Really need support-Feeding-spitting up issues

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Specky, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member


    Really need some suggestions. Pediatrition is useless.

    Our littlest boy is having spit up issues. Ths is new for him, I posted earlier about him being a "gourment" eater...taking forever. Well, I'll take that back anyday instead of what's been happening.

    He is screaming starving waking every 1.5-2hrs, and when he takes a few sucks off his bottle it all just comes out, almost like he doesn't swallow.

    We have tried every bottle imaginable! (Actually, someone mentioned Dr. Brown's and I haven't tried that one yet-going to get one today).

    We have tried every nipple, slow-medium...tried them with different bottles...we have tried different feeding positions...tried burping VERY often.

    I guess I'm just not sure what else to do...He's got plenty of wet diapers, but I'm concerened he will stop gaining weight, he's so tiny, it was a concern!

    He was up to eating 70cc's every 3hrs, and now after all the spit up I'm sure he's back down to 30-40cc's...that's not nearly enough to keep him gaining!

    DH has the same issue, but doesn't seem as bad when he feeds.

    I feel so helpless that I can't feed my son!
    Is this just a rough bump in the road? Will this get better...what am I doing wrong??

    Please, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!!

  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a lot of spitting up issues when my girls were newborns too. If it seems like he is spitting up less for your DH than you it is probably not your imagination, mine did the same thing. If I was stressed and worried about feeding my girls I swear they could sense that and they would spit up more and have more trouble. Before you feed your son make sure you are calmed down and relaxed and start the feeding with a positive attitude feeling happy. That might help, I really believe babies can sense how their mom is feeling and it affects them, that happened to me a lot when they were newborns. The more stressed out I would get about the spitting up, the more they would spit up. So I'd call my mom all stressed out and she'd come over to help, cool as a cucumber and then she would feed them and the babies wouldn't spit up at all for her!

    Also - why is your pediatrician no help? You should be able to trust your pediatrician and call him/her for this type of issue. If your pediatrician is useless and not offering you any help I would recommend getting a new one! It sounds like maybe you need to switch formulas, eventually that's what I had to do with my girls. At the suggestion of the pedi we switched the girls to Enfamil AR and then we never had any spitting up again! They didn't even have to wear a bib after that, there was zero spit up. We used Dr. Brown's bottles.

    :hug: I know it's so frustrating when they spit up.
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Try the Dr. Browns bottles if you can. I swear they made a difference.

    Also, has your Ped brought up the possibility of reflux? I know you said that he or she was useless so I am guessing maybe not. With the screaming on the bottle, this could be the issue. It is definitely worth mentioning to your Ped to see what he or she thinks. Is he gassy? Have you tried some gas drops in bottles to see if that makes a difference? :hug: I am sorry you are so frustrated. I completely understand how hard it is.

    I totally agree with Aimee. You need to trust your Ped. Might be time to find a new one...
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug: One of mine was a mega-spitter so I feel your pain. I agree with Rachel and Aimee, you need to trust your pedi and if you feel he/she isn't listening or helping it might be time for a new doc. I would ask about reflux since this is such a change from before. My girls were dx'ed with reflux at 3 weeks and the meds definitely helped the eating (didn't help the one with spitting, but she was gaining and happy so it was ok).

    How do you hold him when you feed him? When my girls were going thru this, I held them upright in my lap and put my finger under their chin to keep them latched (here is a picture... you can't tell, but my ring finger is under her chin). A NICU nurse taught me this and it really helped when they were tiny. :hug:
  5. mamasky

    mamasky Active Member

    It sounds like reflux. My boys were on Zantac for a while for their reflux. I know Prevacid is also used to infant reflux. I'd ask your ped. for a script to see if it makes a difference.
  6. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    My DS was a very messy eater early on...his bib was soaked at the end of every feeding. He would just dribble it out, like he would forget to swallow sometimes. Is your little boy dribbling it out or spitting it up?
    Like pp I recommend brining up reflux. My dd was diagnosed w/reflux around 5-6 weeks, its been a killer! We're trying different meds and trying to get into a specialist asap but she is still struggling a lot; she refuses feedings.
    As for the spit up...we put 1-2tsp of rice cereal in her bottle to weight it down so it doesnt come back up. Unfortunately she is still a silent refluxer-it comes back up but she swallows it back down-but it has helped. You could talk to your pedi about this as well. Like someone else mentioned enfamil and similac make special formlas with added rice starch, you could try that as well so you wouldnt have to worry about mixing it in.
    Also, if your pedi is useless...please find a different one! I think its very important to have a pedi you can trust and rely on.

  7. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    *hugs* No advice but I would say if you are unhappy with the doctor, find a new one. He/she will be their doctor for sometime and it should be someone you feel comfortable with, can trust and someone you feel is there to help you and your children.

  8. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for your responses! It has been really helpful!

    We went and bought every bottle (that we hadn't bought already) to see if they helped...I was so happy the first feeding with the Dr. Browns bottle, not a fuss out of them...but unfortunatly it didn't last, the next feeding was screaming and spit up...

    They are not vomitting, just spitting up, one of our boys, seems sometimes to not even swallow, just spits out whats in his mouth.

    They are really gassy and uncomfortable, I'm wondering if it's reflux too...I hope we don't have to change formula, my husband was a bit eager and bought about 2mths worth of similac! haha

    I'm trying to make an appt with our MD for today, and at that appt, I plan on addressing my issue...I find him very dismissive, and that bugs me!
    If after our 'chat' this doesn't resolve, I will ask to change.

    Again, thanks for your help! It's great to have an outlet!

  9. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am sorry that you are having such a hard time. I hope the Dr. addresses your issues about the reflux. Once mine got on meds and the right formula they were different babies and I actually enjoyed feeding them. You can always ask for a referral to a Ped GI too and they can help you manage the reflux as well. GL!
  10. tra417

    tra417 New Member

    We had severe reflux with one of our girls (she is just starting to get better now at 7.5 months) and our other daughter had reflux but a milder case. We used Dr. Browns bottles, for every 5 oz of formula we would do 4 teaspoons of oatmeal (rice cereal would make them constipated) and would put them in a bouncer seat for 20 minutes after each feeding. It helped a bit and helped them keep some food down so they weren't eating more often then every 3 hours.
    I know how frustrating it can be but it will get better. If he is screaming or fussy after spitting up then ask for Zantac or some other prescription your doctor prefers to help him with the pain.
    Good luck
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