questions about feeding

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rajeshris, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    I have a couple of questions about feeding....

    First--we had been using nursery water, but have moved to just plain tap water...what do you tap water fine?

    Second--we are just starting rice cereal/oatmeal and I have no idea what to do?! I know you start slowly, but how do you know to move up and how much to feed them once they do start taking and how often? My boys are 6 1/2 months and 3 1/2 months adjusted. Our GI said they are definitely ready to start on this, so we are just starting. Thought it was early, but he said not at all (they have had issues with reflux and the bottle, so think partly why he said to go ahead and start).

    Woudl love any advice as to how to get started....

    thanks so much!
  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Tap water is fine as long as you are on city/public water. If you have a private well stick to the nursery- they need the floride in the water.
    For the cereal you can start with 1-2 tablespoons 1x a day. then slowly increase the amount.
    We did 1 meal at 6 months,
    2 meals at 7 months,
    3 meals at 8 months, etc (you get the idea).
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We used tap water from the start. Some pedi's say it's fine and some say to use distilled.

    For the cereal I would start with making it very liquidy, because they aren't going to be used to taking anything from a spoon. Then as they get used to it I'd make it thicker.
  4. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Our tap water tastes gross to us so we have a Brita Filter and just used water from that for the bottles.

    For the cereal I just followed the directions on the box. We started at 6 months and the boys were 4.5 adjusted. I took things slow and didn't expect too much. They did fine. We did it at lunch then after 2 weeks (one of rice one of oatmeal) I added one green veggie a week at lunch and moved the cereal to breakfast. The Pedi said that if they are going to have tummy issues you want it to happen before bedtime so to give them new things at lunch so there is time to know how it reacts with their system. We took things really slowly. If you want our entire "food schedule" PM me and I'll gladly type it up for you.
  5. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    We use a mix of water, sometimes tap (when I run out of the other stuff) sometimes bottled. I just got a Brita and am now using that.

    You'll know when they are ready for more. They'll start taking it from the spoon pretty good. Then they'll start finishing the bowl and start fussing for more. Basically they wont be happy with the few bites anymore. Once they get to that point is when I step it up to 2x a day and start adding more foods. My feeding- Am bottle, mid-morning bottle (if they want it), food, nap, food, night time bottle. They get 24 oz and 2 solid meals a day. My lo's are happy with that.

    It might be tricky at first but you'll be surprised at how quickly you and the babies figure it out.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used tap water right from the start, I boiled it for maybe the first couple of weeks & then just used it straight from the tap.

    For cereal, we started around 6 months, and I followed the directions on the box. I mixed it quite thin at first & only made a tablespoon or so, then worked up to more as they got the hang of it. It will take them awhile usually to figure out what they are doing & become good eaters.
  7. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    You already have some great advice. Just wanted to add to watch carefully for any reactions. I didn't know how binding rice was until days later.
    Good luck!
  8. colleenh11

    colleenh11 Well-Known Member

    I prefer waiting until after 6 months to start solids, but if your GI gave you the go ahead than you are probably good to start something basic like cereal. Let the babies be your guide. See if their tongue thrust reflux is gone, see how well they can transfer the food from the front to the back of their mouth and swallow without choking. My twins are 8 months and one is great at solids but the other one still doesn't do it well, she keeps trying to suck from the spoon. I keep trying!

    These are my 2nd and 3rd baby and I still struggle with how to incorporate solids into their schedule and to make sure they get enough formula, yada yada... It's much easier once they are on 3 solid meals a day and eating off the table, like my toddler.
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