Question on soy milk?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by siobhan, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    My dd is allergic to dairy so we give both girls soy milk in their bottles I'm curious if you give tour dc soy milk if so what type?? my girls seem to get alot of bad stinky poops from it and alot of diaper rash so I don't know if the soy I am giving them is too srong or they are drinking too much..Thanks
  2. Ilovemybabies

    Ilovemybabies Well-Known Member

    My kids drink Silk soy milk. I actually started them on it this past October because they had nasty colds. I did notice at first that their bowel movements were very stinky but I do not seem to notice it anymore. I guess it helps that they now use the toilet. Hope this kinda helps. :)
  3. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine drink soy (Silk) and have since they turned 1. I have noticed that Kenna has the stinkiest poos of anyone on this planet but hadn't connected it to the soy. I just thought it was bc she is lactose intolerant and occassionaly gets dairy??
  4. khiatt

    khiatt Member

    My daughter and my twins were on Soy formula for the first year. We switched them to lactaid whole milk for 2 weeks and then to regular whole milk and they've done great. We were very suprised, because we had my daughter tested for milk allergy and she did test positive for allergy to the milk protein. My pediatrician said most kids outgrow milk allergies by the age of 1 and sure enough my daughter (now 4 has been fine with milk ever since!). My pediatrician didn't want them only on Soy because it doesn't have the benefits of whole milk.
  5. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We did soy milk and then switched to almond milk. Almond milk tastes better to me, and my DS really likes it. DD could take it or leave it. I do buy vanilla flavored, plain is just too blah for me. I also like to get some unsweetened almond milk to use in smoothies.

    Didn't notice anything stinky about them. but they were on soy formula for awhile too.
  6. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    My son has a dairy allergy, still severe at age 3, and he drinks Vanilla Soy Milk (8th Continent) My daughter (no allergy) won't drink it and I am too scared to give her milk, drink Calcium fortifies OJ in the morning and evening.

    I would check & make sure they have not developed an allergy to Soy. A percentage of children with a diary allergy also have a soy allergy. Just check in with your allergist on it. I hope that is not the case!
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We were on soy formula, then went to soy(Silk) milk, which gave them terrible diarrhea. We then switched to rice milk until they were 18 months, and finally to regular whole milk!
  8. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    OOHHH! Wow- My DH and I have been saying this since we had to switch DS to Soy. We use Silk vanilla. DS has some constipation issues. He tested negative to milk protein allergins... We hoped he would have grown out of it by age 1. He is now 22 months. We do give him cheese and about 1 tsp of mineral oil every few days. UGGH I hope he grows out of it soon!


    We thought it was just our little man! He stinks up the entire floor he is on!

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