ready for a pillow?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmynTony, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my twins have had a small crotched afghan in their crib with them since about 6 mos old - it originally was a security measure for at they just kind of ball it up in the corner of the crib and sleep on it...should I look into getting them a small stiff pillow or just let them keep the balled up afghan and put another small afghan over them to keep the breeze off?

    and please no flaming for having an afghan in the crib under a year - I didn't put it in the crib until they had head control and could roll....
  2. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    We had blankets at theat age in their cribs too, so you won't hear any thing from me (we also still have their crib bumpers in). They like to ball up their blankets too and put them under their tummies when they sleep on their stomachs. At about 18 months, Natalie was diagnosed with a double ear infection and our pediatrician told me to try to keep their heads at an incline when they slept. So I got them little pillows then and they've been in the cribs ever since. We also have never had another ear infection (fingers crossed!)

    When it started to get cold (probably about the same time as we introduced the pillows last year), they would still ball up their blankets. So we would go in after they fell asleep and put another blanket over them. Now they have 2 blankets in the cribs with them at all times. And we usually have to cover them up when we check on them anyway!!
  3. bethanne

    bethanne Well-Known Member

    Mine too have had the crocheted blankets since about 6 months and used them for more of a pillow than anything else. We bought them a couple of those travel pillows, but they still would rather use the blankets. I just put another one on top after they're asleep and the pillows lay in the corner.
  4. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    My boys always had blakets too..they may not use them but they like them there. I put pillows in thier toddler beds at about 22 months when they transitioned...they are very FLAT pillows and got thier fav CARS charachters on them...;) Now, they get mad if its not there!!
  5. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    Girl, you don't need to apologize for have a keepsake blanket for them to use in that crib. I actually began with Emily because Amber just didn't like pillows but Emily began to really take to lying on pillows outside of her crib at around 18 months or so. I started by buying 2 travel pillows/pillow cases and butting them together in her crib. About a month ago, I put a king size pillow in her crib and now the travel pillows are in Amber's crib, but Amber still doesn't use them that much. She could really take em or leave em.
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine started having pillows around 18 months. I bought these ones from a company somebody on this site recommended, (they were offering a twin discount awhile back)and they are the perfect size for a first time pillow IMO. If they are sleeping on the afghan I would probably get some.
  7. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Nicole - those pillows are really cute!!

    thanks for the advice...I may just let them keep the afghan's and cover them with a second one cuz lord knows I got enough hand crotched afghans at birth!
  8. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    My girls really started to use pillows at 18 months. My mom took a regular pillow, cut it in half, took out some of the stuffing and stitched it back up. She also made the girls 3 pillow cases with cute fabric. They love their little pillows and at night lay their head down then I "cover them with love" when I put their blanket over them.
  9. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    My boys started using pillows around 21 months or so...I just bought the small (maybe 12" x 12" or so) light blue pillows at IKEA. It was kind of an accident, they grabbed them at the store and shoved them in their stroller and said, NI-NIGHT! And I was like, hmmm...I'll try it.
    They love them, and I bought a few extra but they wash up great in the washer, and the best part is, they are 99 cents each!
  10. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    my boys had hand crocheted afgans from my mom that they used from birth. it was subzero here in VT in Feb. I started with pillows at about a year? i forget already. i got them cute thomas and elmo pillow cases and they loved them!
  11. twingirls52905

    twingirls52905 Well-Known Member

    I am trying to find the best pillows for my girls to start out with also. They just turned 2 and will be going into toddler beds soon. Do I just buy regular firm pillows or should I buy special ones? Just wondering what everyone's opinions are.
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine have had their lovie blankets for a long time and I used to fold it for their heads and when they demonstrated that they liked that, I got them toddler pillows. They love love love them. I gave them to them just before 2 yrs. old.
  13. TwinsItIs

    TwinsItIs Well-Known Member

    Moshe has been using a regular sized pillow for a long time now. He had a very bad cold and had a hard time breathing. I put him on a pillow to be elevated and he loved it. He's been using it every since.
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