Question regarding bedrest

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Chanzie02, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. Chanzie02

    Chanzie02 Member

    I was just curious what the percentage of woman are put on bedrest when they are pregnant with twins. I am 14 weeks pregnant and I currently work full time, should I plan to cut my hours at some point and then go on bedrest? I guess i am trying to figure out is it a precaution that all doctors take and therefore is it something I should plan on?
    thank you for all your responses in advance:)
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i'm not sure what the official percentages are but when i asked my OB about it, she said she would only put me on bedrest if medically indicated, not "just in case". in my case, i did go on bedrest at 27w because my cervix dropped from about 40mm to about 15mm - they noticed this on a routine ultrasound. i was on modified bedrest until i delivered at 34w1d.
  3. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    I dont really think you should PLAN on it....cuz there are many women who work until they are 36 weeks or more! but if i were you i would tell my employer that there might be a possibility. If you think it will influence your job, then dont! i worked as a housekeeper in a hotel when i first got pregnant. i loved it sooooooo much! didnt do it for the pay but just to get outta the house. well i am now on bedrest at 26 weeks. so, just be aware that things can happen! and be prepared. luckily me loosing out on the paychecks didnt influence our financial situation! But like i said, you could be just fine! :D good luck!
  4. newjersey_mom

    newjersey_mom Well-Known Member

    I don't know percentages, but I am 12 weeks along as of tomorrow and I have gone back to part time because of my pregnancy. I have a job where I can't avoid being on my feet, but do try to sit as much as possible. I had my first peri appointment today and she gave me the indication that she may pull me out of work eventually. No promises yet, but we will see how I and the babies are doing. Talk to your doctor and your job to see what your options are. I am glad I had the option of going back to part time...loosing some money sucked but in the end I know it will be better for me and my little ones!
  5. kgrewal

    kgrewal Well-Known Member

    I went on modified bed rest at 24 weeks. I was working as a small animal veterinarian and was on my feet all day. My doctor told me that she prefers to put most of her patients expecting twins on bed rest. By 24 weeks, I was pretty big and having trouble being able to work a full day anyways. Personally, I feel that going on bed rest made a huge difference in the health of my babies. My babies were born at 35 weeks due to pre eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. The babies were born VERY healthy and spent no time in NICU. I told my job very early on that I was going on bed rest at 24 weeks. My job said they were ok with that, but ended up basically not renewing my contract and trying to get out of paying my health insurance. So from a job standpoint, bedrest killed my career. I however, would not be able to live with myself if I was told to go on bedrest, didn't and had something happen to the babies. I would talk to your doctor. Some doctors put all twin pregnancies on bedrest, some wait to see if it is necessary. I felt very comfortable with the decision to go on bed rest early and did not regret it in the least.
  6. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I will be starting bed rest at 28 weeks. My doc says that he does it with all his twin pregs. He says it is starting to look like being proactive is lowering the rate of preterm births and other complications. I really like my doc and will be doing as he says ( but i wont freak out if i do get up to do something, the holidays are coming). I did find some research online to back up what he was saying. I would tell you to talk it over with your doc but also research it on your own. Pull together all the info you find and make the best decision for you and your family. I just keep remembering it is only a few weeks out of my whole life and i want to make sure i have done all i can to have to healthy babies.
  7. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    My peri puts all multiple birth moms on modified bedrest at 20 weeks to give your cervix a break from the weight of all the fluid you are carrying. However, I ended up on bed rest at 18 weeks due to high blood pressure that was determined to be positional (went down when I was horizontal). Talk to your docs...all of them have different opinions.
  8. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    I was 28 weeks yesterday and show NO signs of going on bedrest anytime soon. I did tell my boss that there was a good chance after passing this point it could happen though. Also, I planned on leaving work at 32-33 weeks to get ready for my girls. But until then, I will continue to work.. unless the DR tells me otherwise. :) Good luck!!
  9. jranae

    jranae Active Member

    I went on partial bedrest at 29 weeks because I ended up in the hospital with contractions that were 2 minutes apart. I didn't really feel them just felt like a lot of pressure, was given steriods, procardia and tributiline (sp?) and sent home the next day. At 30 weeks was put on full best rest, just feeling "bad" in general, had my boy girl twins at 36 weeks, they were 5lbs, 5oz and 5lbs, 12 oz, respectively. My doctor told me from the beginning of my pregnancy that it is very common for mothers of mutiples to end up on best rest at home or in the hospital and that I should plan for it, even though it may not happen. He felt it was important to plan on it so if it did happen we were not scrambling to make arrangements at the last minute.
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