Question for those who thicken bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by thunder7177, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    I was wondering how do you add in spoon feedings and baby food. It just seems like a lot of food. I tried taking the rice out of DS bottle and it didn't work. Any suggestions on what to do? By the way, they are almost 4 months. Thanks.

  2. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    I was wondering how do you add in spoon feedings and baby food. It just seems like a lot of food. I tried taking the rice out of DS bottle and it didn't work. Any suggestions on what to do? By the way, they are almost 4 months. Thanks.

  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Here are some schedules of other TSers with 4 month olds so you can see how they are fitting it in. I started around 4 months giving them runny cereal by spoon about an hour after their first bottle in the morning. Then they went down for their first nap.
  4. Hopey

    Hopey Well-Known Member

    When I started adding in spoon feedings I had to experiment with the best way to do it. I started off giving them veggies about 30 mins before the next they weren't starving. Then we eventually went to giving a bottle first then veggies at noon, then at night we do bottle then cereal (spoon fed). I too was thicking bottles in the begining, but now I just give formula. So in other just experiment and see what works best for you!

    Good Luck...
  5. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    Did you leave the rice out of the bottle? If I give them rice in their bottles for reflux should I still feed them rice by spoon or just feed fruits and veggies by spoon and forget the cereal. I am so confused about what to do. I don't want to over feed them and I'm afraid that they will not take enough formula if I try to spoon feed them cereal with it still in their bottles. I need help figuring this out. Has anyone else been in the same situation? What did you do?
  6. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    Hope, I didn't see your reply until after I had posted again. I didn't want you to think that I wasn't listening. Thanks to you both for the replies. Anyone else out there have any suggestions?
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    My twins get cereal in their bottles for reflux also. I started solids at 4 months, first with rice, then oatmeal, both of which they hated by themselves. I moved on to a veggie at night, thickened with a little cereal, then added breakfast of fruit and oatmeal, and then lunch of fruit and veggie, by 6 months, which is what my ped recommended. I give bottles first, then an hour later, do solids. At 4 months, the quantity is not really important, they are just learning how to spoon feed. We were on a 3 hour sched as far as bottles go, until 7 months, at which point they started eating more solids, and we then switched to a 4 hour sched with bottles. Hope this helps!!

    BTW...I did try no cereal in the bottles, and we had major spit-up. But you could try it!
  8. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    Thanks. That's help alot.
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