Question for tandem nursers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lbrooks, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member


    I went to an LC today to practice tandem nursing. I'm very comfortable with nursing individually but I want to learn to tandem. Mostly, I want to be able to feed them when they are hungry and not make one wait. I can't fully relax and feed one when the other is screaming and waiting so tandem will solve that. I've committed to trying for a week to tandem every feed that I can. It's really awkward right now and I'm wondering if practice does make perfect. Did you find it got easier with practice and with their age? I have a regular boppy, I do not have the EZ2 Nurse.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Glad you were able to touch base with an LC. I used an EZ to nurse pillow and that was the secret to my success. The sides are tilted so that the babies cozy up to you. It is a little nerve-wracking at first, but you get used to it. Tandem nursing does so much for your supply and your time! Sitting in a recliner with some extra pillows might help. Good luck!
    Here are some pictures of positioning for tandem nursing twins. HTH!
  3. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I too wouldn't have been successful tandeming (is that even really a word?? :lol: ) if I didn't have the ez 2 nurse pillow or at least something bigger than a regular boppy.

    Also, it took me until the girls were 2-3 months old before I/we really got the hang of going tandem. It was too much work at the beginning...course I had other 'issues' as well!
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I agree, get the ez2 pillow - I am sure someone in your MOM's club has one to spare.
    I have to sit really straight - generally don't lean back on the pillows much - though the little pillow insert that comes with the ez2 pillow helps.
    It gets much easier and they eat really quickly when nursing together - when they get a little older they start looking at eat other and smiling and talking - it is so sweet.
  5. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JicJac @ Oct 16 2007, 08:15 PM) [snapback]453821[/snapback]
    Tandem nursing does so much for your supply

    Thank you! How does it help with your supply? She didn't mention that...that's a bonus for sure!
  6. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(girls! @ Oct 16 2007, 09:20 PM) [snapback]454062[/snapback]
    Thank you! How does it help with your supply? She didn't mention that...that's a bonus for sure!

    good luck with that! me too I am planning on tandem feed them, I will definetely get the EZ2nurse pillow...

  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(girls! @ Oct 16 2007, 11:20 PM) [snapback]454062[/snapback]
    Thank you! How does it help with your supply? She didn't mention that...that's a bonus for sure!

    Yes, let down is stronger when you nurse them together, they work as a team! But, HERE is an article stating that nursing together helps your milk production! HTH!
  8. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    I did have the EZ2Nurse pillow, but I only tandem nursed when absolutely necessary (i.e. both babies were screaming). I always found it awkward to get the boys up on the pillow and into position when I was on my own. I much preferred the one-on-one time I got when I nursed them separately (not to mention that it was much more comfortable for me). I also never tandem nursed them in public, so they got used to me nursing them individually and waiting their turn when we were out and about.

    As they got older, I stopped using the pillow entirely when I tandem nursed (which I avoided whenever possible) - as they got more and more wiggly I was too worried one of them would roll off of it and on to the floor. I would sit on the couch with my feet on a stool so my knees were elevated and have each boy lying on the couch latched on to me in the 'football' position. For the middle of the night feedings, rather than bringing them to another room with a couch, I simply sat cross-legged on the floor and held each onto me in the football position - this isn't particularly comfortable, but once they're a lot older and only nursing for a few minutes at a time it's doable in a pinch. I still nurse them this way when they are too impatient to take turns nursing.

    That being said, I'm still glad I got the EZ2Nurse pillow because it made those first couple of months much easier - when they're nursing for half an hour at a time every 2-3 hours, it definitely saves you a lot of time to tandem nurse if you can make it work for you. I have one twin mommy friend who was still regularly using her pillow at 12 months, so everyone has different ways of dong things.

    Good luck!
  9. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    What would I do without you guys?
  10. sasja

    sasja Active Member

    Yes, it does get a lot easier. I always use several pillows. Plan things out before babies get hungry. Their bodies and your back should be well supported - I'm not sure a regular boppy is the best choice, I would at least prop it up with additional pillows. Another low cost option I've used when I'm out without my regular twin nursing pillow is two duvets rolled together and wrapped around you. The aim is to be able to breastfeed hands-free - I didn't manage that for the longest time, but striving for it makes you do it the right way. Also, there are lots of different 'holds', but the only one that ever worked well for me is the double football hold.
    QUOTE(girls! @ Oct 17 2007, 04:20 AM) [snapback]454062[/snapback]
    Thank you! How does it help with your supply? She didn't mention that...that's a bonus for sure!

