Questions about eating and Dr. Barbara Lukes Book

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mommy2008, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. mommy2008

    mommy2008 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I just started reading Dr. Barbara Luke's Book 'When You're Expecting Twins' and I was floored at the diet that we should be eating. They say to throw out the low fat lifestyle completely and eat high fat high protein food. They go on to say that fast food burgers and the such are a good thing for us mommies with twins as is full fat premium ice cream. She says we should be eating 3 big full fat meals a day and 2 to 3 big snacks. I think they say we are to be eating 3,500 calories a day and for an average sized women to gain 38 lbs by the 28th week. Since I am only 10 weeks no one at this point has talked to me about my diet. Well I never eat burgers or cheese for that matter but the last two days I got the full fat burger and have been trying to eat eat eat. I want to see if you other mommies have recieved this eating advice and if you are trying to eat as much protien and fat that you can? I don't want to gain a bunch of unecessary weight but they say this food is the best for our babies.

    Thank You for your help!!
  2. mrsriney00

    mrsriney00 Well-Known Member

    I read the same book while pregnant. And I have to say that I did drink quite a few milk shakes after that!!! I did hear from many people to make sure you are gaining through out your pregnancy.

    But I really think that just eating a good variety of healthy foods is the best with a few shakes and burgers thrown in for good measure.

    I found that 5 small meals a day worked best for me. I didn't really gain anything until the middle of the second trimester because of all the lovely morning sickness.

    I found it was really hard to get 3500 calories in a day but I did try with healthy fats. But remember if you do go overboard and eat super bad you will most likely have a hard time getting it off after the babies are born.

    So my advice:

    5 small meals a day
    Up your calories with healthy foods and fats
    Indulge in the occasional chocolate shake and burger ( I did this at least once a week! :))
    Eat a healthy balance of foods

    Have fun!!
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I think the pp offered great advice. I did up my protein intake dramatically, and I did allow fairly unlimited access to healthy fats (nuts, avocados, etc.). But I did not need to gain a gajillion pounds and so eating a big greasy burger just seemed a little gratuitous.
  4. jmantia84

    jmantia84 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm a little worried about my calories and such too...but with my constant (and I mean CONSTANT) nausea, I don't ever want to eat, and that really sucks, I'm worried that the babies aren't getting what they need. Before I got pregnant, I'd eat everything in it seems like I'm such a "bird". I went about a week and a half with no meat, the smell even made me sick!

    The great part is that I work in a healthy food environment, so making my meals smaller and more frequent was an easy transition. My only problem, though, is that the doc told me to start limiting my carbs...

  5. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I read the book as well, but didn't follow the diet :blush:
    Luckily I craved fast food (hamburgers/milkshakes) during my pregnancy!!! :) hee hee!
    I also ate a LOT of pizza too....probably not so good!
    I really just listened to my body, ate when I was hungry and everything turned out a-ok!!
  6. mariakjor

    mariakjor Well-Known Member

    I also read the book and read lots of articles about the importance of protein and early weight gain with twins. 1) because they might come early and 2) later in your pregnancy you may lose your appetite again. I had horrible m/s and had lost 2lbs by 13 weeks, but my goal was to gain 20lbs by 20 weeks and I was amazingly able to reach that. Once my appetite came back, I was famished. I made it a priority to eat protein every time I ate... so lots of cottage cheese, peanut butter, cheddar cheese, milk, eggs, etc. I'm glad I gained the weight when I did because once I hit 35 weeks it became REALLY hard to eat again. Bad heartburn, no room for my stomach, and I just plain lost my appetite. Eat what your body tells you too, but also be aware of your protein intake. I couldn't come CLOSE to eating the amount of protein that Dr. Luke recommended, but I did my best to eat protein when I could (oh yeah...and protein bars helped too). Now that I'm near the end and can't really eat much, I've been drinking a high protein Boost shake once a day. It really helps to get the protein and calories in. Best of luck to you!!

    36 wks with b/b twins
  7. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    Ooo, I was glad to read this one. I am sooooo bloody sick, and I'm scared to death the babies aren't getting enough. I was a little overweight to start, so Doc siad that would help a little, but God, am I miserable. (My poor 8 year old has had the most boring summer vacay ever so far!)
    I'm glad to hear that at least I can pretty much eat what I want as far as, if it sounds good EAT it. I'm so getting that book!

