Really, really bad day......

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Our day began before 5:30am with screams (hardly slept anyway thx to DH snore). Sam had a 103 fever. both have diarrhea. Sam's been sick with this for 12 days (diaper rash too). Now syd has it. I went to my own Drs appt (for my undiagnosable form of vertigo) which was a waste of time and $200. DH took kids to Ped (also a waste of time). Went to pharmacy & grocery store. came home fed kids, tried to get 'em to drink Pedalyte. Sam pooped again, so I had to rush a sample to the hospital lab (which is also pointless because we won't get results for a week. How come I have to get it there immediately, but have to wait so long for results). DH put them down for nap. Nonstop screaming for past hour. Syd's been screaming for an hour at naptime and bedtime for past 2 days. DH left the nursery a wreck, so when I went in to check their diapers, I almost broke my neck (I'm already dizzy and off balance. what was he thinking?). My neck has been stiff with stress pain for days. DH finally went to work and left me here with the screaming crazy kids. i'm in tears.

    plus our partime helper/babysitter will soon be gone. I'm researching part time nannies and daycares. ( if i put 'em in daycare, they'll be sick all the time, right? ) way too many choices (so many are horrible, and all are crazy expensive). not that i have time for any of this! but i need some time off to go to drs appts and try to figure out what is wrong with my head/nervous system.

    i'm so physically sick myself. we have no family or help. i'm loosing my sanity. maybe somebody will start caring/worrying about ME after i wreck the van during a vertigo attack! or drop a kid on her head. how come Mommy always comes last?
  2. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I am sorry to hear you have such a crummy day. Hang in there and I hope you all feel better soon! :hug99:
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Well, look at it this way, it can't get much worst. So the only thing left is for things to get better. I hope you can get some of your medical issues resolved. I know what a scary thing that is. I hope the kids get better soon. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
  4. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(FirstTimeMom814 @ Aug 2 2007, 08:06 PM) [snapback]354934[/snapback]
    Well, look at it this way, it can't get much worst.

    please don't jinx me!

    recently, our beloved dog died. dh's car lost steering (thxfuly not in accident). and about 100 other things that just keep overwhelming me. it's crazy cuz the littlest thing i can't handle any more. i'm so on edge that the most minor thing pushes me over the edge.

    the vertigo sucks. i'm dizzy every day. my drs don't seem to be alarmed that i'm responsible for 2 little human beings and I'm dizzy 24/7. dh doesn't seem too concerned either. do they think i'm making it up? or do they just have no clue? Men and doctors..... the onlything worse is men doctors. :-(

    thx for letting me vent and ramble. it helps.
  5. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Vertigo is so frightening- and dangerous. My mother recently got over a few weeks of it and it was really horrible for her- and she doesn't have to take care of babies! I am so sorry for you. Sometimes just having two sick children alone can do me in so you should be proud that you have been able to function at all with everything going on in your life.

    As for the daycare situation, I found that my kids were constantly sick when in daycare and now that I work again I have a caregiver come to my home and it works out better. I found her on I have also found "sitters" (more affordable with less experience then nannies) on

    I hope the doctors find out what is wrong soon! I recently needed tests for what has now been described as "cluster headaches". For weeks I did not know what was wrong and it was frightening and STRESSFUL. It was all brought on by stress and high blood pressure. Go figure.

    Many hugs to you and I hope your babies are feeling better and that you get some relief soon.

    Take care and keep us posted!

  6. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

    You poor thing. What a nightmare you are going through. It must feel great to collapse into bed at the end of the day (even if you are up again a few hours later). With the pedialite I used the non flavored one which they liked much more. Good luck and I hope you can get the right doc to work out what you have.
  7. jennjenn770

    jennjenn770 Well-Known Member

    Hope things get better soon! :hug99: You are doing a great job taking care of the kids when you are sick yourself!
  8. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    So sorry things are so bad right now! :hug99:

    I hope you can find out what is going on with your health.

    Can you get a recomendation from someone in your area, for a new doctor? It really is fustrating when
    doctors do not help.

    I also hope the babies are feeling better very soon!
  9. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    :hug99: [SIZE=10pt]Oh no! Big Hugs! You've really been under stress! I'm sorry that your twins are sick and that you are having this vertigo too! I know what you mean about DH leaving the nursery a mess!! My DH does it all of the time and I inevitably step on a block or something and almost break my neck too! MEN!!

    I hope things get better for you and the girls soon.

  10. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I hope that you and your kid start to feel better soon! I can't imagine feeling dizzy 24/7 and still having to function and care for two sick little ones. You're doing a great job if you're keeping up with everything! I hope that everyone is on the mend soon and that life gets a little easier for you! :hug99:
  11. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    What a terrible time you are going through! I hope today is at least a little better than yesterday, and that things improve going forward.
  12. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain sister !!!!! Caring for twins is soooo HARD !!! And I do feel like what about me? what about my health? There are days when I just feel like "I CAN"T DO THIS TODAY!!!!" but then I remind myself how CUTE they are and how much I love them, and I focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. You are not alone, many of us struggle with the care of our twins, afterall we are all in this forum for support. Hang in There !!
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