Questions about starting finger foods

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TeeandGee, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    As I am sure most of you were, I am really nervous to start finger foods. We are only doing purees right now and haven't even started stage 2 yet although our cereal is made pretty thick and they did get a stage 2 vegetable today with NO problems whatsoever. Is it too soon to start? Our girls are 8 months old.

    When did you start? What did you start with? I read that Cheerios and dry toast are good but how do they not choke on a Cheerio?

    Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for this VERY nervous mom? Thanks! :)
  2. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I still am so nervous and probably cut their food way to small for them! Puffs are a very popular first finger food because they basically dissolve. However, with saying that, I cut Puffs in half for a month or two. Also, cheese is good. I tore little pieces of sliced cheese. They also liked scrambled egg yolk.
  3. JakoBen

    JakoBen Well-Known Member

    I agree with the PP. I would start with the Puff cut in 1/2. The dissolve very quickly, much easier than the Cheerios! Once they can handle 1/2 a puff move on to a whole one! Have fun! :)
  4. motheringtwins

    motheringtwins Well-Known Member

    i started them on finger food at around 9 maybe 10 months. i thought, why rush, but then one day, they just grabbed the food and put it int heir mouth so i realised maybe i was holding them back???

    i started them with things like bannana and microwaved sweet potato and soft, boiled pear. anything that would basically disintegrate as soon as they held it... i was really nervous how they would do it with a few teeth and i literally gazed at their mouths and throats to watch for any choking. i was like a frozen animal in fear ready to pounce (at first sign of choking) but they really managed fine. When they did choke a little, it wasn't 'blue in the face' sort of choke, it was more, them trying to clear their throat and they brought it up themselves.

    i learnt to watch the 'type' of choking. I had no hesitation at diving in and fishing it out, but i learnt that most of the time they have a spasm which gets it out themself.
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I know its scary! I held my first three kids back... and trust me that is worse!! I let my fourth child start with cheerios and puffs at 7 month and she did great! You have to remember that they dont just stick cheerios in there mouth and swallow... they roll it around and play with it till its soggy. Oh and remember, let them pick it up, thats signthat they are ready for it! Good luck!
  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My twins started with stage 2 at 4 months (first the singles, later the combinations). At 6 months they started stage 3 (with a combination of stage 2). They have been eating puffs and wagon wheels since 6 1/2 months and are doing great.

    The difference in terms of thickness between stage 1 and 2 is absolutely minimal. Even some of the stage 3 ones are still very runny unless it says "thicker" and/or "with pieces" on the label. The containers are just bigger and more different food (combinations).
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they can pick it up & get it to their mouths, they are probably ready for finger foods and it is great practice for developing fine motor skills. Puffs are great, I never did the cut in half thing - try one, you can't keep it in your mouth more than a second or two before it is mush. Cheerios are not likely to cause any major choking either, they are a bit harder but not a shape that would actually block their breathing. One warning - if they enjoy feeding themselves like my two, they may not have much patience with the baby food for long. Mine get cereal with a fruit in the morning but lunch & dinner are all finger food now. They just push away the spoon & fuss until they are given something they can feed themselves! :D
  8. TeeandGee

    TeeandGee Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of your advice. We started offering them Puffs about 4 days ago. They have been trying to eat them on their own too but most of the time I have to feed it to them. That is okay. We cut the Puffs in half up until just today's lunch where I offered them a couple of whole ones. They were okay with it but I wasn't! ;) I was scared! :)

    We bought Cheerios and will probably try them next but they are SO hard. Perhaps I will try some soft, mushed banana first.

    Gosh, I guess this worrying NEVER ends! ;)
  9. bethanyjoy

    bethanyjoy Well-Known Member

    It's a bit messy, but you can put a small amount of a thick puree on their tray and let them play with that -- it's amazing how much they get into their mouths! (This is a great way to get food into YOURSELF at mealtime, too...entertains them while you grab a few bites.)

    Since the puffs are going well for you, a few other finger foods mine have loved are little cubes of well-cooked sweet potato, cooked green peas, and grated cheese (if you've introduced any dairy yet.) Tofu cubes or grated tofu are good too, if you're comfortable giving soy products.

    Also, I really like the Beechwood Biter Biscuits -- they dissolve really well as they chew, haven't had any scares with large chunks or anything, and they really love them.
  10. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    I actually gave the girls an arrowroot cookie yesterday for the first time and know that is quite early. But arrowroots they are allowed to have as soon as they start solids, and of course with supervison.
    The loved it, they just kind of sucked on it, and made a huge mess. But they did really well.
  11. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member


    It does take a strong will to start kids on finger foods, cause part of the whole learning process is Gagging and choking -- it's all part of how the baby figures out how to eat real food. As for puffs and cheerios, kix, etc they actually chew them - with their gums. this is critical in their development cause it teaches them to move food around their mouths with their tongues and then move food back to swallow. I'd definitely get them used to this now. you don't want them to have texture issues, etc. which can be more possible the longer you wait.

    Banana is great starter food as it mushes up pretty quick, too.


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