Question for those who have twins sharing a room

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwoPeanuts, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. TwoPeanuts

    TwoPeanuts Well-Known Member

    My 3 year olds have been sharing a room since they were born. I don't have another room for them to have their own. We have been having problems with nap time and bedtime with the playing, talking, giggling for a while now. They keep eachother up at night and one is always woken up in the morning by the other one.

    I have tried quite a few things to stop this but nothing is working.

    What suggestions do you have for the moms out there that have no room to sepearte?

  2. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    I can relate! Our girls share a room out of necessity, and the only thing that has really helped is making sure that ALL of their toys are put up. I also bought a tension rod so that they can't open their closet. They still talk and sometimes take up to 30 minutes to fall asleep. As for them waking each other up, that's a great question!
  3. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our twins share a room right now, too. I have found that if they nap in the afternoon, bedtime is party time. If they don't, bedtime is much easier.
  4. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I have no room to seperate either and would be interested also for future reference. Mine do play and wake the other up but they have tents currently so I don't have much to worry about but I am dreading toddler beds for this very reason.
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine like to party too. Not really much to do though... the only think I do is threaten to take away toys if it gets really out of hand...
  6. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Mine share a room. When mine moved to beds I put one in my room to sleep and the other in their own bed for naps. So they would go to sleep and had no one to play with or to keep up.

    As for at night I am strict. I don't let them talk, play or anything. I found that if they do they stay up later (now that they are older I let them talk now but at 3 I didn't). They were aloud a blanket, stuffed animal, and their special blanket at bed time if they talked I gave them a warning, the second time they lost something, the thrid they lost their special blanket, and if for some reason they had a forth offense (was very rare) they lost tv in the morning or a favorite. I stayed on top of them and didn't give them an inch until they were good for atleast a month. If they were quiet and were good then the next night I would let them bring something else to bed with them besides the other 3 items. If they didn't listen then they lost that privelage for the month. I also started this when they first went from cribs to twin beds, but I think if you don't give in and stay strong then it will work, it will just take awhile for them to get used to it.

    As for waking the other up in the morning I still have that problem. Kira is an early riser and will wake her sister up in the morning. I usually hear "Katrina are you awake?" and she will say that until Katrina answers her. I tell her not to wake her sister and that will usually last a week or two then she starts again.
  7. Saiynee

    Saiynee Well-Known Member

    I laugh out load read I rea dthe title of this post only because it's soooooo true! I have them in the same room becuase I want them to be close and I also don't want to give up my den (which is downstairs anyway and I don't like the idea of one of them being down all by themselves).

    They yak to each other for a good hour every night.

    I did find them sleeping in the same bed the other day though, so that was cute.
  8. Nancy H-J

    Nancy H-J Well-Known Member

    Oh God, I am having the hardest time getting the guys to sleep. I've done the taking away of things until their rooms were bare (not that there was much in the first place), and they still jump around and party. As you all know, it only takes one giggle before they're racing around the room.

    For two weeks, I've tried extending out their bedtime from 7pm to 8:30pm but that has an unfortunate effect of doing the same to awake time. And now they just party at the extended time.

    I can't cut out naps; that's under daycare control and they won't do that at this age yet.

    It's 9pm here and they're finally going to sleep but only because Christopher hurt David who cried himself to quiet.


    (if this has any bearing, I'm a single mom who also has to put a 6 yr old to bed at 8Pm)
  9. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I put mine to sleep before putting them in their room so I don't have that problem
  10. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    I've noticed mine doing this more and more. Naps? Whatever. Structured naps are pretty much a thing of the past. Emily doesn't even take a nap most of the time and most of the time, she's going full steam ahead until bed time. She goes to sleep pretty well though. Probably only takes her a couple minutes to be out cold. Amber still likes to have a sleep in the middle of the day or late afternoon. I depends on what time it is when she falls asleep as to how long I'll let her go with her nap. There are times though now, where she doesn't sleep either during the day. And when time to go to bed, I'll hear them in their room talking for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Nothing you can do really. I we open the door, that just gets everyone all fired up again. They aren't hurting anything by sitting in there in the near complete dark gabbing. Sometimes, it makes them fairly difficult to get up in the mornings to go to school, but I'm afraid that this is part of the big picture of parenthood. I can remember sitting up in bed when I was young playing or talking to myself (no siblings). Now, if someone starts smacking things around and raising the roof, I have to intervene, but otherwise, I just let them go. If you find a solution though, fill the rest of us in.
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