Questions about party favors/goody bags

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Babytimes2, Mar 5, 2008.


What kind of party favors should I give for the party?

  1. CD

    0 vote(s)
  2. Pirate-themed goody bag

    0 vote(s)
  3. Both CD and goody bag

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other (please specify)

    0 vote(s)
  1. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    The boys will be 4 at the end of this month and I'm trying to decide what to do about goody bags/party favors. I contemplated burning a CD with some of their favorite songs and giving them as favors, but that really has nothing to do with the theme of the party (which is pirates BTW). Do the favors need to match the theme of the party? My other option is to fill a goody bag with pirate-themed stuff (like from Oriental Trading) which, in my opinion, is usually just a bunch of junk that will end up in the trash. What would you do...CD or pirate-themed goody bag? Or should I do both?

    Here's another question...if I do go the CD route, some of their favorite songs are not "children's songs". They like "We Will Rock You" by Queen, "Cheeseburger in Paradise" by Jimmy Buffett, "Convoy" by CW McCall, several songs by the Beach Boys, etc. Do I include those on the CD as well or should I just limit the songs to children's songs? Would you, as a parent, be offended if your child was given a CD and Queen started blaring out of the speakers? I know I personally wouldn't because we like all kinds of music in our house, but I wanted to get other opinions.

  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Hi Misty! I voted CD and goody bag. In the goody bag I would do things like Stickers or tattoos, pirate telescope , eye patch and maybe some kind of small snack like a box of animal cookies or something.
  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jimmy Buffet has a "Parakeet Album" which are children's versions of his most popular songs. If you got a copy of that, you could burn it for the kids. Jimmy Buffett (you might be able to get it at the library).
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I know it seems like just a bunch of "junk" but the kids LOVE that "junk." I would totally do a pirate themed goodybag with stuff from Oriental Trading. The cd is a cute idea as well, and there are many good pirate themed songs you could probably record but if I had to choose between a cd and goody bag, I personally feel that the kids would appreciate the goody bags with the junk way more. jmo.
  5. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    I'd go with the goody bag. You might have some copyright issues with burning cd's.
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Orestia @ Mar 6 2008, 11:45 AM) [snapback]655732[/snapback]
    I'd go with the goody bag. You might have some copyright issues with burning cd's.

    I believe there are only copyright issues if you try to sell them. You can totally burn cds and give them away as gifts. We gave everyone goody bags and a cd of the girls favorite Wiggles songs for their Wiggle themed 1st bday party last year.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The CD idea is a great one Misty! Josh is turning 4 on Monday, and chose a pirate theme. We are only having one of his little friends over, and the rest will be family, so I got these cute little mini-treasure chests, some 'gold' coins, gum, stickers, pirate fruit snacks, and pirate pencils. I hate goody bags/boxes, but he is just having one friend, and was excited to pick the stuff out!

    Have fun at your party!
  8. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    I voted for the goodie bag. We just had a birthday party for the boys and their children's guest list ranged from 3 weeks old to 9 years old. I included items in the bag such as books, games, birthday pencils, erasers, bubbles, ring pops, crazy straws, cups and several other little goodies. With the exception of the 3 week old, from one to 9, all the kids were digging into their bags and playing with their stuff. I was a little worried about the 9 year olds liking the items, but he was just as enthralled going through the items as the younger children. They each got a mylar balloon to take home at the end of the party and they each had a latex balloon that they released with a message they had written at the party.
  9. Babytimes2

    Babytimes2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies! I think I will do a small goody bag with just a few things (like the telescope Trish linked, maybe an eye patch and a bandana) and the CD. I think I'll steer away from some of the more "controversial" songs like Cheeseburger in Paradise though. I'm not sure how many parents would like their child singing "a big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer...well good God Almighty which way do I steer for my cheeseburger in paradise." :laughing: I think the Beach Boys songs might be a little safer. ;)

    Maureen...I had no idea about the Parakeet Album! I'll have to check into that because the boys love Jimmy Buffett! Thanks!
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I voted for the CD. I think the moms will enjoy it too! My sister did this for her son's bday a few years ago and I still play it for my kids. Much better than the bag full of junky toys and candy that get thrown away quickly and can get pretty expensive for you to buy!
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