    Becky the-half-starved-and-still-isn't-hungry
  8. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I ate well after my nausea died down - reasonably healthy food in average quantities, with a few treats thrown in whenever I craved them. I gained 38 lbs in total and delivered at 37.5 weeks - healthy boys weighing 6 lbs 2 oz. and 6 lbs 9 oz. I snacked a lot more when I was pregnant, especially the first half of the pregnancy (it was all little snacks then because I was feeling so poor) and I drank milk like crazy (I always craved it!). My OB did not give me any special instructions in terms of diet.
  9. jemisaac

    jemisaac Active Member

    I'm 17 weeks and just starting to feel up to eating. I've gained maybe 8 lbs. I had GD with another pregnancy so I'm trying to keep my diet balanced and I do watch my weight. So I know that over the last 3 weeks I haven't gained a lb, in fact I might have lost. Not good. So yesterday I upped my protein and I'm going to get some more good fat snacks. I have to keep my carbs low though so I can't eat whatever I want. Veggies are good, but they don't add a lot of calories. It's such a balancing act really. Hadn't heard about the 3500 calorie thing. I was planning on asking my OB in 2 weeks what to do if I didn't start gaining weight. With the mono mono diagnosis they will be early and I want them to be as strong and as healthy as they can get.
  10. elizaday

    elizaday New Member

    I met with a nutritionist and she said 100g of protein a day. She gave me a lot of sources that were not full animal fat. Things like 2% greek yogurt, lowfat cottage cheese, nuts, edemame, lean meat, tofu and protein powder for shakes. In my opinion, I would look for low or moderate fat content and high protein, except for splurges. I had no idea that we needed that much protein. She also gave me the tip of not drinking when eating and always eat the protein part of your meal first since it is so easy to fill up. And of course, she said 100oz of water a day which is the hardest for me. Oh, and she told me to eat 7 times a day - I never thought I would say that I am sick of eating - but I am getting there.

    13 weeks 4 days 10lbs gained - yikes.
  11. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(elizaday @ Aug 6 2008, 01:55 PM) [snapback]916447[/snapback]
    I met with a nutritionist and she said 100g of protein a day. She gave me a lot of sources that were not full animal fat. Things like 2% greek yogurt, lowfat cottage cheese, nuts, edemame, lean meat, tofu and protein powder for shakes. In my opinion, I would look for low or moderate fat content and high protein, except for splurges. I had no idea that we needed that much protein. She also gave me the tip of not drinking when eating and always eat the protein part of your meal first since it is so easy to fill up. And of course, she said 100oz of water a day which is the hardest for me. Oh, and she told me to eat 7 times a day - I never thought I would say that I am sick of eating - but I am getting there.

    13 weeks 4 days 10lbs gained - yikes.

    I just had to laugh at this, as I'm a pretty big girl (always have been) and I *luuuurve* to eat. And I too, am so sick of eating, I could just cry when it's time to sit down to a meal! I'm glad I'm not the only one!
    the other question I had was, has anyone's Doc given them a reccomendation for a good protien powder? I doubt I could get the same brand in the UK anyway, but if I knew a brand, I could look online for the ingredients and get something as close as I can. I've never been real into the whole fitness thing, and so the protien powders are like Greek to me.
  12. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    I'm not the only one! My previous pregnancy was IUGR and they had put me on a 4000 calorie, 100g protein diet to try to get some of the nutrients through my placenta... so this time, they told me to START off that way! I've been eating as close to that every day for 9 weeks now. I'm SOOOO tired of eating! And no they want me to do it low sugar so I don't end up with GD, so I'm having to do protein shakes (the ensures chocolate are actually tasty, but muscle milks are better for you in terms of protein) between meals and MASSIVE quantities of meat, nuts, and avocadoes. Thankfully, Alton Brown (whom my husband worships) has an entire episode of Good Eats devoted to unusual ways to eat avocadoes. The avocado butter is fabulous.

    I'm just so glad I'm not the only one sick of eating! :pardon:
  13. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    Wow! :eek: I can't believe your suppose to eat this much! I've been sick and haven't felt like eating hardly anything, but I have been trying, and feeling pretty good about getting 1500-2000 cals a day! I've also been reading pregnancy books for single pregnancies, and everything they say is high nutrition/ low fat. I guess I should get a book specifically for multiples. Last Dr. appt. I weighed about 3 lbs. less than before I got pregnant. I'm really hoping my appetite returns SOON!
  14. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    I also was surprised when I read Dr. Luke's book. I also read a lot of other twin pregnancy books and their recommendation was 24 lbs wt gain by 24 weeks. I wasn't able to follow her diet but I did take Dr. DeLia's advice very early on and started drinking the 3 high protein Boost/ensure shakes a day and eating as much protein as I could. I upped my peanut butter, lean meats, etc. and tried to snack on some sort of protein bar daily. It seemed to work for me as I have gained about a pound a week throughout the pregnancy (after the morning sickness faded away) and the boys have measured a week ahead as well. I do indulge in treats too but you can eat high fat and high protein without eating all of the unhealthy fats etc. I guess if you are that behind in weight gain though they want you to do whatever you can to boost your caloric intake. Don't feel bad if you can't meet the requirements though as I have heard the majority of women say they couldn't eat that much food and go on to have perfectly healthy babies. If you are concerned you should ask your OB for a nutritional consult. My Ob never spoke with me about nutritional requirements either :)
  15. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had extreme nausea and emesis until my second trimester. I went two weeks without eating any "food" only drinking. I found the book made me realize I needed to make up for this loss so when my second trimester came around I ATE. I didn't listen to anyone who might have told me "are you sure you should be eating like that ?" in relation to fatty foods. I had someone post on here that this is the ONLY time in your life you can eat as much of those restricted high fat foods as you want. So enjoy it. I sure did with protein shakes with premium icecream and banana & pineapple, fresh fruit salads nearly everyday, a slice of cheesecake for supper nearly everynight... so enjoy it !!!

