reading to your twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rajeshris, May 7, 2010.

  1. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    So I try reading to my boys everyday, and they are so distracted, they couold care less! I do it during the day and then also in their room before bed, but they show interest for the first 10 seconds and then they are off exploring whatever they can. Just wondering if yours loves to listen to you read and if so, when did they seem to start paying attention? Also, what do you read? Goodnight Moon has been our go to book but my DH basically now just says "goodnight everyone" and stops!! :) It's really hard to motivate myself to read when they aren't even looking at me!!
  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I started reading to my boys really early, and I seem to remember having some problems with distraction between 12-18 months. You could try reading to them one at a time, and I would also try to read really simple books. I mostly read books with only a few words or less on each page. I also had a lot of those touchy feely books, which can help gain their interest. At that age you can also give them the book on their own and let them "read." I have tons of photos of my son Mark "reading" at that age. He'd just sit on the floor and turn pages.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys did not get into it until they were 2. Prior to that they would just walk away and play and I would be reading to myself.

    I find the more you put into the book, they more interested they will be.

    Mine love the 5 Little Monkey's Jumping on the Bed. When I get to the part "The momma called the Dr. & the Dr said" they will try to say "no more monkey's jumping on the bed".

    I need to pick up more from that series because they really enjoy it.
  4. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I started early at 6 months. I like to read books that have rhyme and repetition. If I read it several days in a row..they go crazy for it!!! Try reading the same book every day for a week, while they are eating in their high chair. I bet they will love it!!!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say that mine were easily distracted between 12-18 months and preferred to look at books themselves rather then being read to. Like Rachel, we kept out stories simple and to the point at that age. They will start to show more interest and attention as they get older. I would keep it up but just keep it short for now. Good luck!
  6. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We read a story/stories every night before going to bed. Sometimes we read during the day on weekends. My girls absolutely love books and being read to. However, as others have said I do remember them going through a phase where they were more easily distracted.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I used to read so much more to them... then they started grabbing pages and then they would just walk away... so sad! anyway, yes, focus on a few books and make the sounds to go with the pictures. most books have cute pictures that aren't even in the storyline. we have the "I love you daddy" and "I love you mommy" series... with the Daddy Bear, Mommy Bear and Little Bear. Its so cute to see the owl on the page and the kids go "whoooo whooo" - just like I do when I see it.

    I truly need to put up the 40 other books we have out and about and just have about 5 books they can choose from. I think they would really devour the books more and like the pp said, to focus on 1 a week might be better than all the choices I have out for them.

    keep it up, its hard to keep motivated, but reading is such a great thing to keep doing!
  8. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    We still don't really read books, but my ds especially loves books and will bring them to me at all time and has to "read" before bed. We just point things out in the books more than anything. Like with Goodnight Moon it is where is the balloon, where is the house, where is the cow - what does the cow say, where is the mouse, where is the bunny, etc., etc. They love pointing things out and saying the words and the praise they get when they get it right and pp said it well - it is just too cute when you ask what does an owl say, what does a monkey say, what does a cow say, what does a duck say, what does a train say, etc. and they imitate the little sounds - all of which they learned from books. I gave up on trying to actually read the stories since I think it is great that they just love to flip through the pages of books and enjoy "reading" time.
  9. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    picture books! i've been reading to the girls since they were in my tummy so they don't get distracted from it too easily nowadays. they love picture books. I tell them to point to an item and then tell them what it is. I also tell them when to turn the page. Toddlers need to know that they can do things on their own, so I let them have more control. If they walk away while I'm reading I continue to read aloud even if they aren't listening. There are a handful of books that they like and they all have more pictures than words.
  10. SarahONeill

    SarahONeill Member

    My two absolutely love being read to, or looking at books on their own. What have proved very popular are peekaboo books. I don't know if they have these in the States, but DK do a great series of peekaboo board books with texture/touch elements as well. And some also with sounds. I'd also recommend one called "Dear Zoo". Maybe the interactive element will help to engage their attention?

    And since we're talking about reading I'm going to add a little personal promo for people to check out/google Babybug magazine. It's for babies/toddlers - no advertising - nine issues a year with little stories and poems, and will see kids through their growing years with different magazines targeted to their age group (Babybug, Ladybug, Spider, Cricket (which I grew up with and loved!) etc.). My dad got the boys a five year subscription as a gift and I so look forward to it coming through the letterbox.
  11. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Mine love the Peekaboo books, too, and Dear Zoo - anything that they can open and touch has always grabbed their attention! The Baby Signs "I Can Sign" books are good, too, because they have flaps they can lift. I have a low bookshelf down in our playroom filled with board books that they "read" on their own or bring to me to read to them. I also have a bunch of regular paper books, but they seem to get upset since I can't really let them hold them (they still rip pages). So for us, I think the secret was always having books around for them to handle and explore. We've read to them a ton since they were tiny and now that they are bigger they jump at the chance to cuddle into my lap with a book the second I sit on the floor. Sandra Boynton books have been favorites forever - have you tried them? They are all very silly with crisp pictures and a nice little rhyming rhythm that mine love. Snuggle Puppy, But Not the Hippopotamus, Horns to Toes, and The Belly Button Book are all very cute.
  12. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    I absolutely love reading to my guys. I don't like when they bring me books and stuff them right in my face hurting me.
    We started really really early. 4months? I'll have to look back on the daily charts to know exactly when.

    right now...
    We love anything with dogs, puppies, ducks, trucks.
    Also any books with moving parts, lift the flaps, move the arrows.

    I try to read to them a non-picture book before naptime to counter the endless number of other books. This would include Curious George, Beatrix Potter, and lately Winnie the Pooh stories.

    We don't watch tv other than special occassions, so they know Elmo only from books :) :)
  13. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    This was about the age that we started reading to the twins while they were in their high chairs and eating. Now they LOVE a story during dinner. Sometimes we sing, sometimes we read but it's so much easier because they are contained. We do read during other times of the day but consistently we read during meal times. I also make sure they get to point to things and "help" me read but I don't ever let them have the books in their chairs. GL
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