    Stimulating both breasts at once has been shown to increase supply better than one at a time. Perhaps thanks to double let-down reflex.

    Good luck :)
  11. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I would also reccommend the EZ2 nurse pillow. It took a couple of weeks to nurse tandem for me and then it was great. But at 5 weeks or so they had trouble nursing even individaully so I had to stop for a while and now that they are nursing better, just in the last week, I can go back to tandem. So don't give up
  12. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Nancy C @ Oct 17 2007, 01:40 AM) [snapback]453854[/snapback]
    I agree, get the ez2 pillow - I am sure someone in your MOM's club has one to spare.
    I have to sit really straight - generally don't lean back on the pillows much - though the little pillow insert that comes with the ez2 pillow helps.
    It gets much easier and they eat really quickly when nursing together - when they get a little older they start looking at eat other and smiling and talking - it is so sweet.

    I don't usually tandem nurse unless they are both really fussing, but right before I read this I did and I was amazed at how fast they finished. I felt a strong let down and they were done in like 5 minutes I kept trying to put them back on and they wouldn't eat. I had never heard that before or about it helping your supply, thanks
  13. khendrix

    khendrix Well-Known Member

    I would get the EZ pillow. For me it was well worth the expense. I was also not able to tandem feed until the babies were about 2 months old. They were too sleepy before that. Hang in there. It does get easier.
  14. PumpkinPies

    PumpkinPies Well-Known Member

    I hardly used my EZ 2 Nurse -- it just felt too big.

    I used a hand-me-down "My Brest Friend." It had a strap to velcro around your waist. I'd put in on like a belt before I got the babies. Since they were sleeping together, I'd position them so their tushes were even, scoop them up with an arm under each and then crossed. I'd seen pictures of people carrying conjoined twins this way and it just felt real natural. The pillow around my waist helped support them until I got to my chair.

    I had two favorites for nursing - a smallish recliner and an overstuffed club chair. I'd get a pillows ready before I picked up the babies - one on each arm of the chair (those horseshoe travel pillows) and a bed pillow at the head rest area. I know it sounds a little complicated, but it really was pretty smooth.

    Tandem does stimulate you to produce more - I guess your body can get those signals that there must be more than one baby if all this is happening at once. Isn't breastfeeding a miraculous thing?! Also, I would have had no time for anything else if I always feed them alone. On our schedule at first, it would have been 16 -20 hours a day, I think, of nothing but nursing, and I couldn't have maintained that.

    I'd say it's worth it to give tandem nursing a serious try.
  15. Lcoots

    Lcoots Well-Known Member

    Ive tandemed both of the girls a few times. I found that my boppy worked better. the EZ2nurse pillow seems soo huge right now with the babies being so small..But ive used both. I just hold my smaller baby cradle style and the other one I can do football with her as her latch is stronger and she can hold on if I have to move or something..

    I did notice my let down was MUCH stronger when they nursed together. It is kinda awkward and all new to me, but I agree Im not gonna let one of the girls scream to eat when the other one is enjoying her momma milk
  16. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    That's great that you went to see a LC. I had a LC at the hospital that helped me learn how to tandem feed. I prefer to tandem feed but I also feed them seperately if one is asleep. I would definately reccomend getting a ez-2-nurse pillow, it completely supports the babies bodies so you don't have to. I have also tried with a regular boppy and it is possible but a lot harder I think. It will get easier as you go, for you and the babies. Good luck to you:)
  17. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    I have tandem nursed them since Day 1. It was hard at first, but it got easier. I used a boppy and sat in the recliner and just kept practicing. I too couldn't relax if one of them was crying for food, so I decided tandem was the only way to go. They are 15 months now, and we are still at it! Good luck and just keep at it!
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