Question on one hour glucose screen/test

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Marie_B, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies! My doc wanted me to have my glucose screen taken within the next 2 weeks. For those who have done this, did you have to fast or at least not eat for a certain number of hours before test? My doc said that having the test taken after a meal will definitely mess up the results but he didn't tell me how long I should wait though.

  2. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    Hello ladies! My doc wanted me to have my glucose screen taken within the next 2 weeks. For those who have done this, did you have to fast or at least not eat for a certain number of hours before test? My doc said that having the test taken after a meal will definitely mess up the results but he didn't tell me how long I should wait though.

  3. mhouse

    mhouse Well-Known Member

    i think it was fasting, but i dont remember
  4. Tina Ross

    Tina Ross Well-Known Member

    I just had the one hour one and they just told me to make sure I didnt eat alot of sugar that day..I didnt have to fast until I had the 3 hour one done..
  5. sitkamom

    sitkamom Well-Known Member

    I fasted for the one hour because I really wanted to pass. I took the test around 9:30 in the morning though so it wasn't too difficult to fast. I failed, however, and then failed the three hour as well, but yes, I did fast for the one hour. Good Luck!!
  6. anglinstork

    anglinstork Well-Known Member

    They told me I was allowed to eat but just not to eat anything too sugar filled

    You have to drink the drink within 5 minutes time and then they draw your blood one hour later
  7. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    They told me I could eat but I chose to fast just to be on the safe side. If you do eat, dont eat bananas, my friend had a banana before her test and failed but pased teh 3 hour
  8. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    For the one hour, they said nothing sugary for 2 hours prior, but I could still have water, etc.

    When I had the 3 hour with DS, I had to fast for like 12 hours after 3 days of a carb-loaded diet.

  9. jennlynnmahan

    jennlynnmahan Well-Known Member

    They told me to eat like normal since that is how my body would typically process the food/drink. I had mine done at 10 and I think I had ate at 8 that morning.
  10. JessicaD

    JessicaD Well-Known Member

    I didn't even know I was getting mine until the day of the appointment, and they said it didn't matter that I had eaten breakfast...crummy for me I had eaten a muffin and a banana. I did have to fast for the 3 hour test, and seems I was at risk with or without my muffin and banana, because I came close to failing the 3 hour too! Now that the holidays are over I've been able to better monitor my diet! Good luck!
  11. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    my first three children i was told that i couldn't have ANYTHING to eat after 12am until the test was done but that i could drink plenty of water. every dr/ob/midwife will tell you differently. i haven't had mine yet this time since i'm at 12 weeks but i have an appt tomorrow and i will be asking if the eating thing will change since it's twins this time. i'd call the dr office and check to make sure.

    lots of love!
  12. amily1974

    amily1974 Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm jealous from most of these other replies... I had mine done on Monday morning... I was told not to eat anything sugary for 24 hrs prior, and nothing at all after 8:00 pm the night before (even only a few sips of water!). Then, I hit unusually bad traffic, and had to wait over an hour (standing in line) at the clinic before I got to drink the lovely concoction. I was feeling faint and had a bad headache. Then, after the hour had passed I had to say something because they didn't call me back again, and after checking into it it took them 5 minutes to find my paperwork again, while I was stressing about the extra time possibly affecting the results... Haven't heard any results yet... sure hoping for the best!

    Caleb 6/30/04
    Aidan 2/22/06
  13. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    I was told it was okay to eat, just not a lot of carbs. So I had nothing but a small piece of turkey breast that morning, and failed the test. [​IMG]

    I had to fast for the 3 hour and passed that one.

  14. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    I guess I am one of the few. I was told I could eat whatever, whenever and take the test. I ate regular breakfast around 7:30 and took the test at 9:45. I passed.
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