Question for those with boy/girl twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by funkymom, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. funkymom

    funkymom Well-Known Member

    I had an appointment yesterday and the babies have a 14% difference in their weights. They are measuring Baby A - 1lb 13oz Baby B 2lb 2oz and I am 25 weeks.

    They seemed concerned about this, but I thought that since they are basically different kids that as long as they are growing on their own curve that it was ok.
  2. funkymom

    funkymom Well-Known Member

    I had an appointment yesterday and the babies have a 14% difference in their weights. They are measuring Baby A - 1lb 13oz Baby B 2lb 2oz and I am 25 weeks.

    They seemed concerned about this, but I thought that since they are basically different kids that as long as they are growing on their own curve that it was ok.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    What exactly was the concern? Is this discordant percentage larger than previous weight checks? It is true that as long as they are growing on their own curve it is ok but maybe they are saying one hasn't stayed on their curve? A couple of appointments the percentage increased for us but that was because one baby happened to hit a growth spurt before the other. At the next check they had gone back closer to the usual percentage, we just happened to catch one baby before a spurt and one baby after.
  4. funkymom

    funkymom Well-Known Member

    It is a very slightly larger difference than at my previous growth ultrasound, so I am hoping that it's nothing to be too concerned about. I think that he is just a bit more of a piggy [​IMG]
  5. Melina

    Melina Well-Known Member

    My girl is always less than her brother. Just like any siblings, they have their own genetics. She is just taking after me (I was a small baby) and he is taking after daddy (big baby.) As long as the docs arent concerned with their percentiles, I wouldn't worry. And bear in mind, just an ounce or two can mean big differences in percentiles at the point. And ditto Dianne about the growth spurts. Also, they told me boys tend to weigh more than girls anyway.
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    My kids had a discordance from the beginning, and it got bigger and bigger as time went on. While my docs monitored their weights closely, they were never too concerned. Hannah has always been a peanut, and Ben has always been a linebacker!
  7. JASB

    JASB Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about the difference. It seems very small. My boy was always measuring 4-6 oz less than my little girl. However, when I delievered they were less than an 1oz apart. Don't worry yourself. Just keep up the good work!!
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I don't know percentages, but at my 7wk u/s when we found out it was twins, one was measuring about a week behind the other. The discordance grew from there! At 35wks, A (girl) measured 4lbs 1oz and B (boy) measured 7lbs!! They were born just over two lbs apart at 37w5d. As long as both are growing, a discordance isn't a big deal. hth!
  9. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    It is their job to be concerned and to monitor these sorts of things. My twins were a little over a pound apart for about a month before they were born. When they first started to notice that baby a (my son) was getting larger faster than baby b (my daughter) they acted concerned and I got a couple more u/s. I wouldnt worry, if it was that big of a deal, the would have told you. HTH!
  10. hammondsquared

    hammondsquared Well-Known Member

    i have heard two things - one from my OB that over 20% was when she would have a concern, and the other from the u/s tech at the peri office who said that the 20% difference is only for twins sharing a placenta.

    mine measured a 17% difference at 34 1/2 weeks. boy baby a measured 4 lbs. 15 oz and girl baby b measured 4 lbs. 1 oz.
  11. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Like pp said the docotrs are there to worry about these things. They will probably just keep a close eye on things to make sure everything is ok. Sophie (baby b) always measured around 5 days smaller than her brother in the U/S. WHen they were born they were 1lb apart and now at 9.5 months they are nearly 6 lbs apart!! I always figured that because they are 2 different babies they are going to weigh differently anyways. So i wouldnt worry 2 much at this stage. x
  12. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    DD outweighed my DS at all ultrasound appointments. When they were born, he was 1/2 heavier than her, so go figure. The u/s stats are an estimate and they will tell you that they aren't terribly reliable. As long as both babies are growing at each appointment, that's what it most important. You've got two totally different kids growing inside of you. They each have their own genetic makeup. Don't sweat it!
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