Questions about diet and anemia

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by angelf, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,
    I have been a long time lurker in the second year but haven't posted anything yet because I get all my answers from everyone else's questions! Well, not this time...

    I have identical twin boys who also have (pretty much) identical diets. They seem to eat pretty well and are still nursing. We just got their hematocrit results back from their 1 y/o well child visit, and Ryan's count was low and Liam's count was normal. The doctor wants us to start iron supplements for Ryan. This is going to be interesting because she said that the iron can stain his teeth and he probably won't like the flavor, so I should give it to him in orange juice (which he has never had) with a straw (which he has never used).

    So here are my questions:
    1. What are some good iron-rich foods you feed your LOs at this age?
    2. Anyone have any pointers on getting your LOs to drink from a straw? (They are pros with the sippies, but I haven't even tried a straw cup yet.)
    3. Does it seem strange that id twins with similar diets can give me one anemic twin and one who is not?

    Thanks so much for your opinions!
  2. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member
    Those are some links with iron info, they give some ideas for iron rich foods.

    Can you give the iron drops just like vitamins? Kinda squirt it into his mouth so it might not get onto his teeth?

    As for drinking from a straw I did something like this with my LO's
    They couldnt grasp the regular sippie...they didnt understand they needed to tilt their heads back, so we switched to straws. They got it right away and have only used straws since.
  3. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    While I am not an expert in anemia with children, I suffered extreme anemia after childbirth. I used many sources to increase my iron in my diet including a liquid iron called Floradix:

    My hematologist recommended using this liquid iron. It is easier for the body to absorb than most iron supplements. It didn't taste bad to me at all. It is a relatively small amount that he will require. Why not try to put it in his sippy cup watered down? It would probably be similar to juice. Additionally, my diet was changed to include a lot of red meat, eggs, parsley, beets, celery, and an assortment of vegetables. I am not sure if you will require a follow-up appointment but it takes a long time to bring blood levels up. I believe my doctor told me to expect 1 point per day; however, I believe the way we measure hemoglobin/iron levels is different in Canada. For instance, my hemoglobin was 50 and it should have been 120-140. In the States, I believe it is supposed to be between 12-14 for an adult woman. Anyways, it rises slowly and it took five months for mine to return to normal despite having iron infusions, EPO, prescription iron pills, liquid iron, and a daily juice made from beets, parsley, celery, oranges, and carrots. Therefore, I guess I want you to know not to expect it to rise too much too soon. I hope everything works out well and let us know how he makes out drinking it.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. Meat, cream of wheat. PP's have great links to iron rich foods.
    2. Mine use only straw cups and I show them how to use it and they picked it up quickly
    3. Not at all. Even though my two are not ID, they are on similar diets and my DD has low iron and DS is normal. I started her on Poly Vi Sol with Iron drops and would put it in her cereal or yogurt, eventually in her milk. She took it pretty well considering how awful it smelled and it must of have tasted.
  5. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    My kiddos were anemic through out the first year. I fed mine grits just about every morning and would make them shakes out of fresh spinach, a fruit, usually blueberries and yogurt. They really liked them and it has helped since they are no longer anemic! Yours may still be a bit young for that, but if they will drink from a straw then you should give it a shot. And, it did not take long for mine to figure out the straw bit, I was worried about that too.
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