    I read the book and my early 36 week twins were 4 lbs 10 oz and 6 lbs 3 oz and that is WITH the effects of pre-eclampsia on their growth. don't worry by the stuff in the book, but rather see it as a goal and permission to eat more.

  16. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    I read that book too and NEVER once thought it is possible for me to meet whatever is mentioned in the book!! In 2nd trimester and still having morning sickness, I'm happy just to have 5 small meals (whenever possible) and lotsa fluid. I don't think its possible to hit 3500kcal without going for fast food at least 2 meals per day, and I'm sure I won't be able to do that. I do try to take high protein, low fat lean red meat, low fat milk, cheese, and yoghurt whenever I can to up my protein intake. I also take Ensure Plus chocolate to boost my energy intake, but it can get a little too sweet.

    I guess bottomline is to ensure the twins are growing well, and if we're short of a little from the diet, they'll always take from us (which there'll be surplus unless you're extremely underweight before pregnancy).
  17. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    There are lots of ways to get the protein in without eating a Whopper every day!

    I loved her book, although I never made the recipes in it. I ate lots of natural peanut butter, yogurt, tofu and chicken. You also need the water to help the kidneys process the extra protein in your diet, so don't forget to drink!

    I never did the protein drinks, but they would be good as well.

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    i was told by my ob, to ad at least one serving to each section of the food guide everyday
    and to eat 2x a week a high in iron food. ( ie broclie and liver) and have a drink about every hour in the summer

    im 15 weeks and gained 12lbs .
    it works for me hope it helps
  19. ymillenbaugh

    ymillenbaugh Well-Known Member

    I read that book when I first found out I was having twins and was totally freaked out. I didn't even eat breakfast or really even lunch before I got pregnant, so hearing that got me totally worried.

    I've definately been eating more. I eat three meals a day and probably 3-4 snacks. Nothings really "unhealthy" (except the ice cream =D), but lots of protien and I've gained like 15 pounds in 18 weeks. (I had only gained 1 pound by the time I found out I was having twins at 13 weeks) I won't make her 20 pounds by 20 weeks, but the babies have looked good so far.

    I've taken her McDonalds advice a few times. If I'm out and running around, I make sure I stop for lunch, even if its fast food, rather than just wait till later like I used to do. Now that I'm back at work that's pretty few and far between though.

    Good luck!
  20. tashatank24

    tashatank24 Well-Known Member

    OMG ladies!! I need some help!! I'm 18 weeks (Just got my appetite back about a month ago) and have only gained 2 pounds. to think of eating 3500 cal. makes me nauseated all over again. I was overweight to begin with (195lbs and 5'7") but I have a very active 15 month old I chase around all day. I also work as a school nurse. I thought I'd gain a little over the summer break from lazing around, but no luck. I'm going to have to get some of this protein powder. Why didn't I think of that??!! I just cant imagine packing on 50 lbs to my already fluffy frame. How am I gonna gain it? Then how will I lose it??!! I should also include that if I eat a large meal, I get very short of breath, no room in there for all of that. The shortness of breath makes me irritable, hot and in some cases so light headed I start feeling fuzzy. Then I'm scared to eat anything the rest of the day.
  21. muscaria10

    muscaria10 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2plus2Tasha @ Aug 8 2008, 12:08 PM) [snapback]919949[/snapback]
    OMG ladies!! I need some help!! I'm 18 weeks (Just got my appetite back about a month ago) and have only gained 2 pounds. to think of eating 3500 cal. makes me nauseated all over again. I was overweight to begin with (195lbs and 5'7") but I have a very active 15 month old I chase around all day. I also work as a school nurse. I thought I'd gain a little over the summer break from lazing around, but no luck. I'm going to have to get some of this protein powder. Why didn't I think of that??!! I just cant imagine packing on 50 lbs to my already fluffy frame. How am I gonna gain it? Then how will I lose it??!! I should also include that if I eat a large meal, I get very short of breath, no room in there for all of that. The shortness of breath makes me irritable, hot and in some cases so light headed I start feeling fuzzy. Then I'm scared to eat anything the rest of the day.

