Question for those who drink Boosts/Ensures

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Raneysmama, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    I usually drink about 3 Boosts (high protein) per day. I was wondering, for others who drink these, how many snacks/meals do you have besides the Boosts? 18 weeks was the point where I started to not feel queasy sometimes, so I've been eating more regular sized meals...and the Boosts are my "snacks." Before that I had several smaller meals along with my Boosts. I've already gained about 22 to 23 pounds at just 19 weeks! I tried hard to gain weight and now I feel like I'm gaining too much. Anyway, is it better to still have small meals or 3 meals with Boosts? Thanks.
  2. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    I usually drink about 3 Boosts (high protein) per day. I was wondering, for others who drink these, how many snacks/meals do you have besides the Boosts? 18 weeks was the point where I started to not feel queasy sometimes, so I've been eating more regular sized meals...and the Boosts are my "snacks." Before that I had several smaller meals along with my Boosts. I've already gained about 22 to 23 pounds at just 19 weeks! I tried hard to gain weight and now I feel like I'm gaining too much. Anyway, is it better to still have small meals or 3 meals with Boosts? Thanks.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I don't drink them anymore but when I did - I would eat my regular meals - maybe 2 or 3 small snacks and 2 or 3 boosts per day!
    I have gained about 50 pounds during this pregnancy! but I have been on bedrest too so that doesn't help!! but my babies are measuring
    6pounds 11oz and 7pounds 3oz !! we will see tomorrow how much they actually weigh!!
  4. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    I was told to continue my 3 regular meals a day with boosts and something else as a snack (like a muffin, bagel, fruit)3 times a day and to add in another snack late in the day. I never really could eat all that food though LOL
  5. Mommy2PJ

    Mommy2PJ Well-Known Member

    When I was drinking them, I was having my regular meals and snacks as well as the boost! lol

    But, I make shakes myself now and they have WAY more protein than the high protein boost shakes. They have 15g of protein I believe...

    here's what I make:

    8-10 ice cubs
    1 cup milk (not sure how much protein)
    1 cup yogurt (about 5g protein)
    a handfull of frozen berries
    1 banana
    1 scoop whey protein powder (ok'd by my peri) (20g protein)
    2 tablespoons peanut butter (7g protein)
    Put it all in the blender for a few minutes an voila! [​IMG]

    It makes a lot, but I usually have half and freeze the other half for later in the day. But it has a total of 32g of protein, plus the milk, whatever it has. I try to make them a couple times a day. And they taste way better in my opinion! [​IMG]
  6. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    I drink my Boost during the middle of the night when I wake up hungry and are too tired to prep anything to eat. I usually only have this one a day.
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