
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    to FINALLY get a new stroller! We bought a Graco Duoglider when the girls were born. Their brother was born 18 months later and we just recycled the duoglider. DH kept saying "they need to start walking anyways, they're old enough they don't need a stroller anymore"

    I tried to upgrade to a Quattro Duoglider, he held his stance. I tried to get a sit-n-stand, he kept with his same stance. I convinced him to buy a $40 single stroller for the baby before we went on vacation in May, but we still ended up renting strollers at Sea World and the San Diego zoo...

    Today we went to see a sand castle competition. I loaded the single stroller (the double was wet from being outside in the rain) and had enough sense to also load the hip-carry thing. We ended up parking at the very end of the boardwalk. The competition was at the OTHER end. So, me, DH and 2 2.5 year olds walked the ENTIRE boardwalk, and back. We took turns either just carrying one of the twins or putting one in the hip-carry, but they still walked most of the way. They did GREAT btw, no complaints, no meltdowns, and one family behind us even commented on how well they were doing...

    BUT, DH saw someone with the Quattro double and said, "we should've upgraded when he was born" okay dummy, I TRIED but you kept saying we didn't NEED another stroller....

    So now he's given me permission to go and buy a Sit-n-stand for long outtings like today. THANK GOD becuase it is TIRING either carrying a 25 lb. toddler, or walking slow enough for them to keep up with you....

    Oh, and the only reason I waited for his 'permission' really is becuase I don't tend to make large purchases w/o first talking it over with him (unlike him) so when he kept saying that... And I also am the one that pays the bills, so I see how much $$ we DON'T have. For him to tell me it's OK, that means he is taking $$ out of his personal account to give to me for the purchase.....
  2. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    YAY!!!!! I wanted one of those strollers soooooo bad but we didnt really need it. As much as I would LOVE to confine my almost 4 year olds to a stroller I know I will get looks for it. I actually broke down and sold my double the other day.

    BTW Im with you all the way ant talking about things before you by them. As dumb as it sounds my husband and I dont really buy anything with out talking to the other person. Here Dh makes the money but I pay the bills so I'm the one that knows what we dont have:(

    YAY for the new stroller.
  3. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Yay for the new stroller! And a big pat on the back to Mama and Papa for raising such great kids that made that trek with nary a complaint!

    BTW - My DH and I always talk to each other about spending money on things, so you're not alone. We both even have full time jobs and bring in about the same amount of money, but pool all of it to pay bills and spend on "stuff". To me, it just seems to be the "right" thing to do with my life partner.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Yay for a new stroller!! :Clap: Sorry it took an exhausting trip to make him change his mind, but I'm excited for you!!
  5. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Yay for the new stroller! We talk large purchases over first, too.
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