Question for those who used Toddler beds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by orcoastmommyof2, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member


    We are finally looking to transition the boy's out of their cribs. I know we are kind of late in doing this but they have both shown no interest in moving to big boy beds yet. They are still very happy in their cribs. We have had no problems with them going to bed or sleeping in the cribs, so I didn't really see any reason to switch yet. Also I'm almost positive even at 3 we are going to have a really hard time keeping Hunter in bed. He is our little monkey and is always into something. My question is for those of you who used toddler beds, how long did your little one last in them? What age did they finally need a bigger bed? I have found a couple of really great deals on the Little Tykes toddler race car beds, which my boy's would love!! We really aren't financially ready to have to buy twin bed yet. So we were hoping that we could get a few years out of the toddler beds. Thanks for any input you can give me!!!
  2. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Ours are still in toddler beds for a variety of reasons. They are physically smallish for their age, but not short. They could go probably another year in the beds.
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Naomi and Luke have toddler beds and they are 4 1/2. I think they will be using them for a while yet, they still have loads of space at their feet (they are the smaller end of average for height).

    If you've found a great deal on beds you like then I would get them.
  4. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    my niece will be 6 in december and is just now about to switch to a twin size bed (my brother had space issues in his house, they will be moving her to another bedroom now).

    so basically, if they fit, they can use them!
  5. MyBoos

    MyBoos Well-Known Member

    My boys went from their crib into a double bed around age 2. When we moved at 2.5 they went into a toddler bed for space. They were in those until a few months after they turned 4 and went back into a regular double bed. We are looking to get them bunk beds within the next few weeks. They won't be 5 until the end of October.
  6. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    I thought about toddler beds - they are so cute! but by the time I moved my girls out of their cribs at age 3, they were almost too big for toddler beds. They went straight to twin beds but I put railings on both sides so they feel alot like toddler beds.
  7. luv_my_kidz

    luv_my_kidz Well-Known Member

    my ds was and still is small for his age and he used a toddler bed until he was over 5 years old. then my dd that just turned 3 is already in a full size bed from her toddler bed. she could have used the toddler bed a little longer, but it was getting a little small for her and she loves her big bed.
    you will have to do what works best for your family. it sounds like they are content in their cribs though, so I think I would leave them there.
    if you think they would like the race car beds, I think if I were you I would start watching craigslist or sale ads in your area for the twin size ones and purchase as you can. then they will be able to use them for a very long time.

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