    The key is not to eat large meals at one go, but to have small frequent meals throughout the day. You can even make the protein powder/shake as part of the daily meal. I personally don't think the weight gain recommended by the book is applicable to everyone, and should be applied with caution and advise from your own gynae. I'm 19 weeks and have really only gain 1.3kg from my pre-preg weight, but my gynae thinks the babies are doing fine, so she's not worried either.
  22. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2plus2Tasha @ Aug 7 2008, 11:08 PM) [snapback]919949[/snapback]
    OMG ladies!! I need some help!! I'm 18 weeks (Just got my appetite back about a month ago) and have only gained 2 pounds. to think of eating 3500 cal. makes me nauseated all over again. I was overweight to begin with (195lbs and 5'7") but I have a very active 15 month old I chase around all day. I also work as a school nurse. I thought I'd gain a little over the summer break from lazing around, but no luck. I'm going to have to get some of this protein powder. Why didn't I think of that??!! I just cant imagine packing on 50 lbs to my already fluffy frame. How am I gonna gain it? Then how will I lose it??!! I should also include that if I eat a large meal, I get very short of breath, no room in there for all of that. The shortness of breath makes me irritable, hot and in some cases so light headed I start feeling fuzzy. Then I'm scared to eat anything the rest of the day.

    Try the high protein drinks. Make it easy on yourself and just buy the BOost or Ensure brand. I even use the Safeway brand high protein shakes because they are chaeper. They are not too bad and you get used to them. I open one in the morning and take a sip or 2 every hour. I am done one by lunch and then after lunch I open another, same thing, and then after dinner. It has worked wonders for me plus it doesn't fill you up when you do it this and the babies are getting some nourishment every hour (that is why I have heard Dr. DeLia recommends doing it this way) In between I try to have mini meals such as peanut butter sandwich, cheese, chicken salad on crackers, fruits, or high protein bars. It has worked well for me and is really easy and convienient.Maybe start out with one high protein shake a day and work your way up. Sometimes I even use protein powder to make a "dessert" shake with peanut butter and frozen bananas. Pretty good stuff. I think if you put on weight the healthier way during your pregnancy it will be easier to take it off afterward. Plus protein converts into muscle etc so maybe less will be converted into fluff! Good luck and just try your best, drink your water and take your supplements.
  23. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(2plus2Tasha @ Aug 8 2008, 12:08 AM) [snapback]919949[/snapback]
    OMG ladies!! I need some help!! I'm 18 weeks (Just got my appetite back about a month ago) and have only gained 2 pounds. to think of eating 3500 cal. makes me nauseated all over again. I was overweight to begin with (195lbs and 5'7") but I have a very active 15 month old I chase around all day. I also work as a school nurse. I thought I'd gain a little over the summer break from lazing around, but no luck. I'm going to have to get some of this protein powder. Why didn't I think of that??!! I just cant imagine packing on 50 lbs to my already fluffy frame. How am I gonna gain it? Then how will I lose it??!! I should also include that if I eat a large meal, I get very short of breath, no room in there for all of that. The shortness of breath makes me irritable, hot and in some cases so light headed I start feeling fuzzy. Then I'm scared to eat anything the rest of the day.

    I have the same problem with shortness of breath and light headedness..... I solved it (for the most part) with eating smaller meals and drinking protein shakes. If you are a school nurse, you'll find the Ensures (I suggest dark chocolate----NOT the banana) helpful, as they are premixed and tasty if really cold. I do the Muscle Milks (horrid consistency, but WAY more protein and no lactose) at home where no one sees me gag and I can quickly go brush teeth or drink something to cut it.

    And don't worry about the amount or loosing the weight. Take it one step at a time. Set yourself a goal for each day as to what you will eat (for me, I started counting protein as my doc said that was most important) and add a little more each day until you get to where you want to be. Then spend the rest of the pregnancy doing what works. When you aren't pregnant, you can worry about loosing.... though the doc says that focusing on gaining through eating healthy things and protein makes it easier to loose..... but I will wait until the 50 lbs are gone to believe that! :)

    I discovered after loosing my daughter that sometimes you do have to look at a meal as a HUGE hurdle to overcome. Start with one bite.... and feel good about each one you take. Or each sip. Every little bit that makes it down your throat helps those munchkins, so be proud of every successful bite. :yahoo:

    We CAN do it :drinks: ,
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