Questions/Concerns...Baby B not thriving

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JenClark74, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. JenClark74

    JenClark74 Active Member

    I don't post much here, but I do lurk. I am 33 weeks pg with di-di twins, both girls. I've been on bedrest since 21 weeks, hospitalized three times for preterm labor, multiple stints on mag sulfate during those stays. I had the steroid shots around 26 weeks. Currently my cervix is closed and high, fetal fibronectin last week was negative. I also have gestational diabetes, dx'd at 18 weeks, been on insulin since 20 weeks.

    Yesterday, I had my monthly growth u/s with my peri. Baby A looks great - 4 lbs, 8 oz. Baby B, however, was only 3 lbs, 6 oz. She gained less than a pound since the last u/s a month ago. She's measuring 3-4 weeks behind on all her measurements. Her amniotic fluid was low, and the doppler study on her umbilical cord showed increased pressure. They did an NST, which both babies did fine on.

    My peri said they will repeat the fluid check and doppler study on Friday, along with another NST. I talked to my OB today, and she explained that the pressure in the cord being increased can prevent growth, and that it could be caused by a placental problem or a knot in the cord. She said the increased pressure can get worse to the point that there is actually a reverse flow in the umbilical cord, and at that point, they would take the twins.

    Questions - have any of you had these issues with the cord, low fluid volume, growth restriction? And if so, what was the outcome?

    I am so scared - I can't imagine making it this far and losing one of them. And Friday feels SOOOO far away to wait for more news!!

    Thanks in advance!!
  2. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I dont have any experience with this or advice but I just wanted to say that I am thinking of you and praying baby b will be okay-You have made it so far that if they need to take them early things will turn out okay!
    Good luck-sorry you have to wait so long to find out how things are going-hang in there.
  3. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Sending hugs your way.

  4. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    Hugs to you - it sounds like they have a good plan, and at 33 weeks, you are in a terrific place and shoudl feel proud for getting so far with all you have been through!

    I had mo/di twins, and one of my twins was smaller (and was a pound smaller at birth) and at 18 weeks, she had absent end diastolic flow in her cord, which is the same as some sort of increased pressure, I think. It is the step before reverse flow. She also had little or no fluid at 18 weeks, but that returned to normal after a couple weeks of bedrest. Our problems were due to TTTS, which is different than your situation, but we had some of the same things happen as a result.

    I spent 21 weeks on bedrest and had the twins at 38w4d! My little one was only 5lb2oz even then, so she was technically growth restricted.

    You are already on bedrest, and it sounds like you are being monitored frequently. If I were you, I'd step up the bedrest, drink lots of water, eat lots of calories and focus your energies on the babies. I hope you can keep them in there a bit longer, and things even out for you, even for a couple weeks!


    MARYLANE Well-Known Member

    Congratulation on making it that far with all your conditions!

    I don't want to give you false hopes, but it is possible that they were off for some reasons in the measurements or that the situation will change, mine were found with a 20% difference in size at 2 U/S and then close again (only 9% weight difference last week).

    Regardless, it is true that you passed the 32 weeks milestone and if they had to be taken out now they would have good chances to be perfectly fine.

    Good luck!
  6. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jake was diagonsed as IUGR at 25 weeks. I spent 11 weeks on bedrest, worried at each appointment the would deliver me. He showed consistent growth and all other indicators were negative (no genetic problems, no cord issues good NSTs). We finally delivered at 36 weeks and he spent about 2 weeks in the NICU.

    You are 33 weeks, which is great. If they sense baby B is in distress they will deliver you and I would expect a very good outcome. That's why the NSTs are important. In the meantime, REST, as this will take pressure of the cord and help with blood flow, etc.

    Good luck!
  7. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    I have no experience in this but wanted to wish you the best and sending you lots of hugs!
  8. Kristi F.

    Kristi F. Well-Known Member

    My girls were born at 26 weeks due to IUGR and reverse blood flow in Baby B. It was a scary time for us not knowing what would happen. They were small and spent time in the NICU but they are now 2.5 and doing so much better. You are even further than I was so I think they will do just fine. Your docs will keep an eye one you and rest as much as possible. If you have any particular questions, just let me know. I will be thinking of you guys and hope that the situation improves so they can cook a bit longer :hug99:
  9. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Hi Jen,

    I just sent you a PM! Big :hug99:

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