Ready to rip my hair out with PT and almost 4 year old!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I am ready to put her back in pullups! She's been potty trained for a month and a half and is still having accidents daily. It was mostly poop accidents, but she peed 3x today on the rug! I don't get it. She went on her own this morning. She's only pooped on her own once. I usually catch her right when she's about to go or she goes in her pullup at nap time or bedtime. She's the type that has to be reminded 100x a day and tries everything to not go. She'll be doing the pee pee dance and won't go. She holds it for way too long and then just pees wherever she feels like it. I'm sick of cleaning poopy undies. I've thrown away so many pairs. I started putting her in the tub and spraying her legs off, if she has a pee accident, thinking she'd get sick of that. I think she likes it now! She has to be the most stubborn, headstrong child I've ever met! I don't know what else to do. Her sister was so easy to train. I've tried everything I can think of. Rewards, timer, etc. Any ideas? I feel like we've come so far with her, but still have a ways to go!
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My cousin had this problem with their DD and they finally took her to the Dr when she was 3.5 bc she would tell them "pee pee goes in the potty, poop goes in my pull up". Their ped told them to calmly tell her to go change her clothes and wash up and help her as little as possible. Seemed to do the trick, think it was 2 weeks til she got it....and she is out of control most times!

    mta: out of control meaning she is WILD!;)
  3. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member


    We just waited it out. DD got it really quickly. She had some accidents but nothing major and most of it was purposeful to see what would happen. DS is almost fully potty trained (he has an occasional poop accident when he is too busy to be bothered...but most of the time, he poops and pees in the potty now). Your DD seems to know what she is supposed to do. Like the PP's advice, I would try to remain as calm as possible to see if she is purposely not going to the potty to get a reaction from you.

    It is tough. Hang in there and GL!
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