Questions regarding 1 year old schedules

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dalilja, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. dalilja

    dalilja Well-Known Member

    Hi all!

    I've just graduated over to this forum and I'm excited to be here! I love this website! I don't post a whole lot but I read a lot and get lots of useful information from everyone!

    I'm really struggling trying to get a new schedule down for my boys since they've been about 11 mos and I started introducing more table food and whole milk. Not to mention, I can't tell if they're eating enough...UGH! Please help.

    I thought there was a list of schedules somewhere on here but I can't find it.

    Right now, it goes something like this...

    7:30 wake up
    8:00 am - breakfast (usually 1 cup cereal, 3/4 cup milk, and fresh pureed(sp?) fruit, split between the two)
    8:30am - 10:30am - bath and play
    10:30am - snack (usually 1 cup of yogurt and fruit, split between the two)
    11am - 12:30pm - play
    12:30pm - Lunch (usually a grilled cheese sandwich and a little veggies, split between the two)
    1:00pm - 2:30pm - nap
    2:30pm - 4:00pm - play
    4:00pm - 4:30pm - dinner (this is my toughest meal. I try to feed them a toddler meal and some veggies, split between the two - sometimes they eat and sometimes they scream)
    4:30pm - 7:00pm - play, sit with mommy and daddy while they eat dinner
    7:00pm - snack (8oz bottle of milk for each boy)
    7:30pm - 8:00pm - down time before bed
    8:00pm - bedtime

    Does it sound like they're eating enough? Sometimes I think I'm starving them but they don't seem too unhappy until after their nap. Is this a normal schedule for 1 year olds? Am I stressing too much about what they're eating?

  2. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    It sounds pretty good to me :)
    I gave my babes two bottles a day...One 7 ounce in the morning, one 7 ounce at night. (before breakfast and after dinner, respectively) I also feed them until they do not want to eat more...when, food start staying on their trays, I stop putting food on the trays. I give them lots of fruits and veggies, cheese, veggie burgers, etc. I also give apples or a fruit for a snack throughout the day when they seem hungry. They love cheese and crackers..

    On another note, your ticker says that your babies are 6 days old...I think they must be 1 year and 6 days old! Happy BIRTHDAY BABIES!!
  3. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Your schedule sound fine if that's what is working for them. It depends on your kids. At one year, my kids were monster eaters. I have always gone by them. The pediatrician told me to feed them until they turn their heads and refuse to take anymore. After that, I never force anymore on them. After doing that a couple of times, I was able to get a feel for how much food my kids could eat of a given food. Eventually, their appetite grew because when there was no more food, they would cry for more so I knew that it may be time to up their portion a bit. Of course, there are times when they would barely eat at all and I thought they would just wither away on me but they go through a slow down rate at various times during the second year so don't panic of all of a sudden they are rejecting food. My ped said, they will not starve themselves and when they are hungry they will eat.
  4. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    Your schedule looks fine, and as long as your letting your kiddos tell you when they're finished eating (turning heads, throwing the food down) than they are probably eating enough. At one year the girls had an a.m. & p.m. bottle of milk (8 oz each)--which we got rid of a month later, and ate three meals and one snack with foods that sound very similar to what you are feeding yours. Like pp said, try not to stress as long as you are offering a variety they will get what they need.
  5. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Your schedule looks great to me. My only advice would be if they are giving you a hard time about eating their dinner, maybe push it back by 30 min or so? But! They're eating really well the rest of the day though and if their sleep isn't disturbed at night I wouldn't worry about them not eating as well at dinnertime. One year olds are pretty good at finding ways of letting you know if they're hungry ;)
  6. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Mine are that age - they get an AM bottle, PM bottle, and one bottle during the day at daycare, 3 (sometimes 4) meals with 2 snacks. Mine are crazy eaters though, they'd eat a whole grilled cheese sandwich to themselves and will eat a whole cup of yogurt/applesauce to themselves.....

    We get up at 5:30-6 and are in bed NLT 7:30 p.m. but usually before that.
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