Rainy Day Activity Suggestions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by beanmachine, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member

    Hi Everyone,

    The weather has started to change and we've had a few rainy days with more right around the corner, so I was wondering how all of you manage to keep your kids entertained when you're cooped up inside. Do you have any suggestions of things I can have up my sleeve for days coming up when we're stuck inside?

    Thank you!
  2. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Would love to know to. Mine at 15 months are to small for any creative project. They still put everything in their mouths.
  3. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    A few things that we have been doing lately is doing sticker art. ITs something that all of my children can do without it being to messy or without some serious fighting. We also do the board puzzles and we have started to crack into the christmas movies! The twins don't like to sit and watch TV unless its a quick clip of Elmo. However, it gets us all in the spirit and it sort of lifts my winter blues (already!)
  4. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    A few things we do:

    Music, dancing, acting out songs.
    Soft baby balls or ballons.
    An old mattress to tumble around, jump, turn somersaults etc. Find an indoor space where they can burn off some of their energy safely.
    Arts and crafts projects with fingerpaints, watercolours, play doh, stickers, crayons, pipe cleaners. If I am good I prepare easy things like cutting out paper shapes for them to glue on to cards or cutting animal shapes out of old calenders for them to paint - just to make things a little different.
    Baking and cooking (e.g. measuring things, pouring ingredients, kneading dough, decorating cookies).
    Sorting things like buttons, wooden blocks, nuts we gathered in the fall.

    Most of these activities require that you really supervise or participate. If I sit down with a brush too, painting often lasts a lot longer than if I try and do chores or make calls while they paint.

    I also recommend investing in good outdoor raingear and rainboots. My LOs love to go splashing in the puddles, catching the raindrops, messing with watering cans. Dressing and undressing them and drying all the dripping clothes is a pain but even half an hour makes all the difference to the rest of the morning or afternoon.
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