Reading speed for 7 year olds

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by momof5, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I got a note from school that said my 7 year olds (will be in 2nd grade in the fall) don't read as many words per minute as they should be. Any idea how fast your kids can read per minute or what your state/school recommends? I don't think I ever knew how many words per minute my older two could read at this grade level. I am interested to see what your replies are.
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have no idea how fast my boys can read. At this age, it shouldn't be an issue, because all trying to speed up an emergent reader does is cause them to miss out on what they are reading. My only concern would be if they are still sounding out every word, then that is a different problem.
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Our school doesn't seem to use that criteria either . . . that I know of{?}
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Our school started a new reading program last fall, and that is one of the tests (the only reason I know...they test weekly on it). But, it is how many words/minute plus how many errors. My daughter is at about 93 (give or take 5ish) words/minute with 0, 1, or 2 errors. BUT, she was in the highest level, so I know that isn't the norm. They also are tested on the comprehension. It's actually a neat program, they are placed according to where they are at, and tested a lot to keep them where they need to be.

    I keep saying when my 5 yr old starts kindergarten this fall, it will be a true test of how well this reading program works. It's supposed to be wonderful, and has been for my girls, but I will see what it does for my little don't care about the letters or sounds or anything child.
  5. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I have asked a lot more people and their schools all do a test to determine how many words per minute. Maybe it is an Ohio thing, Sharon.
  6. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    Heather, that is AWESOME! School told me it is a common test but they usually only share results if a child is above or below average. My 3 brothers who teach in public schools said they use it, too.
  7. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

    At our school it's 60 wpm for first grade. Isabel is at 57 wpm with 95% accuracy. Not sure what speed/accuracy Isidra is at, but I know she reads at a fourth grade level.
  8. GeminiX4

    GeminiX4 Well-Known Member

    One of my twins (7 y/o) was just tested, reading 118 wpm, don't know if there were any errors during the test.

    Comprehension....that's another thing!
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