB was very discouraging of me to come in cause I was "so early" but I went in anyhow... only YOU know when something is are not a textbook and its a few hours of your time to ensure your babies health and safety...please go in or at least call :grouphug:
    My baby "B" was fine, he passed the BPP with no problem, in fact they ended up having a problem finding baby "A"...things turned out I would anticipate but ALWAYS better safe than sorry
  11. annahs

    annahs Well-Known Member

    thanks for all your replies. After I posted this I ate lunch and he perked up afterwards, I've been feeling him move around quite a bit since, but I will definitely call if things slow down again. I'll just be glad when they're out and it's easier to know what's going on with them :p
  12. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's very good to hear!
  13. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    So true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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