Questions about Swelling for those who've BTDT

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by JediMom, May 5, 2008.

  1. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    My BP has been fine at the Dr's office. Always great. Saw her about 1.5 weeks ago and I see her again on Thursday.

    Question - I am swelling a LOT on my left left. In fact, it looks like an elephant while the other looks pretty normal.

    Anyone else experience this?

    I put my feet up but it doesn't do a whole lot.

  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Rachael, I was swollen from 25 weeks on. <_< Swollen to the point where my skin started tingling it was so stretched out. The only way I got some relief was to put my feet up on some pillows, inclined higher then the rest of my body. I know you said you did it and it didn't work, I'm sorry I have no other advice. I was swollen until the day I gave birth. :huh: If you are concerned that only one side is swollen, I'd give your doctor a call. :hug99:
  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    That is how my swelling started, in my left foot and ankle for about 2 weeks. Then the right side caught up. I have tried everything from putting my feet up on pillows, compression socks, DH massages them upward, and soaking them. I think I tried everything that was suggested to me. Nothing really seems to help.

    My OB had me start taking 500mg of magnesium daily about 1.5 weeks ago and that seems to be helping some. I am not having the tingling burning pain from my skin stretching, but they are still swollen. The good thing is my BP is good and so is my weekly urine tests.
  4. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JediMom @ May 5 2008, 11:01 AM) [snapback]756065[/snapback]
    My BP has been fine at the Dr's office. Always great. Saw her about 1.5 weeks ago and I see her again on Thursday.

    Question - I am swelling a LOT on my left left. In fact, it looks like an elephant while the other looks pretty normal.

    Anyone else experience this?

    I put my feet up but it doesn't do a whole lot.


    Please give your doc a call! I had this develop when I was about 35 weeks pregnant. I knew some swelling was normal, but my right leg was significantly more swollen than the other leg.

    Turns out I had a blood clot in that leg. I had no other typical symptoms of a blood clot (DVT), pain, redness, warmth...only t he swelling. My ob measured my legs, I had enough of a difference between the two that they did an u/s on my leg and found the clot. Just give them a call, better to check it and see!
  5. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Chillers @ May 5 2008, 11:56 AM) [snapback]756349[/snapback]
    Please give your doc a call! I had this develop when I was about 35 weeks pregnant. I knew some swelling was normal, but my right leg was significantly more swollen than the other leg.

    Turns out I had a blood clot in that leg. I had no other typical symptoms of a blood clot (DVT), pain, redness, warmth...only t he swelling. My ob measured my legs, I had enough of a difference between the two that they did an u/s on my leg and found the clot. Just give them a call, better to check it and see!

    Ditto to this. Please call and have your ob see the swelling. I also had a DVT which broke apart and traveled to my lung. My first symptom was painful breathing. I actually had swelling in both legs, but I know one side swelling is a classic DVT symptom.
  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I had a major difference ... my right leg was a lot worse. I had 2 u/s done to check for blood clots in week 36 and 37. My leg also hurt. My belly wasn't round either. No blood clots found though. My girl was head down on the left size and my boy breech on the right side, and my belly was lower on the right side than on the left, possibly pushing on veins etc. My blood flow in that leg was "sluggish" but nothing concerning. I was induced a little past 38 weeks. My blood pressure has always been normal 110/120-60/70. Once they were out ... and they turned out to be 15 1/2 lbs combined things made a little more sense and my legs returned to normal within no time!
  7. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    Most of my swelling is on my left side also. I did find that elevating my feet really helped. However, as soon as I started to be active again, the swelling returned. My shower is next week and I have no shoes that will fit. I have already went up a size and a half.
  8. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    I've noticed that since Baby A turned is when my swelling on my left side got worse. At least, I am PRETTY sure Baby A moved. I believe the are both transverse right now. By belly is much WIDER than it was poochy a few weeks ago. Strange!

    So may since baby A moved that's why!?
  9. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I think I'd still get it checked out :) I'm pretty sure it was how the babies were laying that I developed the swelling and then the clot. When I had my initial u/s, the clot was non occlusive and then after being in the hospital for a week, on IV blood thinners, due to the babies position, it had turned occlusive, so I had my section the next day.

    It could very well be just a case of sluggish circulation like Franca had, but I'd still mention it to the doc and hopefully it's nothing. Probably isn't anything, but better safe than sorry, kwim?
  10. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    My swelling is mostly on the left, too. I wouldn't worry about it. My OB said that it is just a normal thing... unless your face is starting to swell. Hands and feet are just another fun fact about being pg with twins! It's because the blood can go down easier than it can get up at this point. You can put a cool cloth on it or soak them in cool water if the swelling begins to make your feet hot. Otherwise, try not to sit or stand in one place too long and keep your feet up!
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