Red Eye (pictures) in just one of the two?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HusbandJ, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    I take lots of pictures of my boys and I've noticed that pictures of J almost always have the "red eye" but his brother almost never does!
    Anyone else experience this problem? What a weird thing--my camera actually has a feature to get rid of it, but I have it enabled and it still doesn't really do it. Thanks!
  2. mpsmith

    mpsmith Well-Known Member

    The same thing happens with me. I just figured that it is because Brooke has blue eyes and Hannah has hazel. Brooke's are almost always red, but Hannah's never are.

  3. HusbandJ

    HusbandJ Well-Known Member

    Both our boys have blue eyes!
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    This happens with us too. I think it is that one baby may be turned a little bit or have her eyes open wider.
  5. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I've noticed it happens to my pictures as well as 2 of my kids. We all have brown eyes, but the 2 blue eyed family members hardly ever have red eye.
  6. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My brown eyed boy usually has the red-eye and the blue eyed one doesn't. I tured off the red-eye function on my camera so it would take pics quicker.
  7. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    My kids are all fair so we get quite a lot of red eye [​IMG]. I don't bother with the red eye reduction function on the camera, I just digitally remove any red eye before printing pictures.

    You are more likely to get red eye with a blue/green eyes (fair complexion) than with brown, but it can happen with anyone. As I understand it, it is just the flash reflecting on the back of the eye. The idea of a cameras red eye reduction is that by the flash/light blinking quickly before the picture is taken peoples pupils will reduce in size. Smaller pupils=less chance of red eye.
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