Ready to pull my hair out!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bbyboo1323, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    DD is great, she sometimes needs rocking for a few minutes and after her last bottle she is down with out a fight. DS however, OMG is driving me insane. I have to HOLD him for hours. I mean this starts at 730ish. He will doze off in his swing for maybe 20 min then screams, I rock and jiggle him for 5 min and he is out. however, if i lay him down, he goes crazy. This will go on until 930 when we go to bed and sometimes we have to fight ot lay him down then..what in the hell can i do??? its so frustrating. I dont mind holding/cuddling but this is crazy EVERY night. Even for naps its gotten this bad! He has been this way for a while, its just gradually getting worse and worse. Between 7 and 10 pm he eats a 7 oz bottle and normally 4 oz an hour or 2 after. He HAS to have that small dosage to go back to sleep once he wakes up
  2. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    My one girl sleeps 9+ hrs consistantly now--last night 11 1/2 hrs!! Her sister is a nightmare!!!! My husband got in the habit of rocking her to get her to settle down, walking around with her and she turned into the devil (I swear). Waking up several times to feed and other times because she thinks its time to play. We'd stick her in the bouncy chair for and hour and a half she's fuss and bounce around and we'd top her up to try to make her sleepy.

    I finally had enough this week. My friend lent me the book on the ferber method and I glanced at it. To me it made sense for us. My hubby is out of town and so I didn't have to worry about him not getting any sleep and I let her cry it out. Bedtime got moved to 7pm from 8:30-9pm. She has slept 5-6 hrs the past two night, woke for a feed and then the other times she woke, I just let her fuss. I checked on her to make sure she wasn't stuck in the bars or anything and didn't pick her up. I walked out of the room and back to bed. She cried about 10 minutes and was out. Her sister barely even stirred with all the noise. If I had of know it would be that easy, I would have done it a month ago. I think the key for me anyways, is to not pick her up. Once she had our attention it was game over :) Might not be the best method for you, but its working so far, so I am going to stick with it. I also am trying to implement a daytime nap schedule, no more short napping in the swing whenever.
  3. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    :hug: My boy is ironically the better behaved one but at night he turns into mr hyde lol. I'm sorry I have no good advice, I'll definitely be looking for ideas though. I was thinking about getting a projection mobile for mine, also my singleton has the cribside soother and loves it still but since my twins share the crib still I figure I'll probably get the other one so they can both see it.

    Also have you tried all the other things like: a bedtime routine, quiet play with dim lights before bed, could he be overtired, maybe he doesn't like his current sleeping arrangements etc. HTH!!!
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Yup CIO works wonders. I too am going to be doing exactly the same with naps starting soon, these swing naps just aren't cutting it anymore. My boy wants to sleep and is basically asleep but just screams til he falls into a deeper sleep I think. Almost like he just has such trouble getting there KWIM? And when he waked up n the middle of the night it's not for food it's the same thing, almost like a nightmare or something it's weird.
  5. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    I ordered the book last week and am going to try to Ferber him just because I cant deal with all this anymore. I could see if he was feeling bad, uncomfortable, etc but this is just plain spoiled!! You CAN spoil a baby, I do not care what anyone says and I have one on my hands!

    We have a crib soother with a projector on the ceilig. DD loves it and looks at it and goes on to sleep but DS wow!! It just pisses him off more. We do a bedtime routine. Baths and on nights we do no bath we do lotion, etc and a bottle in a dark room but he will just not have it! He rather sleep in the living room with one of us holding him lights on, tv on..its so weird, they are SO different. I dont even consider them twins anymore! ha!

    Weird thing is, once he is asleep by 9 or 930 he normally sleep until 5 or so. Occassionaly he will wake around 4 for a botthle like he did last night but goes right back to sleep. Its now almost 730 and he is still out. He is VERY capable of sleeping long periods and all night, its just getting his little tail to sleep!
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