Question - Just got ear tubes

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwoPeanuts, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    We just had the ear tube surgery on Wednesday morning for both Ryan and Matthew (both ears).

    So far everything is going well but we gave them a bath last night and boy was it a challenge keeping their ears dry while washing their hair. The ENT told us to put a little vaseline on a cotton ball and just put it in their ears. The cotton was soaked when we were done and I was so afraid that we got water in their ears.

    How careful were you with baths and water?

    ANy suggestions?


  2. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    We just had the ear tube surgery on Wednesday morning for both Ryan and Matthew (both ears).

    So far everything is going well but we gave them a bath last night and boy was it a challenge keeping their ears dry while washing their hair. The ENT told us to put a little vaseline on a cotton ball and just put it in their ears. The cotton was soaked when we were done and I was so afraid that we got water in their ears.

    How careful were you with baths and water?

    ANy suggestions?


  3. nfw1114

    nfw1114 Well-Known Member

    WE just had them done today and the ENT told us that you can pour water on their head, just don't immerse their heads (i.e., having them lay in the water to rinse, etc.)

    I think you're fine.

  4. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member


    How did Tyler and Conner do?

    I was amazed at how quickly they bounced back. Running around like two banshees that night. They seemed completely unaffected. So far they are sleeping better. So many people told me that they would be different babies when this was done. We shall see. I feel so much better that we did knowing they won't have to suffer through ear infections...

    Good Luck!
  5. nfw1114

    nfw1114 Well-Known Member

    Tyler got it done today...Conner is in two weeks as he spiked a 104 temp this week [​IMG] Wish I could have done them at the same time!

    We also got adenoids done at the same time. He's in a little pain but he's already acting somewhat "normal". He keeps's like it's a new thing he's discovered [​IMG]

    I sure hope they sleep better because Conner is up every night. 2 1/2 and I still haven't experienced a full night's sleep [​IMG] I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

    thanks for asking!
  6. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    We did the cotton balls and I tried to cover Ethan's ears when I poured the water over his head. It seemed to work. I would not worry about a little water.
  7. drlawson

    drlawson Member

    Hi I was able to get special ear plugs (very small toddler size) at a medical apothacary (sp?) store they will even try the plugs in their ear to make sure of the fit--- very cheap 4 or 5 $ I think they are better than anything you by in a regular store I was very pleased. Any medical supply store will probably be able to help you. I did not like the vaseline/cotton ball thing did not work that great - plus I did not want water getting in her ears even if the docs said it was ok - we had enought problems before tubes and now she has a hole in her ear - I don't think so ! Thanks Robin
  8. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    My son had tubes and one of the girls did too. Our doctor told us the same as pp, okay to pour water over their head, just don't immerse. More important to be careful in the summertime when swimming and such.

    Tubes made a WONDERFUL difference in both the kids.

    Good luck!!
  9. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    We have tubes and did the wax plugs for the first few months. They hated them and fought us constantly on it. Now we are just careful not to let them go under water with their ears. Every now and then they do, but so far we are good!
  10. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Funny, Abby just got her tubes yesterday. We were given these puddy-like ear plugs, but I had to break them in like 1/4's to put in her ears. I'm gonna get some cottonballs this weekend. She's done really well and bounced back great. Hope everyone else's kiddos did the same.
  11. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Like the others said, a little bath water is OK. It's usually pond or lake water that is of the most concern because of it's bacteria content.
  12. sami & madi's mom

    sami & madi's mom Well-Known Member

    my son had them in and we washed his hair in the tub and he had showers too, but when we went swimming we used swimming ear plugs and he was fine
  13. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to hear all these good success stories! Morgan has an ENT apt. on March 27 and we're assuming she'll have tubes put in shortly thereafter. So, all of your responses have been great to read!
  14. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    I had tube when in 2nd grade. We used silly puddy as ear plugs. It worked wonderful. Have to get the 'real' kind not the imitation, due to the cheap stuff sticking.
  15. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I've had 2 different dr's do the procedure. One that told me I had to keep the ears dry, and buy these special ear plugs (that never stayed in the ear, and was a fight to get them there in the first place) and then the other that doesn't use them and says "don't worry"

    With the first, we did the ear plugs, AND when they fell out, we did the cotton ball/vaseline trick. My dd ended up with at least 4 outer ear infections (the infection coming from the outer ear vs bacteria from the inner ear).

    We moved here and she had to have a 2nd set. No tubes, no cotton, (no swimming LOL) but she never got another ear infection. PERIOD.

    Now with the boys being the same age as dd was with her first set, this same Dr stated, no tubes, no cotton/vaseline. Again no extra outer ear infections. We didn't make a big fuss (as dr suggested) and have had no problems.

    Anyway, that's just another opinion, and our experience with tubes.
  16. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    At what point did your docs decide on tubes? I'm taking both boys in today for what I think is ANOTHER ear infection. Just wondering how long my ped will wait to recommend tubes, if ever. Thanks, ladies!
  17. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    As long as they are not submerged in the water (swimming, bobbing head) then I wouldn't worry. Same thing happened with my oldest son and he was fine!
  18. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member

    At what point did your docs decide on tubes? I'm taking both boys in today for what I think is ANOTHER ear infection. Just wondering how long my ped will wait to recommend tubes, if ever. Thanks, ladies!

    Both my boys have had problems with ear infections from the time they were 13 months. After the third trip to the ped she told me that they may be candidates for tubes but we will keep an eye on them. They had a lot of fluid (according to the ENT) that never really cleared up for about 4 months. So over the course of one year they decided that it was time to do the tubes. They just turned two in December.

    Hope that helps....
  19. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the input!!
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